"Hell no I'm not !" I kicked his jaw, making him reel back. He lost his grip on me and I pushed past him, running towards the door. My uncle tugged at my clothes making me lose balance and stumble. He rose up slowly and took out a knife. "This ends now Akïla. You're weak. Give up." "NEVER !" He lunged forward, quickly sprinting towards me and coming closer, then jabbed out his knife in attempt to stab me. I ducked forward, trying to cleave his legs. He noticed this and at the last second he made a small, bleeding cut on my arm. He sprinted at me again, but this time I caught his wrist and force it to point at himself, and I flipped my body over using the wall as leverage. His body slammed on the floor and a pool of blood was gushing out around him. I kneeled down and smirked, "who's the weak one now ?" He groaned in pain, "Even if you killed me, there is no way you can escape here. There are hundreds of guard in the asylum. It's not possible to make it out alive..." Footsteps were approaching. I jolted my head up and saw that numerous figures were headed towards my direction. "There is one way...to escape..." my uncle breathed out difficultly. "What is that ?" I asked anxiously. "If you kill them all...you can escape..." I shook my head, "This is not a way ! I am not a killer..." My uncle laughed, "Not a killer...hmm ? But you already killed the guards in juvenile...didn't you know...?" My mouth fell open in shock. I killed the guards... "You are no better than your parents... The Ayalas, we are killers...you need to embrace the fact..." my uncle chuckled. "Do you know...what they call you ? The Crudus Homocida..." I stood up and staggered forward. The guards were closing on me, but I was lost in my very own world. Crudus Homocida...the bloody killer... I am not a killer. I refuse to accept it. I was in a trance, flashback and hallucinations were popping up in my head. [ Crudus Homocida ] "I am a part of you...you can't deny that...let me take control..." [ Akïla ] "No No No ! You're not real...stop bothering me ! Help... my head... my head is spinning..." [ Crudus Homocida ] "You are weak...let me help you...we can escape... just let me take control..." [ Akïla ] "I don't need your help...I am not a killer ! I am not a killer..." [ Crudus Homocida ] "Oh but you are, Akïla. You are just too afraid to admit it...do you remember your cat caramel ? She wasn't lost... is she ? You killed her...you drowned her...the guards...you killed them...let me take control...let me help you..." [ Akïla ] "No you are not real... get out of my head... please... get out of my head... GET OUT OF MY HEAD !" I screamed and covered my ears, trying to shut down the voices that was growing inside me. I was too exhausted to fight back. I snapped. Again. In the end, it doesn't even matter... No matter how hard I fight, the demon always win. I let my demons take control of me. Crudus Homocida. My eyes opened slowly, the orbs turning from auburn to black. It was like the centre of the storm. A hurricane of power surged through my body. I let my emotions take over. The Crudus Homocida is in charge now. The guards whispered amongst themselves and looked at me in horror, "Look... it's Akïla Ayala, the Crudus Homocida..." "What happened to her eyes ? Did it just changed black from brown ? Is it possible ?" I took one glance at them and burst into laughter, "Pesky men. Scared of a little girl. But yes, you should be scared. I am Crudus Homocida..." I picked up my uncle's knife while the guards took out their sticks. "BRING IT ON !"