Some idiots arrived at ou- my table and now they're chatting away. I already finished my tray and I can't leave the god damn table because now I'm fucking squeezed between Pinky and Pikachu.

"You're kidding, right? No way! Wait lemme ask Sero!"

"Oh yeah! Hey Sero! You got a crush?!" Pinky questioned, oh alright, this is getting interesting. Time for some public humiliation.

I look at Soy Sauce who's got some buttered toast in his mouth and looking around the table confused. He swallowed his toast and looked up, "Huh? What'd you say?" He asked, rubbing behind his ear. Pikachu rolled his eyes playfully, "Mina asked if you have a crush. Do you!? Who is it?! How long have you liked them?" Soy Sauce choked and spat out his milk that he was just drinking. He coughed for a bit, I saw Shitty Hair and AUX Cord shuffling away a little bit.

"C-crush? Uhm, I don't- well I do- but they probably don't even like me back anyways." Soy Sauce responded. Pikachu gasped, leaned forward from his seat and tugged Soy Sauce forward and pointed a finger at him.

"Bullshit. I'm 100% certain whoever you like likes you back! And if they don't, I won't fucking hesitate to smack some sense into them, got it." He finished with a smile.

Okay then, we have a fucking bipolar kid.

I saw some blush creep unto Soy Sauce's cheeks. Pikachu let Soy Sauce's shirt go from his grip and leaned back.

Oh, you're not fucking kidding me. Holy shit.

"You guys are so gay..." AUX Cord mumbled, rubbing the bridge of her nose.

"Yeah, you guys really fucking are. Like damn." I sneered with a closed eye cocky smirk, the table's eyes are on me. I opened an eye and looked around. "What."

"Are you gay, Bakugo?" AUX Cord asked I choked.

"The fuck? I'm not gay." I spat, the table went silent before they all started laughing — minus Shitty Hair. I've never seen him smile nor laugh now that I think about it. I won't lie, he does look pretty plain. The only cool looking thing about him is that little scar on his eyelid, it looks pretty badass — I wonder where he got that from? Maybe a fight? His body structure is pretty bland, he's got barely any muscle but, I'd be spitting bullshit if I didn't say he did have some nice curves.

He looks kind of feminine.

"BAKUGO!" Someone screeched in my ear, I jolted slightly in my seat.

"Who the fuck decided to scream in my ear?" I growled with a balled-up fist. The table went silent, everyone was staring at me with widening eyes and scared grins.

"That was Denki. Go at him." AUX Cord said, popping her bubblegum bubble with a satisfying 'POP'. She started chewing in a bored manner.

"Jee thanks, Kyoka," Pikachu muttered with furrowed brows, I turn my eyes to him.

"I'm giving you five, no, three minutes to start running." I grin at him evilly, sweat bolts down the side of his forehead.

"Okay, I'm gonna go..." He hops out of his seat, hands up in front of his chest.

"NOW." And then he bolts out of the cafeteria, clearly panicked.

I turn back to the table who are staring at me, even Shitty Hair raises a curious brow. I raise a brow, "What?" Shitty Hair lifted his head up from his lap,

"So manly...Well, it wasn't manly you scared him, but you looked cool." He said, poking his cheek lightly with his index finger; although he was amazed, he seemed to still be... emotionally blank?

"Oh my god! You're so cuteee! So, so, PRECIOUS!" Pinky squealed, she rushed out of her seat and went over to Shitty Hair with a large grin. I saw Shitty Hair blushing a little, must be embarrassed. Pinky grabbed his cheeks and started squeezing them, "So squishy! Guys come, look! He's got really squishy cheeks!"

The table began laughing, minus me. Soy Sauce went to Pinky's side. "Damn, he really does have chubby cheeks. Mina look at his nose, it's like a little button." I glanced at Shitty Hair who was beet red with embarrassment. Holding back a snicker, I thought more about what Pinky said, 'He's really squishy cheeks!', she did realise what she said right. I decided it would be funny to embarrass her and maybe Shitty Hair along with it. People being embarrassed in public is just hilarious to me.

"Hey Pinky, you realise what you said right. Squishy cheeks?" I snickered, Pinky went silent and still for a moment like she was progressing what I had just said. I rested my elbow on the table and leaned onto my palm with a sinister smirk. I was expecting Pinky to be extremely flustered and start panicking but what I got in exchange for my jab made me raise a brow.

"Oh really. I didn't know you were such a pervert, Bakugo. Hey, why don't you see how squishy his cheeks are?" She said with a wink and the end and a smile, staring me right in the eyes. She looked back at Shitty Hair who looked like he was about to pass out from utter embarrassment. She leaned next to his ear and whispered before leaning back and placing her hands on her hips. Shitty Hair was silent for a bit while progressing whatever shit Pinky said to him.

Then I saw a small click in his facial features and he started blushing wildly. "Don't do that." He muttered with icy cold eyes.

Soy Sauce and Pinky started laughing their asses off with wheezes in between their loud laughter, Shitty Hair was still blushing faintly with his face in his hands. Soy Sauce's laughter died down and he let out a last chuckle before shaking his head and pointed his thumb towards the entry doors of the cafeteria with a straight-toothed smile.

"I'm gonna go find Denki, he's probably in the bathroom. I'm gonna bring him back since we needa head back to our cells in a few." Pinky nodded and shooed him away playfully. Soy Sauce walked away from the table went to the guard who stood at the doors and started talking, the guard gave him something what I'm guessing is a bathroom card or something and unlocked the large doors and shut and locked them as soon as he left the room.

Pinky looked away from the door and looked back at me with a naughty smirk.

"I bet they're gonna fuck in the bathroom."

I smirked, "Bet."





Ok um, I don't think that was my best chapter. I also think there might be some sexual references in future chapters. If there is going to be smut, it will be much later in the book since doing it so close randomly would be a bit silly. Though if there is smut, maybe, I'll be sure to put a warning at the beginning to avoid people reading something they are uncomfortable with or that triggers them. Thanks for reading!
