"Akïla Ayala. Akïla Ayala. Please report to the dean's office." "Dean my ass. Hell, they should receive the best parents Oscar award. Imagine this, telling your 3 year old daughter that you're an assassin and then forcing her to shoot targets at the practice field at 6. How wonderful." I muttered. I pushed open the office door and dropped my bag on the floor. I crossed my arms, "What do you want to say ?" "Hello Kïls." a deep voice said. "Uh Eric, dear-" My mother started sheepishly. "THIS IS THE LAST TIME ! DO. NOT. CALL ME KÏLS ! I WILL KILL THE BOTH OF YOU IN YOUR SLEEP AND TEAR YOU APART LIMB BY LIMB AND FEED IT TO THE SHARKS ! ARE WE CLEAR ?" I screamed out so loud, my parents both took a step backwards. My father cleared his throat, "Kïl- Akïla. We came here to talk to you." I sat on the table and crossed my legs. "Well spit it out already. I don't have all day." "You need to go to a ball, held by the Lethal Dragons-" "Wait ! The Lethal Dragons ? You mean the greatest mafia in Sydney ?" My father looked annoyed, "Yes. You have to sneak in-" "And let me guess, kill the leader ?" "Akïla." My mother warned. "After you kill the leader you will receive your reward, but-" "But it is not entirely mine ?" I raised my eyebrows and looked at my parents questionably. "FOR GOD'S SAKE STOP INTERRUPTING ME AKÏLA !" My father bellowed and slammed his fists on the table. I chuckled, "Nah. It's fun to see you so pissed. Father." I empathized on the syllable. I hopped off the table, "Well, thank you for keeping me entertained. I enjoy the show. But, I'm not interested in your offer." I turned around and marched towards the door, prepared to leave. "If you don't take this offer, your lover boy Xanvier Mayhem will be in trouble." In the speed of lightning, I clawed my mother to the wall with my left hand and held my pocket knife in another. "How the hell do you know about him ?" I asked, my body trembling with anger." My father motioned me to let go of my mother. I released my grasp on her and she choked. "Poor little thing..." I snickered. "Sit down." My father ordered. I looked at them warily and sat on the sofa. "Speak." I spatted. My mother chuckled while rubbing her neck, "You thought we don't know about your boyfriend ? Or should I say fiancé ? Xanvier Draco Mayhem. 21 years old. 6'3 with platinum blonde hair. His parents are Rylee Jane Mayhem and Rupert Ryan Mayhem. He is living in your trailer, am I right ?" I glared at my mother. "Silence means yes. I wonder how will he react when he is tied up and his skin being chewed off by a hyena ?" My mother smiled sinisterly and picked at the end of her nails. "If you DARE to touch even his hair, I'll-" I stood up and fumed, my nails digging into the my palms. "SIT DOWN !" my father barked. "You'll what Akïla ? Tell me." My father stared at me right through my eyes. I lowered my head and fidgeted with my hands. "Just what I thought." He sat down across me, "If you refuse to go to the ball, we will take the life of your fiancé away, in front of you. Bit by bit, we will tear you and crumple you. So, you have to choose. Your dignity ? Or your fiancé ?" Without hesitation, I stood up and blurted out, "Xan. Please, don't hurt him. I'll do everything as you say. Just leave him alone." "Look at her !" My father laughed and turned to face my mother, "You see that Ophelia ? Our daughter is begging us to spare his life ! How pathetic. Never thought I'll live the day to see Akïla Ayala on her knees. He really is someone special hmm ?" "He is my fiancé you bastard. We love each other dearly, unlike your toxic relationship with mom. I know you married her just for business." I shot back. They both shifted in their seats uncomfortably. "Oh but darling, there's no such thing as love." My father started. "No. There is. I am crazy, cold- hearted, selfish and a bitch. Whatever you want to call me. I've never thought that someone would fall in love with me. Until I met Xanvier. He brought out the good in me. When no one else believed in me, he did. He was the shining light to my darkness. The key to my locked heart. And I am willing and ready to sacrifice my own life for him. Don't you understand? This is love. Genuine and sacrificial. This is love." I said breathlessly. My parents cleared their throats and looked away. "Tonight. 9pm. I'll text you the details. You're free to go young lady." My father muttered. I left the office without another word, leaving my parents into their own troubles.