
I woke up, feeling nauseous. I sat up, supporting my back on the wall. My whole body was sore from the fighting and my knuckles were bruised up. It was poorly treated. I tore the bandages away from my hand and threw it on the floor. "I swear, if they inject me with some drugs one more time, I will stick a syringe up their asses..." I muttered angrily. I looked around me and frowned. I am in a different place. It doesn't look like juvenile. I was in a white room, with bright lights shining overhead. The room was completely sealed off from whatever's outside. It was a separate room, with no windows. I walked towards the wall and knocked on it. It was soundproof. White room. Bright lights. Sealed and soundproof room. I am in an asylum. "God ! They need to stop with those transferring ! My head is spinning... ugh..." I looked down and scrunched up my face in disgust. "Hell ! Why is the uniform so nasty ? They should give me Gucci or something !" A staff came in holding a plate, "Here is your lunch. Eat it all up." She put down a bottle of pills, "And remember to take your medicine." I scoffed, "For what ? I am completely fine." She stared at me, "For psychopathy actions. It's written in the report, Akïla." I rolled my eyes and muttered under my breath, "Unbelievable..." The staff turned around and headed for the door. "Wait !" I called. "Who sent me here ? Is there a name ? " She stopped in her tracks and looked around cautiously. Then she whispered, "David Ayala." My uncle ? My beloved uncle sent me to a psycho ward... But why am I not surprised anymore ? There is nothing that can shock me anymore. My world is twisted and folded into something dark. The darkness in me, in my family kept growing. When I walked down the streets, I can imagine people whispering and murmuring, "It's Akïla Ayala ! She's a psycho ! I've heard that her whole family are assassins... what a disgrace !" "WHY ME ?" I screamed in agony. "What have I done to deserve this pain ?" I wailed, slamming my fist on the door. My body gave way, and I slid down onto the floor. I lay there in despair, my body refusing to move. "She's one crazy girl..." I heard muffled conversations through the gap of the door. "That Akïla Ayala. She's one crazy ass girl. She's just 16 and she have already beaten several guards single handedly. She's mad..." I cocked my lips up to a smile. Hell yeah, I'm a crazy ass bitch. People will know better not to mess with me. "I've heard that she was sent here by her uncle. He paid the dean..." "I've heard that he is coming to visit her this afternoon to finish her off." "What a sick family..." I smiled bitterly. Oh ? He's finally coming to kill me ? Whatever, I've already given up on myself, on everything, on living. I closed my eyes tiredly. Give up Akïla. Nothing else matters anyways... does it ?

[Flashback] "You are the strongest person I've ever met. Don't give up Akïla, don't give up on yourself. I care about you, and it will really break my heart if you are gone. Don't give up chicca." My eyes fluttered open. Draco. Where is he ? I sat up abruptly and steadied myself with my hands. I pushed my body from the floor and started roaming around the room. I bit my lower lip and scrunched my eyebrows. I need to escape here before my uncle arrive. Then, I'll go and find Draco. This is a nuthouse... I need an escape plan. An idea clicked in my head and I smiled, "This is going to be fun..."

"Help help !" I pounded on the door. Just like what I was expecting, a staff came in. "What is wrong ?" he asked while moving towards me. "I...I don't feel very well..." I fake coughed to get his attention. He took out a thermometer and ushered me to the bed, "Lay down, young lady. I need to measure your temperature to make sure you aren't sick or infected by some deadly disease. For example corona virus ! IT'S CORONA VIRUS BITCH ! Now Akïla open your mouth..." He leaned in and after making sure he was close enough, I knocked him out with my fist. I smirked, "Nighty night !" I searched for keys in his pocket and I flung open the door, inhaling my first sniff of freedom. I ran down the corridor, unable to contain my happiness. I giggled as I run, only to slam into a tall and muscular figure. "Well well well, what to we have here ?" I glanced up in fear. It was my uncle. He gripped my wrist, "You are coming with me."