"Rise and shine Akïla..." The blindfold was ripped away harshly and I squinted my eyes at the bright light. My uncle sat down across me and folded his arms. "It's time we have a little talk." Some of his men cuffed my arms to the hand rest of the chair and took off the gag. "Uncle David what are you doing ? I... I am your niece, Akïla !" I spluttered. "SILENCE !" he roared. "I'll be the ones asking questions from now, and you better shut that filthy mouth of yours !" I was taken aback by his harsh tone. From far I know, Uncle David was my favourite relative. My only family. My parents hate me. They said I brought shame to the family, to my last name, Ayala. I refused to be a cold hearted assassin like them, so I ran away from my family to live with Xan. My fiancé. My uncle sent supplies and food to me and Xan, and sometimes I would stay at his house for shelter. He treated me as his own daughter and I love him. I trust him. "Where is Xan you nasty bitch ? I need answers right now !" he sneered. I stared at him, shocked. "Why are you doing this uncle ? Don't you... don't you love me ?" "Love you ?" he scoffed. "Dear Akïla, there is no such thing as love in this world. You see, your parents paid me to take care of you, because they wanted you to inherit the business. I never cared about you Akïla Ayala. You mean nothing to me. It's just the bloody money. Hell, maybe it's better if you died, you started all this mess. Now where is Xan ?" I turned my head to the other side and refused to look at him, a lump forming in my throat. "Hit her." I received a slap on my face. My right cheek was burning, swollen and painful, but comparing to the pain in my chest it was nothing. It felt like my heart was reforging itself. It melted with misery. It got super- heated with anger. Then it cooled and hardened into something stronger. Like a stone. I spat out blood and laughed. I laughed like a crazy manic. "What the hell are you laughing about you crazy bitch ?" my uncle roared and punched me in the face. Blood was dripping from my nose and I licked it away. "I am only going to ask you once. WHERE THE FUCK IS XANVIER MAYHEM ?" he spat in my face while gripping my shoulders and shaking it. I chuckled, "It's funny that you think I'll tell you. I love Xan with all my heart. I don't care if you kill me or torture me, I will not betray the ones I love. You should be ashamed of yourself uncle. An Ayala never betrays. You broke the code, you betrayed me. You should be ashamed. " He smirked, "But what if he betrayed you, my niece ?" I laughed, "Save your excuses." My uncle sighed and whipped out his phone, shoving it to my face. "See it for yourself then." I looked at my screen and widened my eyes in horror. Xan was hugging a woman, her head buried in his chest. He had his arms wrapped around her waist and his head was resting on her head. Both of them had enormous smiles on their faces. I glanced at my uncle, " How do I know this is not photoshopped ?" My uncle nodded his head, "You're right, it might be photoshopped." He paused and showed me a video. "Now, do you think this is photoshopped ?" "I love you, Alex Daniels." Xan said. The woman smiled widely, "I love you too..." I let out a horrified scream, tears threatening to spill. You cannot cry here. Not in front of you uncle. It broke me, seeing that my fiancé, my soulmate was with another woman. Pain spread through every inch of my body, mostly my heart. I suffered heart break twice in less than an hour. I don't know if I can do this anymore, I want to give up. I snapped, this was the last straw. I can feel the last shred of humanity leaving my body. I just want to die. "Well, where is he ?" my uncle asked again, returning to his seat. I took a deep breath, pushing down my overflowing emotions. "I don't know." I replied, my voice breaking. "You are no use to me then. Untie her." I was forced to stood up, being held captive by his men. "Goodbye niece." My uncle took out a gun and fired at me. The bullet punched it's way through my chest, causing a gaping hole in its wake that quickly filled with blood and gushed out. My body shuddered tremendously. "You are weak Akïla. You are so pathetic. Let go of her." The men released their grip on me and I kneeled on the ground. I pressed my hands on the floor to prevent myself from crumpling. I refuse to show weakness. I didn't feel any physical pain, but mentally ? I felt like my whole body is being tore apart bit by bit. My heart was broken into a thousand pieces. It can never be mended again. Never. I looked at my uncle silently. There was triumphant in his eyes. It was a psychological game, and he had won. I closed mine slowly, defeated. Take me to somewhere else, please... anywhere... I prayed. Someone hit me from behind with a baseball bat and I crumpled to the floor. Before I lose my consciousness, the last thing I remembered was strong hands holding my fragile body from touching the ground.