nuovo membro

"Start the car !" I screamed and got on the vehicle, with dozen of guards chasing behind my back. "What the hell happened ?" Asher glanced back and only to see his girlfriend covered in blood and bruises. "She needs medication. I'll drive." Xan calculated calmly and grabbed the wheel. "Don't just stare at us, moron. Come help her !" I shouted at a mortified Asher. "Right right !" he slide backwards to the passenger seat and grabbed the first aid kid. "I'll remove her clothes." I scowled. "Wait, Kïls." Raven murmured weakly, her hand shooting up to grab my wrists. She took out a remote control with difficulty and pressed a button. Multiple bangs were heard and I looked back and saw the police cars completely burned to ashes. "My job's done." Raven closed her eyes. "Raven ! Can you hear me ?" Asher frantically patted her face and yelled. "Leave her alone ! She's probably just tired and passed out. Poor thing has been cornered by 3 guards." I slapped his hand away. "Oh my god..." I whispered. After I removed her attire, I was in shock. There was a small silver jagged blade that cut through her abdomen and blood ran freely in thick scarlet rivers amongst her pale skin. "They stabbed her." I growled. "What ?" Asher exclaimed unbelievably. "She needs a surgery. We'll need to stop the bleeding first." he tore a handkerchief in half and pressed it on Raven's wound, stemming the blood flow. She groaned weakly, "A...Asher..." "I'm here Raven, hang on, you'll be okay." Asher took her hand in his. I patted his back as a comfort and climbed to the front seat next to Xan. "Turn left to the hospital." I ordered. "What ? Are you mental ? The police will track you down ! We're on a run !" "I said, TURN LEFT TO THE HOSPITAl !" "Fine fine. You're mental." Xan muttered. He stopped at the entrance of the hospital and I hopped off. "Wait here." I ordered. Asher stood up and opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off, "I'll go alone. Raven needs you." I walked towards the pipes and dragged my sore body upwards till I reached the roof. I climbed onto it and rushed to the air vent. I took out a rope and secured it to the lamp post that was next to the vent. "Come on Akïla, you can do this." I did a pep talk to myself and slid down into the darkness. The ride came to an abrupt stop and light flooded in. I untied the rope and looked around. I was in a private hospital ward and a little girl was staring at me. I raised my index finger to my lips, signalling her to be quiet. "Can you tell me where the doctor's office is ?" I whispered. She pointed to her right hand side. "Thank you sweetheart." I plastered a fake smile on my face and thanked her, hoping I didn't scare her. I was about to open the door when she asked, "Why do you have scars and bruises on your face ?" I stayed silent, not knowing how to response to her question. "It's okay, mommy said scars remind people that the damage life has inflicted on them has, in many places, left them stronger and more resilient. You're still beautiful." "Thank you sweetheart. Your mommy is a wise person." I smiled, genuinely touched. I opened the door and walked carefully, staying alert with each step. I sneaked inside the office and put on a robe that doctors wear. I also stole a key that can be used to open the medication room. Shit someone's coming. I looked around frantically and turned my back against the door, pretending to be interested in some medical records. "Good day, doctor." someone called. "Yeah you too !" I mumbled. After making sure there's no one in sight, I sneaked into the room that was packed with medicine. "Alright, let's see what we need." I sat down in front of the computer and searched. "Okay, so propofol, fentanyl, midazolam, and inhaled fluorinated ethers..." I started packing the drugs into the pocket of the robe when suddenly I heard a voice that made my blood chill. "What are you doing here ?"