I turned around and took out a knife from my back pocket slowly without alerting him. "What do you mean ?" I questioned. "I've never seen your face before. Who are you ? Are you new ?" "Oh yes, my name's Elizabeth." Really. Elizabeth ? Good job, Akïla. "I'm Elijah. Nice to meet you." he extended his hand and I shook it. I eyed him up and down, still cautious. "What do you want ?" "Would you like to have a cup of coffee together ?" Oh. Just an admirer. I put the knife back into the back pocket of my jeans sneakily. "Is it a date ?" I tilted my head. "Yeah. If you want it to be." he blushed. "My shift ends at 6 p.m. Pick me up and don't be late." I patted his chest and walked away. "See ya later maybe never, boy." I giggled to myself.
"Go go go !" I leaped into the car and shouted. "Did you get those meds ?" Asher asked anxiously. I threw him the bottles and he smiled gratefully. "Thanks." "Mmhmm." I pretended that I didn't hear that and removed the robe. "Where are we going ? We can't go back to the trailer obviously. It's probably trashed by now." Xan pointed out. "My leather jacket and my precious baby guns..." I whimpered. "I'll buy you a new one, I promise." Xan twisted his head around to face me and said. "I know a place where we can have shelter. I've been staying there when I ran away." Asher piped up. "Give me the directions." "Alright blonde. Turn right at the next crossroad..." Everything was suddenly blurry. I stared at my brother and my fiancé as they communicated in muffled audios. Why is there no sound ? Never had a few moments of deliberation seemed like an eternity as I feel my consciousness ebbing away, and my thoughts, as clear and concise as they were moments ago, were coming to an end. My eyes grew heavy from the strenuous effects of excessive agitation of the brain. I was not prepared for such a weakness. At once, I was struck with incoherence, an inconsistency to my thoughts, as I leaned my head back against the seat —for I had already decided to give myself away to my pursuer, to exhaustion, to be dead to the world before I closed my eyes.
"Kïls." "Chica ?" I opened my eyes slowly and screamed. Asher and Xan were both staring at me intensely. "Douchebags can you NOT ? I'm almost scared to death !" I shoved them away and stood up slowly. "Did you see her drool ?" Asher chuckled evilly. "No, but I heard her snore !" Xan giggled and slapped Asher on the back. "You two are so dead." I glared at them. If looks could kill, they'd be six feet under right now. "Where's Raven ?" "Oh I already performed the surgery. She's resting now." "I want to see her." I demanded. "Why ? You suddenly care about her so much ?" Asher snorted. I stared at him with the most serious face I could manage, "She's family, Asher. Of course I care about her." "Okay okay. Follow me." Asher led the way and I staggered behind him, still droozy. "Welcome to my humble attire." he announced whilst pushing the door open. "Wow..." I murmured. Inside was a enormous lobby, with a grand staircase. The polished wood shone in the soft light of the chandelier above, and the symmetry of the stairs threw the whole room into an organized chaos. The steps rose out of themselves, each one more smooth and perfect than the last. The statue in the center stood proudly with his chest puffing out, an mysterious aura flooding the vast room. The green of the plants against the rich chestnut of the staircase offset the severity of the colors and emphasized the white scalloping, looking like a layer of snow resting upon the woodwork. The entire effect was of an elegant, charming masterpiece, crafted by the most delicate and practiced hands upon the earth. "This is where you've been living for the past few months ?" I asked, in awe. "Yes. I saved up and earned some black money by hacking." Asher rubbed his neck. "Okay, look at me." I said sternly. "No more hacking okay ?" "Geez, you're such a buzzkill. Fine." "Where's Raven ?" I asked impatiently. "Upstairs second room from the left." I climbed upstairs and pushed open the door. "Kïls..." Raven called. I closed the door and sat down beside her. "How're you feeling ?" "My stomach still hurts a little and my face is pretty much destroyed. But besides that, I'm fine." She sighed. "Can I call you Kïla ? I like this nickname better." she suddenly piped up. "It's cool." I nodded. "Is it okay if I ask you a few questions ?" "Shoot." "Are you the daughter of Brandon Lockwood ?" She sat up quickly, "How'd you know ?" "I saw the tattoo on your waist when I removed your clothes." I replied blankly. "Listen, if you are going to hurt Asher, I suggest you to leave now, because - " "I mean no harm." She interrupted. "Yes, I may be the daughter of the greatest gang in Sydney, but I love Asher with all my heart. Seriously. I promise I won't let him get hurt." "Do you really love him ?" "More than anything." she answered without hesitation. "Will you die for him ?" "No doubt I will." I stared at Raven intimidatingly and she squared her shoulders, matching my gaze. "Welcome to the family." I broke eye contact and extended my hand which she took it gratefully. "What are you two talking about ?" Asher poked his head into the room.