

"Honey ! Will you pass me the milk bottle ? Vanessa is crying again." I called out. "Sure. Anything for my wife." Xan gave me a kiss on the forehead. DING DONG. "I'll go get the door." I put down Vanessa gently and skipped to the door. When I opened it, it was not who I have expected. "Li...Lily ?" There, standing outside my very door, was Lily Tanaka. She looked older, more mature, her icy blue eyes sparkling in the sunlight. Her had her blonde hair tied up in a bun, and she was wearing a professional suit. "Can I come in ? There's something I need to discuss with you." "Yeah sure..." I let her in hesitantly. "So what is all this about ?" I handed her a glass of water. "Erm. We need to discuss it in private." she mumbled. "Xan, can you ?" I turned around. "Right. Sure. I'm not needed. Good day, Raven." Xan grumbled and carried Vanessa upstairs. "IT'S LILY !" "SORRY LILY !" We both giggled and then she asked, "Is that your daughter ? She's adorable !" I nodded my head slightly. "Yes it is. Now what is it you want to discuss with me ?" She took a deep breath, "It's about your parents." My jaw tightened, "What about them?" "They're doing illegal child trafficking. We need you to stop them." "How can I stop them ?" "We've tracked her down here back in Sydney. It seems like there is a charity tomorrow in the Sydney Opera House. It's a maquerade party. We need you to confront them. " "I don't want to do it." I looked away clenching my fists. "Akïla please. Hundreds of innocent children are in danger. They're just barely older than your daughter !" "Don't you dare start ! I forgot my past just to keep my daughter safe ! I won't let her into any danger ! I'm not going and that's final !" Lily sighed and put her hands on mine, "Kïla, you can't escape from the past. You can only learn from it. I know it's not your responsibility to bring down your parents, but if you won't do it, then who will ? We can finally take her down, once and for all ! Besides, I'm sure you don't want your daughter to have such a fucking nasty grandparents, right ?" I pinched my eyebrows, giving in. "Fine. I guess you're right. But only this once ! After this, I'm all out. If it fails, it's not my business anymore." Lily looked at me with determination in her eyes, "Oh, we won't fail. I'm certain we won't. Because if we do, everything is going to hell."


"Okay. So what's the plan ?" I asked while slipping on my gown. "We get in, confront them, and let everyone know what a big fraud they are. Then the police will come in and arrest them." "Right. Such a marvellous plan. Exclude the part where we might be dead." I remarked. "Kïla..." Lily sighed. "What ? I'm just saying..." I rolled my eyes. "Can I have some alone time with Xan and Vanessa ? I want to say my goodbyes." Lily nodded and closed the door quietly. Tonight is finally the night I defeat my parents. They are going to get the punishment they deserve. I reached into the drawer and took out a gun. Father and Mother, after everything you've done to me. Tonight, is finally the day I - "Chica ? Are you talking to yourself again ?" Xan opened the door with Vanessa sleeping peacefully in his arms. "Uh no I wasn't." I slipped the gun in my waistband quickly. "Let me hold her." I reached out and grasped my daughter tightly, planting a kiss on her cheek. She squirmed uncomfortably and let out a little whimper. "You're holding her too tight." "Well, maybe because I'm nervous !" I snapped. "Chica is everything okay ?" Xan glanced at me worriedly. I took a deep, deep breath and shook my head frantically. "No. No, everything is not okay. I... I don't want to die tonight. Before I didn't care if I died, but now I am married and I have a child. I can't lose the both of you. I am scared ! Fuck I'm scared !" "Hush..." Xan wrapped his arm around me tenderly and rubbed my back. "Everything will be fine tonight. I trust you. It's okay to be scared. I'm glad you got your feelings out." I let out a faint laugh, "Hopefully everything will be fine." I lifted Vanessa up into the air and chuckled, "Mommy's going to die, isn't it ? Mommy's going to die !" Vanessa wailed lightly. "Akïla !" Xan scolded. "I'm just JOKING !" I snorted.

Lily and I arrived at the Sydney Opera House and our eyes widened in shock. It's fairly safe to say that I'm surprised. The number of guests exceeded my expectation. Nibbles and champagne were flowing at the drinks reception, several guests were chatting at large tables, with people from the same company or other individual guests. "This is one hell of a charity." Lily breathed out. "How am I suppose to act ?" I fidgeted nervously. "Are you scared ?" Lily smirked. "YES ! How can I not be scared ?" I whisper-shouted. "Just act normal. Go to the reception and use the fake identity I've told you. Then wait patiently. It'll be over soon." "Normal is not my thing..." I sniffed and went to the reception and took a sip of a glass of champagne. "Hello, can you tell me your name please ?" "Haley Valencia." "Great. Welcome ! Please sit at table 6." I was walking towards my seat when suddenly someone grabbed my hand, "You look very dashing tonight. May I have a dance, miss ?" I snatched my hand away, "I'm married. Shame on you." The man walked away with embarrassment. "So, your admirer, huh ?" Lily snickered. "Shut up." I slapped her arm playfully. "What name did you use ?" I asked. "Raven Lockwood." she smirked. "Ah. The old days..."


"Your mother is quite good at selling isn't it ?" "..." "Kïla do you agree?" [Snore..] "Kïla...?" [Snore.] Someone gripped my thigh and squeezed it. I shivered and muttered in my sleep" "Don't touch me..." I frowned and shook that hand off, still sleepy. Seconds later a slap landed on my thigh, making me jolt up and fully awake. "LILY !" I shouted while she exploded into laughter. People looked at us with disgust on their faces. I faked a smile, "Perdóneme." "It was fun !" she pouted. "Don't ever do that again." I gave her my death stare. "Yes ma'am...mood killer..." "I'm not Asher !" I shot back. "Like sister, like brother." I rolled my eyes, "What were you saying ?" "I was saying, your mother is quite good at selling things. But I can't believe people are buying dolls. Like, seriously what the fuck is wrong with the rich guys ?" "Selling...selling dolls ?" I murmured. "Yes dolls. What the heck, right ?" "No wait..." I grabbed her hand. "They're not dolls. They're the replacement for the children ! This is an auction for illegal trafficking !" I blurted out. "What ?" "Quick, to the backstage !" We rushed into the backstage and we revealed a horror discovery. About twenty children were tied up and gagged to a chair. My eyes watered at the sight, thinking of Vanessa. "You bring these poor kids out, I'll handle the rest." "Are you sure ?" I nodded curtly. I stepped outside the curtain and plugged the power source of the microphone. "What- What's going on ?" Ophelia said in a fit of rage. "It's over." I said coldly, taking my gun out. "Oh, honey. You shouldn't have come. You'll regret it."