


I woke up to the noise of someone banging on the door. I sat up from my curled sleeping position and stared at the door with tired eyes. Blinked once, blinked twice. Rubbing my eyes, I stumbled out of bed, almost tripping over my own feet, and staying still for a few seconds — I did this often, doing this too fast makes me extremely dizzy and ill —. I walked over to the door and hesitatingly lifted a hand to the door.

Do I knock? What if there's someone bad behind the door...

Cmon Ei-Chan. Don't be silly! This place is perfectly fine and safe. Just knock on the door.


I knocked, softly. Hearing the noise of shuffling and churning (?) noises, I took a step back after removing my hand and stuffing it in my pockets. I saw that lady from earlier, the one with the brown eyes, once the door swung open with a weird annoying squeaky noise, looks like I hate doors now too, especially this one. My door.

"Hurry up, Patient 0758, time for breakfast." Then she turned away and took a few steps to her right and I heard some more of those noises from earlier. I peered from the now open doorway with curious eyes, that's when I saw him.

Boy in The Next Cell.

He's pretty... I wonder if he has a girlfriend, a boyfriend, maybe. I noticed his hair, it was spiky-looking and poofy, it was a nice colour — ash blond. I wonder if it's natural or he spiked it to look like that. I used to do that to my hair, I dyed it red once. It was a bright red, it was spiked as well but a bit different from his, I made it look a bit like Crime Riot, he's a gang leader. He's really cool, chivalrous and not to mention totally manly! Not many know about him but everyone seems to know All Fight — he's a mafia leader, I think.

I shook my head, getting off-topic Eijiro.

I saw his eyes. Really pretty eyes, I gotta say. They were red like mine but they looked..amazing. They had a nice shine to them which made it look more radiant. Mine was a similar shade of red but without that shine like him. I lost my shine a while ago.

Back when I was killed.

The lady came back to me and grabbed me by my collar and pulled me to her side. She began walking down the hallway, I saw some other cells which were still full. They all looked miserable expect the ones who were laughing maniacally in the corners or grinning insanely. I wonder what they did to get here? Did they kill? Rape? Or maybe they burned their whole neighbourhood down? Or maybe they are just insane in general.


I was about to shift my gaze away when three people caught my eye. They were chatting together, their cells were lined up next to each other so I suppose they learnt to know one another. I wonder if the Boy in The Next Cell and I will befriend each other, probably not, I mean, I'm pretty plain and boring, so I don't get why he would be friends with someone like me.

I studied the three people. Two boys and one girl.

One boy had straight black hair that was shoulder length, he looked really tall too. He's probably taller than me, he could beat me in a fight with ease. I saw he had some tape wrapped around his wrists like bandages, weird. He looked kind of plain when compared to who I assume are his friends, maybe one's a lover? Or maybe they all love each other? I noticed he would blush a little when the other boy would talk to him.

Oh, does he like him? That's cute, I guess.

The other boy looked super cool though, he had bright buttercup hair that sported an odd... lightning bolt? I'll go with a lightning bolt. He looked pretty manly, I wonder if he likes Crime Riot too. He was very bouncy and extremely hyper, maybe he has a disorder? Or is he just oddly insane in his own way?

I head a loud giggle, I looked over to the girl. Wow, she's pretty. Really pretty. She had pink, I'm guessing it's dyed, curly short hair that framed her face nicely. Her skin was tanned well and had a pinkish tint to it. I wonder if she's in a relationship, I would be lying if I said she wasn't pretty at all.

You just thought that, Dumbo.

Oh, sorry.

I shifted my gaze back to my walking shoes. Tap, tap.

That's when I felt him staring at me. Why's he looking at me? What's there to see? I don't have a nice body or anything, I'm pretty skinny. Maybe he's studying my body so he can size me up and fight me later, he'd win for sure.


"Alright, go grab some food and a drink or something then go sit at a table or whatever." The lady said before walking away to where I'm guessing is the staff room so she can have her own breakfast. He and I stood there for a while. I felt eyes on us.

Damn it... Look away, stop it.. stop looking at us.

He grabbed my wrist, my eyes widened and I held back a gasp. He pulled me over to the food line. We grabbed some food, well, he grabbed some food. I didn't grab any, I looked at it though. It looked decent, I guess.

"Get some fucking food, Shitty Hair." He jabbed, Shitty Hair? I shook my head, I heard a growl and a 'tch' sound from him. He walked back a little and snatched a tray before coming back and demanding food from the lady behind the counter. She put on 4 bacon strips and two strawberries.

That's way too much. I don't want that.

I grabbed the Boy's arm, he looked at me with a raised brow, I bit my lip.

Crap. Everyone's looking at us.


"Hah? Back? The fuck you mean 'back'?" He growled.

"I don't want it... No food."

"...Fuck you honestly." He shoved the tray at me then trudged away with his own tray to an empty table. I watched his back, he had a nice build. I blinked and stared back to my tray of food.

..Maybe.. maybe just a little. One strawberry and half a bacon. That's good enough.

"HURRY UP ASSHOLE! COME ON! I'm HUNGRY!" Someone cursed at me, I walked away from the line.

Where do I sit... Maybe... I looked over to the Boy, I think he cares about me. I mean, he did tell me to eat... I bit my lip.

Or maybe don't sit... what if he picks on me.

Screw it Eijiro! Do it!


I walked over to his table, he was nearing the back of the cafeteria. He didn't seem to notice me, he was busy eating some pancakes. I stopped at the table opposite him. I cleared my throat, it's dry.

He looked up at me, munching on a pancake in his mouth. Don't make me ask, please.

There was an awkward silence.

"...Tch, fine. Sit or whatever, just don't annoy me or I'll fucking kill you." He said, clicking his tongue then turning back to his food.

Do I smile? I haven't really smiled in a while. Just don't smile.

I put my tray down and sat down. Animated conversations filled the cafeteria. Loud. Too loud.

"You don't like noise, huh, do ya! Hey Sero! Mina! Guys cmon! I wanna sit with these guys!" I heard someone yell excitedly, I looked behind me to see that boy from earlier, the one with the lightning bolt in his hair. He was skipping over with his tray. I saw his friends behind him. I noticed a small girl with purple hair trailing after them, who's she?

"Who the FUCK are you?" The Boy sneered, the four came over and placed their trays down, I ended up squeezed between that purple-haired girl and the black-haired boy.

Close... Breathe Eijiro...

You're gonna just fine Ei-Chan!


"Hiya! I couldn't help but notice you two sitting over here! Are you guys cell neighbours?" The pink-haired girl chirped, The Boy was squished between her and the bright-haired boy, he didn't look very happy though.

"Yeah, why the hell you wanna know, Pinky."

"Wow! That's so harsh! Hey, what's your name? Mines Kaminari Denki! That's Mina Ashido," He pointed to the girl on the other side of The Boy who waved with a wide grin, then pointed to the strangers beside me, their eyes were on me. I quickly looked down at my lap and began fiddling with my fingers. "The girls Jiro Kyoka! And the boys Sero Hanta! So what's your name!?" He bubbled, he's a lot of energy, huh?

"..It's Bakugo Katuski. Jeez, you're fucking bouncy as hell." Bakugo snarled, Kaminari didn't seem like he minded the insult. Kaminari grinned at Bakugo before he noticed me, I swear I saw stars in his eyes. I looked up shyly.

"OH! Hey! I didn't see ya there! My names Kaminari Denki! Oh, wait! Didn't I just say that?! Oh haha! Silly me, huh? Yeah so, what's your name!?" He launched himself a while his knees rested on the seats and his hands and arms plunged straight for the table, making a SLAM sound, he poked his face forward so he was a few inches away from my own face. I stayed silent, he cocked his head. He turned to Bakugo, "Does he talk? Like at all?" He pointed to me with this thumb. Bakugo raised a brow then looked at me.

"Yeah, Shitty Hair here does talk. He doesn't talk much, just small sentences." Bakugo explained, staring at me. I blushed in embarrassment.

This is so embarrassing... so unmanly.

"Oh. You can talk to us, dude! We wanna be friends! What'cha say?" Sero piped up, extending a hand to me, I looked at his palm. I lifted my own hand and placed it in his.

I think he's nice. They all seem nice. Bakugo too, just in... his own way?

"Nice! So yeah, what's your name, anyways? I doubt it's 'Shitty Hair'." Mina smirked at Bakugo who just gave her the finger.

"...It's... I'm Kirishima. Kirishima Eijiro.

Nice to meet you."





ZOOEY MAMA! OK, DID NOT MEAN TO MAKE THIS SO LONG! BUT HEY WHY NOT? *clears throat* okay jesus fucking Christ no idea why I was shouting- um- I hope you enjoyed? Uhhh- so um... how've you been? Good? Nice. Cool.


WC : 1800 ( including A/N but not word... count.)