"I didn't leave you alone !" Xan protested. "OH REALLY DOUCHEBAG ? YES YOU DID !" I yelled at him, my face red from all the screaming. He grabbed my shoulders and leaned in, inches from my face, "God damn it Akïla ! Will you just listen to me for a minute ?" I sucked in a breath, willing myself to calm down. I gestured him to the bed , "Start talking." Xan sat down, "I didn't leave you alone, Akïla. Do you remember the scene where you were in a hospital ?" I thought for a while, "You mean the fact that I was shot by my uncle in the chest ? Yeah I remember. What's the odd-" I gasped, "No way. NO. FREAKING. WAY. It was you ? Draco ?" He nodded, "Draco is my middle name." "But...but then the fight ? You helped me ? Why were you there ? Hell why were you even in a prison ? I... I don't understand..." I stuttered. Xan sighed, "I promised you that I'll stay with you, and I promised that I would come back for you, which I did. I never left you. I stayed by your side, just like I promised. I'm sorry I dragged you into this mess. I turned myself in to the police so that I could stay with you in prison. But then you were transferred to the asylum, and I couldn't hear from you anymore. I've heard that you have a badass nickname, the Crudus Homocida isn't it ?" I narrowed my eyes, "It would be nice if you stop mentioning her. It isn't a nickname, she's a part of me. But I learned how to control her now, with the help of medicines and numerous visits to the psychologist." Xan looked stunned. He looked away and continued, "As I was saying, I was transferred to Edmonton Institution in Canada. They shut off my connection with the outer world. That prison is crazy. I tried to escape a few times but I didn't succeed. This is my fifth time escaping. The security had securities, you know what I mean ?" I nodded and grimaced, "How the hell is this possible ? Anyways, continue." He clasped my hand in his, "Please Akïla, can you give me a second chance ? Can we be the couple that everyone was envious of again ? I'm really sorry for everything." I exhaled and pinched my eyebrows, "I have a lot things to process in this period, and now is not the best time... but I guess you deserve a second chance. It's not your fault. Everything happens for a reason." He threw his arms around me, "Akïla you're the best ! I promise I won't let you down !" I chuckled and patted his back, "You better not Xanvier Mayhem. I don't give second chances. Consider yourself lucky." WAIT. JUST. A. FUCKING. SECOND. "YOU CHEATED ON ME YOU SCUMBAG !" I shrieked and shoved him off me. "When ? How ? Who ?" He scratched his head, confused. "Alex Daniels ! You better pray that she's not in this city, because I swear I'll rip her guts out and (censored) !" I screeched like a banshee. He cocked his lips up to a cheeky smile, "Chica, are you jealous ?" "What...? No ! No I am not ! In your dreams, jerkface." I spluttered, but a faint flush crept its way to my face and erupted like hot lava. "Oh my god Akïla your face is so red ! It's redder than a tomato oh my gosh pfft hahahahaha ! It's priceless !" He doubled over in laughter. I clutched the side of my legs tightly, embarrassed. I cleared my throat, "Ahem ! So, care to enlighten me who the hell she is and why the fuck are you two clinging to each other ?" He laughed and then let out a snort, "Dear chica. Silly silly you. She's my cousin." I slapped my forehead, "Come again ?" He stood up, "No, I'm serious. Don't you remember my mother ? Rylee Jane Daniels. And my cousin is Alex Rose Daniels. Green hair, tan skin and athletic body, yeah, that's her." I was astonished, unable to give a reply. I felt like a bubble of emotions was burst inside of me. Angry because I gave my uncle the opportunity to define that I was weak by using a stupid photo. Ashamed that I fell into his trap so easily, letting myself to give up upon life and everything. Sad that I remember I murdered my uncle and hundreds of guards barbarously. "Chica, are you okay ? You zoned out." I shook my head and wiped the tears that were glistening in my eyes. For the first time in my life, I cried. I felt so lost and I had literally zero idea about what to do with my shitty life. Xan spreaded his arms, "Come here." I buried my face against his chest, solid and broad, allowing my fully exhausted self to lean on him, "You can tell me anything Akïla. I'll help you get through this. We'll get through this together." I nodded, "You remember my assassin parents ? I am working for them to exchange my freedom. I don't want to be like them. My whole life, I've been proving that I am better than them. But in the end, nothing else matters. I accepted the job, and they had won again. I've got dual personality and I... I murdered hundreds of guards. I am scared Xan. I am scared that she will come out and hurt the people I love. I'm scared that I'll hurt you." Xan stroked my hair, "No, you won't. I know that you're strong enough to fight your own demons." Xan grasped my face tenderly, "Look at me." I glanced at him with puffy eyes. "Akïla Ayala, you're a fighter. Don't give up on yourself chica. Please. You may not have found the meaning of life yet, but you'll find it one day, I promise. I'll be there with you, each step. But please chica, for god's sake, don't give up." I nodded slowly, "I don't regret my choices," I said, my voice muffled as I pressed myself tight against Xan's warm figure. "If I had to, I'd make the exact same decisions. But I wish it didn't hurt so damn much." "Give me your pain. Let me share your agony," he said gently, holding me against the steady beat of his heart. "Let me take it for you." I shook my head. "No, the pain is mine to bear. I need it." I took a ragged breath. "To make me stronger. It's my own battle to fight." He enfolded my body even further to his, leaving no space in between. "If that's what you want. I'll fight beside you in every breath and every second." I absorbed his touch, our skins burning like fire against each other. We lay there silently and peacefully in each other's arms, listening to our steady heartbeats.
RING-RING- "For the love of god, who's calling at this minute ? Can't I have a moment of peace ?" I scoffed and reached for my phone. "Kils. You're late for work ! That's unacceptable !" my mother's annoying voice seethed through the receiver towards my ears. "DON'T CALL ME KILS !" I bellowed. The receiver end was dead silent. "And unacceptable my ass. I'll go to work whenever I want. Good morning to you, mother." I hung up the phone without waiting for a reply. "What was that ?" Xan asked worriedly. I shrugged my shoulders, "Just putting a bitch in her place." I shouldered a duffel bag, where all the machine guns and rifles were stored inside. "I'm going to work Xan. To see my terrible parents. We'll have dinner tonight okay ?" He nodded and gave a quick kiss on my cheek. "Off you go chica."