Glass Castle

The General and his army were no match for the guardians.

Kai's daggers took his final breath. He promised he would kill the bastard himself, and he did. As the body turned to ash, he sighed. He did it, after all. He reclaimed his home.

Now, he stands in the centre of Mah'habara, yet he cannot find it in him to smile.

He watches his people. Hurt, distrustful; warriors who are reduced to cowards who couldn't – /wouldn't/ – fight their oppressors. What has happened to them? Is this – is this because of him? Because he left?

His family, his father. Did they – did /he/ – fight? Or did he cower like the rest?


Lay looks at him, and realises that he isn't the one he is talking to. Kai swallows hard, staring down the villager sitting there, who did nothing. And he becomes angry. Angry, and above all, hurt.

"Why didn't you fight back?"