"You're staying here. Both of you have to take mugshots later." a guard pushed us into a small, dirty cell. "Ouch ! Be gentle ! Hey...." Xan protested and yelped. I simply shoved both of my middle fingers into the guard's face. The guard ignored us and closed the door with a bang. "Good thing that we're together, chica." "Whatever." I sat down on the floor and hugged my legs. "What crawled up to your ass and died ? What's wrong with you ?" Xan exclaimed. "My interest in your opinion." I mumbled and closed my eyes. "What's wrong with you, huh ?" My eyes fluttered open, "What's wrong with me ? Oh, so you ignored the fact that my mother literally said 'I love you' just to distract me ? And now I am in jail ! Do you have any idea how desperate I am to hear my parents say something nice to me ? I've never hear them saying 'I love you' to me, and the first time they had said it, I end up in jail. Well done, Well done !" Xan lowered his head and sighed, "Sorry..." "Sorry doesn't change anything." I shot back. "She's getting into your skin again. You need to fight it." Xan sat down beside me. "How ? It's my own mother I am talking about !" I asked, my eyes red. " I know, I know. Let me tell you a story." Xan said seriously. "Once upon a time, there was a boy. He lived with his parents and his siblings. It wasn't a happy family. The parents cared nothing but their dirty business. Both of them were always away from home, and was never here for their children. The boy was the eldest amongst them, and he had to take care of them. Not that he complained. The siblings were very close, but the boy was the closest with his younger brother, Xavion. They were inseparable. They did everything together, played, talked and even slept together. One day, their parents came back and asked the boy to start working for them. The boy refused but then the parents used Xavion as a threat. The boy had no choice but to agree. The boy seemingly worked for them, but he was finding evidence to overthrow his parents and end the nightmare. However, the parents found out and they were furious. They throw him to juvenile and ordered Xavion to be slaughtered in front of him..." Xan rubbed his face absent mindlessly, "I still remember the blood splattered on my face..." "It was you ?" I whispered, in shock. "Yes..." Xan sighed. "Look, I know it's hard for you, I really do. But you can't choose your parents. You have to embrace the fact. You're stronger than this, yeah ?" "Yeah...I'm sorry I didn't know about your family. It's horrible..." "It's okay. Yeah, my parents are horrible..." "Same..." There was a moment of silence.
"Your hands are shaking." Xan pointed out and took my small hands in his. "I'm scared..." I breathed. "It's alright, Akïla. I'll be here with you every second." I nodded. "You're still wearing that ring ?" He asked whilst tracing my palm. "Of course. You gave it to me as an engagement ring, didn't you ?" I stared at the ring watching it slip up and down through my slender finger. "Do you want to...erm... get..." Xan started, his face crimson. "Get married ?" I grinned cheekily. "Mmhmm..." he cleared his throat and smiled. "Yes." I fought the urge to blush. "After we get out of here..." he gestured. "Let's get married, yeah ?" he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. "Sure. But not without a proper proposal." I demanded. "Fine fine, chica." he rolled his eyes playfully. "How dare you roll your eyes at me ?" I sniffed. "I'm sorry, milady. Would you like an apology ?" he mocked. "How about a- " We were rudely interrupted by a prison guard. He opened the door and pulled us up roughly. "Hey ! Be careful she's a girl !" Xan growled. "It's okay Xan." I reassured him. "It's time to take the mugshots." He informed us. We were brought to a room, where the room was filed with bright white lights and the walls were painted black. "Stand there." the guard instructed. "Can we take it together ? He's my fiancé." I asked. "No." "Pretty please with cherry on top ?" I pouted. "Fine." the guard sighed. "Just one picture. You have to take it separately afterwards." "Thank you sweetheart !" I blew him a kiss. "Okay. Look at then camera. Three...Two...One..." "We look wicked." Xan commented. "Of course, we're Bonnie and Clyde." I winked. We started to walk towards the direction of our cell but the guard dragged both of us to the opposite direction while putting handcuffs on us. "Where are we going ?" I demanded while struggling. "You have a visitor." "Please tell me it's not Ophelia and Eric because if it is, I'll skin them alive with my blade and I'll apply chilly powder and salt to their whole skinned body. Then I'll fucking crush them (censored) and I'll (censored) !" I screamed. Xan and the guard look stunned. "What ? I've got a few more ideas on my brain. Want to hear them ?" I smiled sinisterly. "Wow chica. Remind me to never cross you again." Xan muttered. We reached a room with a glass partition. There was a phone on the side for the prisoners to communicate with their visitors. The guard pushed us onto two chairs, "You have 5 minutes." I glanced up and gasped, "You ?!"