"Hello Kïls..." Asher said sheepishly. "Why are you here ? And who is the girl behind you ?" I demanded. Behind Asher stood a tall girl with long black hair and green eyes. She studied me silently with her forest greens and bit her lip constantly. Typical shy girl. "Kïls, meet Raven Lockwood, my... my girlfriend. She's the girl I'm talking about. Raven, meet Akïla, my annoying and troublesome sister. And next to her, that blonde is her fiancé, Xanvier Mayhem." "Nice to meet you." Raven said with a small voice. "Hi ! It's okay, we won't bite." Xan greeted her energetically. I dipped my head curtly, not bothered to have a proper greeting. "You have to excuse my sister. She doesn't trust people easily." Asher sighed. "Why are you here ?" I repeated my question with a more serious tone. "We're breaking you two out of jail, of course." Asher replied. "Are you out of your damn mind ? This prison has the highest security ! You must be crazy, Ash. Tell me you're joking." I scoffed while twisting my hair into a bun. It's getting hot here. "I'm not joking. I'm serious ! Me and Raven have a plan." "And how do I know if we can trust her ?" I interrupted and pointed at Raven. "I'm not asking you to trust her. I'm asking you to trust me, please ?" Asher begged. "Fine. Just once. You and your genius plans." I mimicked him. "Before you rudely interrupted me, I was going to say that Raven got her hands on the blueprint of this building. She can lead you out of this prison. As for me, I can hack into the security cameras and also I'll be your backup. Once you get out of here, you'll get on the van that I am driving. Cha cha you two are safe !" Asher exclaimed. "Oh. So I assume the police are so dumb that they won't chase us and track us down ?" I arched my left eyebrow and questioned. "They will." Raven spoke for the first time. "But their cars will already be loaded with the bombs I invented. They are as small as the components in your phone, but the lethality is as great as a grenade. They'll be blown to bits." "Wicked..." I murmured in awe. "You must be the girl version of Oppenheimer. I'm impressed." "No, no. I just do all that in my free time. I'm a doctor." She blushed. "What else do you do in your free time ?" I was suddenly so interested in this girl. "I learn material arts. I'm kinda into fighting I guess." I stared at her, "We should be best friends." She giggled, "I would love to." "I'm glad you two are getting along, but we should really dive into business." Asher snorted. "Mood killer." me and Raven growled at the same time. "Wow... best friends indeed." he muttered. "Anyways, Raven will sneak in and give you police uniforms so you two can blend in easily." "How ?" Xan asked. "Don't worry, I'll take care of that part." Raven smiled mysteriously. "We'll break you out tomorrow night. Be ready for anything." The guard tapped us on the shoulder, "Your 5 minutes is up." Asher stood up and walked towards the door, "We'll see you soon." Raven followed her boyfriend but I called, "Raven, wait." "Huh ?" she whipped her head back. "If you hurt my brother..." I pulled out the hair ornate from my hair, letting my long charcoal locks drape over one shoulder. "I'll kill you, I'm serious." I pinned the ornate onto the table. Raven widened her eyes, "I won't, I swear." she scurried away. "Meanie." Xan pouted. "Shut up." I mumbled and kicked his shin.
A grenade rolled and stopped in front of our cell. "Down !" A voice screamed. BOOM ! Xan grabbed me and crouched down, using his body to shield the concrete that was blowing everywhere. I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for it to be over. "Come on, let's get you both out of here." someone tapped us. "Hello, Raven. " I coughed through the debris. She grinned in return and handed us uniforms and sunglasses. "Wear these." Then, she threw me a wig, "Sorry Akïla, your hair is too distinguishable." I sighed and put it on, "Seriously ? A bob hair cut ?" Raven nodded, "Asher chose it." I frowned while adjusting the wig, "Naughty kid. Let's go before the guards come." We tiptoed through the hallway and I saw a dozens of guard knocked out, lying on the floor. "Is that your doing ?" I asked Raven. She nodded shyly. "Awesome..." I murmured. "We have to go through the vent, that's the only way we can get out of here. After that we'll slide down the pipes and we'll see Asher's van." Raven pointed to the ceiling, where there's an air vent. "Cool. Let's go, quickly." Xan started climbing, but then prison guards came rushing in. "No, not again..." I muttered under my breath. "What's wrong ?" Xan stuck his head from the vent and asked. BANG ! A shot was fired at him but luckily it missed. "Go ! Me and Raven will take it from here. Meet us at Asher's van." I yelled. "No !" he protested. "She said go." Raven commanded with such authority that made Xan slide down the vent without any further ado. "Ever been to a prison fight before ?" I asked, smiling. "No, but I'm about to engage in one." Raven winked back at me. "You're not so innocent as you seem." "There's much more to find out about me. But for now, CHARGE !" We ran towards the guards with full speed, the wind whistling in our ears. I tackled a guard on the ground and knocked him out. A punched landed on my face. How dare they punch my face ? I wiped the blood dripping from my nose and in a split second, I pulled back my arm clenching my fists, and I threw it with such force that the guard who punched me was knocked backwards with a thud. He never got up again. "Ha. Serves you right." I stuck my tongue out and then groaned. My left side of my face was bruised. "Oh whatever." I turned around and swung another punch, knocking a guard down. I turned to Raven's direction. She was not in good luck. She's fighting three bulky guards on her own. Although she's skilled, she's losing strength. She kept dodging and she couldn't counterattack. Bastards. They're wasting her energy to make her become exhausted. She swung a punch towards a brown haired guard's head and kicked another in the groin. The brown haired guard instinctively blocked the blow and countered with an upward cut to Raven's chin. He watched his opponent stagger and he laughed. Raven crumpled to the ground. "RAVEN !" I screamed, unaware of the guard that was behind me. He dragged my feet and I lost balance, dropping onto the floor. I flipped up but he pushed me onto the floor again, this time holding me firmly. "Any last words ?" he smirked. "Yes. Mira detrás tuyo." "What are you sayi- " Thump. He fell onto the floor, unconscious. "I warned you." I shrugged and got up slowly. Standing behind was Raven, holding a torchlight that she had stolen from the prison guards. "These...torchlights come in...handy..." she wheezed. Then she kneeled on the ground weakly. "Raven !" I rushed to her aid. She was in a terrible shape. Her face was covered in scratches and bloody gashes. The cuts were flowing freely of blood and her lips were swollen. "Raven, stay with me !" I pleaded. I gently scooped her up and put her on my back. She threw her hands around my neck and clung onto my back weakly. "Thank you, Akïla." she whispered. "Call me Kïls, Raven. You're family, don't mention it. Now, let's get you out of here."