
[ Flashback ]... (Akïla was 14, Sage was her twin.)  "Akïla ! STOP DAYDREAMING ! YOU ARE ON A MISSION !" My mother screamed beside my ear. "I don't want to kill the man ! He's innocent ! You literally kidnapped him and tied him here !" I argued. "You'll do as I say ! Or else..." "Or else what ? You'll shoot me ? Pfft you won't because I'm the best candidate for your assassin position." My mother smiled sinisterly, "I won't shoot you yet. But..." She dragged Sage in front of her and put the gun on her temple. "I'll kill your twin. In front of you." "Oh my god... don't hurt her ! I'll do as you say... please don't kill Sage !" I started to tremble. "No." Sage suddenly said calmly. "What ? No Sage ! You'll die ! Please mom don't hurt her..." I begged. "Look at me Akïla Rose Ayala." my twin sister commanded. I sniffed and stared at her. "Do not pull the trigger, by all means. I know how hard it is for you. Don't become one of them don't become our shitty parents. You worth so much of that. No matter what, promise me that you'll take care of yourself, yeah ? Be strong, don't underestimate yourself." "No Sage... don't leave me..." I sobbed. I turned to my mother, "Please mama, spare her life...give me two more days and I'll be ready... just please don't kill Sage..." My mother sighed, "Enough chitchat. You're useless Sage. I've never liked you, anyways." She pulled the trigger. "I love you Kïls..." A flash and a horrendus noise tore through the room, as I watch my sister fell to the ground, a pool of blood forming around her,  soaking into her clothes. "NO !" I kneeled down in defeat and hugged my sister's lifeless body. "WAKE UP SAGE !" I screamed. It felt like my heart has stopped beating. My whole world has collapsed. "Wake's not funny anymore...please wake up..." I wailed and shook my sister. "Hey Kïls ! Sage ! I heard a bang is everything- " Asher ran into the scene, unknowing the tragedy that had happened. "SAGE !" he bolted towards me and Sage's direction and fell on his knees. "What...happened ?" he asked, tears streaming down his face. " shot...her..." I said in a shaky voice, barely able to form a sentence. He stood up and glared at our mother in such fury, it's like satan had reborn in him. My mother nervously took a step forward, "Asher..." "DO NOT CALL MY NAME !" he bellowed and picked up the gun I had put on the ground. "One more step and these bullets will go straight through your damn head !" he screamed, his tears still dripping down. "Ash. Put...put the gun down. You don't want to do that. Trust me." I glanced at him and warned. "I know how it feels like. I want to kill her too. But we can't ! We'll go to jail !" I continued. "I DON'T CARE ! She killed Sage, Kïls ! She killed our sister !" he shouted, his voice breaking. "How could you ? She's your daughter ! She's my sister ! HOW COULD YOU ?" he turned to  our mother and questioned. "Honey, can we sit down and ta-" "No. I'm leaving this shit-hole ! Don't try and stop me because I won't hesitate to kill you." He threw the pistol onto the ground. "Adios, fuckhead." He walked past the door and never looked back...( in case you're wondering, Akïla hated her parents calling her Kïls because it reminds her of that day and her sister. )

I woke up with my body shaking uncontrollably, and my breath panting. I put my feet against the cold floor and squatted down. I was sweating and shivering like crazy. Those nightmares had been hunting me for years. Every time I closed my eyes I can still see Sage's dead body. It's like everything had just happened yesterday. [ Crudus Homocida ] "You're weak ! Let me help you !" God. Not again. [ Akïla ] "How many times have I told you ? I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP !" [ Crudus Homocida ] "Oh but you do ! I helped you before ? Don't you remember ? I'm your guardian angel !" [ Akïla ] "I don't need it now ! You're not my guardian angel ! Just get out of my head !" I covered my ears and breathed in and out deeply. For most of the time I couldn't make up what she was saying. It's all muffled. But sometimes, she screamed sentences in my head so loudly I thought my head's gonna explode. [ Crudus Homocida ] "LET ME HELP YOU ! YOU NEED ME !" The voices in my head got so loud to the point I couldn't take it. It felt like the walls were closing up in the room. My breathe started to fail, my heart was racing and my head was spinning. I don't think I could take it anymore. [ Akïla ] "NO ! GET OUT ! GET THE FUCK OUT !" "Kïls ! What the hell is going on ?" Asher ran into my room, panting. "Ash... I feel so helpless..." I looked at him with teary eyes. "What happened ?" he crouched down and pushed my small figure into his chest. "The voices, they're back.... Crudus Homocida. She kept bothering me..." He didn't say anything but rubbed my back, indicating that he's listening. "I always ruin everything." I looked up and crossed my arms. "What do you mean ?" "I ruined my chances at having a notmal life, I ruined my chances of being accepted by my family. I ruined myself because of my stubbornness. I ruin everything I try, goddamn it ! I... I made Sage die !" I punched the floor. "Shhhh." Asher hushed. "What happened to Sage wasn't your fault, you know that. She doesn't blame you. She willing did it for you. I don't blame you." "But...I drove you away ! You ran away and never came back..." Asher shook his head, "It's not your fault. It's our asshole parents's fault. I have wanted to run away for a long time, I guess...that incident was the breaking point. I couldn't take it anymore. You thought I couldn't see the fresh cuts on your knuckles ? You thought I couldn't see the bruises on your face and body ? I knew it was our parents who did this." he muttered. "What ? You knew ?" I gasped. "I ran away because I wanted to provide a better family for you. I studied hard to get into Oxford. I planned to run away with you, away from all this nightmare. You deserve better, Kïls." "I'm so proud of you...Thank you, it's nice to know that someone at least cares about me." "I'll always do. You're my sister ! I went to find you when I was 17. But you disappeared without a trace." I cleared my throat, "Yeah... about that, I was in prison." "What...? How ?" "It's a long story." I sighed. "Well we got time..." he crossed his legs. "At first I was framed. Someone put drugs on my clothes while I was unconscious. I was sent to the juvenile I'm guessing it was my uncle. I picked up a massive fight in there and then I...I rather not say..." I looked away uncomfortably. "Of course, it's your choice. What happened then ?" "After that I was sent to the asylum, where my uncle was planning to finish me." Asher gulped, "What the fuck ? Why is our family so messed up ? Our last name, Ayala brought nothing but bad luck." "Nah. I met you and Xan. It's the biggest blessing of my life." I smiled. "Awww..." he cooed. "Anyways, he wanted to kill me, but I stabbed him first." "I never liked him, anyways. Good job, Kïls." he chuckled. "I was caught and thrown to prison. Not that I was complaining, I literally had no place to stay back then. Prison is a good place, but there were many bitches. I picked up many fights." He rolled his eyes, "Same old Akïla. Do you remember you beat the shit out of a boy because he pushed me ? Was that really necessary ?" I shrugged, "Someone gotta stand up for the ones they love. You were very shy, hell, you were always bullied by your classmates. I stood up for you when you couldn't." "I appreciate that, Kïls. But take care of yourself, yeah ? Look at your hands !" "I'll be fine." I mumbled. "What happened after you're in prison ?" "Mom came." "What ? That motherfucker went to see you ? What did she want ?" I exhaled deeply, "Okay, please don't be mad for what I'm going to say..." "What happened ?" "She asked me to work for her. To be an assassin..." "You refused, of course ?" I looked at him with sadness in my eyes, "I'm so sorry Ash..." He stood up abruptly, "Seriously Akïla ? Out of all people, you ? I thought you hated them !" I stood up and defended myself, "Yes I do ! Just listen-" "No ! After everything you've been through, I thought you were better ! DON'T YOU REMEMBER WHAT SAGE TOLD US ?" I balled my fists, "Don't mention her ! Of course I remember what she said ! I didn't have a choice-" "There's always a choice, Kïls. The matter is whether you are ready to accept the consequences or not. I'm disappointed in you." he cut me off calmly. "Asher wait !" I scrambled to catch up with him. "Don't talk to me." He walked past the door and never looked back, just like 7 years ago.