To Win Them Over with Sincerity and Effort

"What do you mean?" Kai demands, stepping up front. "The Uzay is known to have the means of conjuring rifts between realms."

The old man scoffs. "That may have been the case, two hundred some years ago. Now? Not only is Aether scarce, but man-made rifts to and out of The Otherworld are also impossible due to the Gatekeeper's hold on the realm."


"Yes. Alexander the Gatekeeper. The shadows have corrupted him once more, and he has corrupted his realm."

"But there must be a way," Lucem insists.

Douma sighs again. "We can manipulate the continuum so the next rift opens exactly where you want it to, but it has to occur on its own. I'm sorry. That's the best I can offer you."

It isn't good enough, but… "It will do," Lucem says. "Am I right to believe that there is a way to create a rift from within The Otherworld?"