Tap. Tap.

I hate this woman, her shoes are annoying. She looks like a slut too, her breasts are literally popping out of her shirt which is missing two buttons at the top. She notices me glaring at her, she scoffs and rolls her eyes, "What are you looking at, Patient 0759?" She glares back, I glare harsher. I grin, "I'm looking at a slut." Her eyes widen and her brows curl in anger, she's pissed. But she can't do anything, she's not allowed to hit any of us or tell us off, apparently, it'll impact on our mental and emotional stability or whatever that old hag at the office said.

I take this to advantage and decide to piss her off more,

"Just a big fat slut. Hey, how many guys have you fucked? 7? 10? Was one your dad? Or did he give you up?" She stays silent. Got her.

She looks around cautiously before she stops walking, I stop too. Her fist is balled up. "Ya gonna punch me? Or am I too valuable to this shit place's image." I taunt, she's growling now. Then she pauses and starts inhaling and exhaling and looks at me with a forced smile,

"Let's hurry you up, Patient 0759. The other staff are waiting." Her grip tightens on my collar. She picks up her pace.

I fucking hate her shoes. And her.

Stupid meeting.


This sucks. They're all looking at me and taking notes. Stupid shits. Someone's chair squeaks, I stare at a middle-aged lady. Huh, she's pretty, old but nice looking. She walks over to me with the soft smile a grandma would give you. She places a small suitcase or handbag(?), and sits next to me, smoothing out her green dress.

"Hello, Bakugo. My name's Mary Rose, pleased to meet you." I stare at her, she stares as well. Frowning, I click my tongue and rest an arm on the table and place my head on my palm, still facing Mary Rose. She extends a hand, I look at it then look at her then back at the hand. I reach my hand out and smack it away. "Don't you fucking touch me, old hag," I growl, slumping in my chair and crossing my arms against my chest.

She nods and I'm snatched by that lady from earlier, who gives me a glare to which I glare back with a crooked smirk, and I'm walked out of the room.


Her grip is fucking tight, is she trying to choke me to death?!

"You better let me the hell go!" I screech, kicking at her and digging my heels into the ground. She pulls at my arm, throwing me forward. We end up at a row of cells, medium-sized. I am not going in there if this bitch doesn't let me go-.

"Quiet Patient 0759." She demands.

"Don't you fucking tell me to be quiet! I'll fucking-" We reach a door or doors since there's a few lined up a few metres apart. Is this a fucking cell?! Hell no, I'm not going in there. The lady drags me closer and grabs the card that's looped around her neck and brings it up to some type of scanner which makes a buzzing sound. She throws me in and shuts the door behind me with a slam. I hit my head on something metal. I hate that lady, I fucking despise her.

I rub the side of my head, I look around, normal size. Shitty Bed, shitty sink, shitty toilet, shitty lights, shitty window-

Wait, window? I look over to my left and spot a window, it has 3 bars. I stand up and stare at it. I hear a quiet sigh, who was that? Someone's gotta be next door. Maybe they're a badass and we can bust outta here! I walk up to the window, shit, it's too high, I can't see. I prop myself up on my tippy toes and peer into the next cell. There's someone there. Black hair. Somewhat olive skin, they look dead. Jeez, they're skinny, do they even eat?

"Hey! You, the fuck you in for?" I sneered, he doesn't respond and instead tucks his legs closer to his chest and places his chin on his knees. I growl and bang on the bars. No one should fucking dare to ignore me, this little shit.

"I'm talking to you! Don't ignore-" He cuts me off,

"Leave me alone." I pause and stare at him some more. It was silent. M' sick of this. I bang on the bars again.




He's twitching a little, did I annoy him? Nice, maybe he'll actually talk. He lifts his head and turns towards me and glares. He's got red eyes too. They match his face, he's got a cute nose, shit looks like a button. I notice a scar on his eye. Where'd he get that from? His eyes are kinda cool, somewhat dead looking but cool, I guess. But my eyes are cooler. "Could you not. It's annoying." He jabs, turning away slightly mid-sentence.

I click tongue and stuff my hands in the trouser's pockets and walk away from the window and fall onto the bed, it's squeaky and loud. Annoying.

Maybe I should have asked for his name. Nah, he seems like some weak weirdo, anyways, waste of time. I could beat him to a pulp with ease. He's gonna barely survive here, I'm giving him about a week, not even. I saw some other people in the courtyard, I saw a group of three people, one had some bright ass buttercup yellow hair with a zig-zag of black while another just had black hair — looked like a mullet. There was a girl with them, she had a nice tan that looked a little pink and messy short hair which was pink, dyed, obviously. They were giggling and laughing while the yellow haired one jumped up and down with some weird ass expressions and poses. Weirdos.

I wonder if I'll get to talk with that boy again. Probably not.





Phew! All done! Hope you enjoyed this one!
