

"Akïla ! Wake up !" Xan shook me aggressively. I groaned and sat up, rubbing my head. "What happened?" I eyed him suspiciously while reaching for my phone. "You fell asleep once you brought me to your house. I carried you to the bed. Man, when's the last time you slept?" he exclaimed. I rolled my eyes and pushed him away from me. "I haven't been sleeping since I left the asylum. I got to make a living, ya know ?" I stood up and answered while putting on my boots. "He walked towards the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, "Is there anything to eat ? I can cook you breakfast if you want." "Be my guest. I am going to work. Oh, and you need to leave in three days. I don't have enough money to provide a home for both of us." I muttered, absent minded. "Where are you going ? What is your job ?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and scoffed, "God Xavier. You and your goddamn questions. Can't you just leave me alone for 1 minute?" I walked to the closet and took out a machine gun. "I am an assassin, okay ? Now will you leave me alone and let me go to work in peace ?" Xan stepped closer and grasped my hand, "Akïla, why are you doing this to yourself ? Why do the dirty job when you can find one ?" I flung his hand away and turned my back on him. "It runs in my blood. My uncle said it to me, I am no better than my family. My father, my mother are both assassins. They killed... they killed my sister Sage in cold blood just to carry out their job. I killed hundreds of guards in the asylum just to escape. I am as bad as them..." I paused and took a deep breath," Why are you so interested in me ? Don't you have better things to do ?" "I care about you Akïla." Xan said quietly, but those words rang in my ear like a pounding bell. I spun around abruptly, "You care about me Xanvier ?" I laughed sarcastically, " You care about me ?" I raised my voice, "Where were you then ? You left me in a shithole ! I had to survive on my own ! Do you have any idea what I've endured ? My own uncle shot me, threw me to juvenile and asylum ! MY. OWN. FUCKING. UNCLE ! It's blood over blood ! WHERE WERE YOU WHEN I SUFFERED ? I had to deal with guards ordered to kill me, broken ribs and most importantly, A BROKEN HEART ! YOU LEFT ME ALONE !" He put his hands up defensively, "Wait Akïla, let me explain-" "NO XANVIER ! YOU LEFT ME ALONE ! YOU PROMISED TO COME BACK FOR ME ! YOU PROMISED !" I screamed with tears streaming down my face.