The Only One Left

Everyone heard the director's voice in their earphones.

It was time to decide their fates.

The director gave them a simple explanation of the script.

The sports car that Guo Zhipeng would be driving was in an alley nearby.

There were only 50 meters between the alley and the pedestrian crossing that they would soon be crossing. The director was about to do a roll call now. The person whose name was called was to get up immediately, cross the pedestrian crossing in front, and go to the opposite side of the road.

50 meters—this meant that there wouldn't be any time at all for the extras on the pedestrian crossing to duck when the sports car driven by Guo Zhipeng raced out of the alley at high speed.

The only thing they could do would be to helplessly watch as they were sent flying!

When the story explanation ended, the old lady was the first to stand.

Evidently, she had received instructions through her earphone. It was now her part in the scene.

Among the six extras, the old lady was the first person that would cross the pedestrian crossing.

She forced herself to calm down. Then, she got up, walked over to the roadside, and walked toward the opposite.

She wanted to speed up and run across the crossing, but she soon received a warning in her earphone, which told her to reduce her speed and to walk slowly. The director had already warned them earlier—if they went against the instructions she gave via the earphones, they would be sacked from the film set and penalized 1,000 points in one go!

There was no difference between a penalty of 1,000 points, and dying and being turned into a wax statue after they were run over by the car.

Thus, even though the old lady was afraid, she didn't dare to defy the director's instructions in the least. She could only slow down her pace and walk, step by step, at a constant speed to the opposite.

With their hearts pounding wildly, the other extras watched as the old lady crossed the road. On the one hand, they were afraid that they would witness the car sending her flying, yet on the other hand, they prayed for it to happen… As long as the car crashed into someone, filming for this scene would be considered complete, and the others that came after would be safe.

The car crashing into the old lady would imply that the rest of them wouldn't be hit, so they would receive 10 points safe and sound!

Li Teng's thoughts were a little different from the others.

In his opinion, the other five extras were safe. If this scene only required one person to be run over to be considered complete, then the only one Guo Zhipeng would target was himself and not anyone else.

In that case, then he'd better take the opportunity to drink a few more free cups of coffee while he still could.

Who knew if he would have to suffer from hunger and thirst again after he went to another world?

The old lady had only taken a few steps when the white-collar woman also got up. With fear on her face, she looked at the road in front of her.

It seemed that she had also received instructions from the director. It was now her turn to cross.

When she walked over to the roadside, she received new instructions from the director through her earphone. She was to run a few steps forward, catch up to the old lady, and assist her across the road.

The white-collar woman secretly rejoiced at her stroke of luck. She hastily caught up to the old lady. Then, she walked to the opposite side of the road while supporting the old lady.

In her opinion, she would be safe as long as she could reach the opposite side.

Crossing the road with the old lady meant that she wouldn't need to worry about crossing the road with Li Teng.

When they reached the middle of the road, a card dropped from the white-collar woman and landed on the ground. However, the sunlight at noon was so glaring that no one noticed this extra, little detail that the director had set up.

In the bright sunlight, the four remaining extras on this side of the road could see the white-collar woman and the old lady's legs trembling as they walked. Once in a while, the pair would glance at the alley, afraid that a car would suddenly come racing out.

Most people would find it tough to remain calm when they were facing a situation where a car crash might happen at any moment. Moreover, this was even one where the victim was going to be run over by a sports car traveling at high speed.

When the old lady and the white-collar woman reached the middle of the road, the spectacled man got up. He had also received instructions in his earphone, so it was now his turn to cross.

It was Gao Fei's turn after that.

At the moment Gao Fei stepped onto the road, both the white-collar woman and the old lady had crossed the road and safely arrived at the opposite side!

When the two of them were sure that they had crossed the road in one piece, they immediately slumped onto the roadside. In fact, the white-collar woman couldn't stop herself from covering her face and breaking into quiet sobs.

A car crash was something that happened in an instant. The short half a minute that they had spent crossing the road just now had felt as long as an entire day to them.

On the opposite side, two people had been freed from their suffering. However, seated on the bar chairs beside the round table on this side were two others who were still languishing—Li Teng and the teenage girl.

They still hadn't received instructions to set out.

"I want to be a female lead. I want to act in a big production in one piece. I don't want to become a wax statue that can't move," mumbled the girl, whose face was somewhat pale.

"Don't worry, you're not his target. You'll get there safely," said Li Teng in consolation.

"Thanks." The girl had only just spoken when her expression changed dramatically. She jumped off the bar chair, nervously.

Evidently, she had also received instructions to set out.

"Relax, it'll pass in an instant." Li Teng consoled the girl again.

"Yes, relax!" The girl bit her lip and walked over to the roadside rather stiffly.

When she reached the roadside, the spectacled man had also successfully crossed the road and reached the opposite side. His expression was very calm and collected upon reaching.

After he had arrived at the film studio, Guo Zhipeng had been the one in charge of his newbie reception.

Although Guo Zhipeng had pranked him and scared him out of his wits, one could say that the two of them had also become well-acquainted. Neither had he offended Guo Zhipeng in any way. Thus, he didn't think that Guo Zhipeng would choose to run him over.

And in truth, Guo Zhipeng hadn't done so, either.

Gao Fei followed behind the spectacled man and slowly crossed the road. When he reached the opposite side, he looked as if a huge load had been taken off him. He turned around and glanced at the teenage girl, who was currently walking on the road. Then, he cast a sympathetic look at the other side, where Li Teng, who was still seated on a bar chair and drinking his coffee, remained.

"Looks like one of them is definitely going to become a wax statue," remarked the spectacled man gloatingly.

Gao Fei glanced at him and kept quiet.

The other two who had reached earlier—the white-collar woman and the old lady—also came over to the roadside after they calmed down. They looked at the teenage girl, who had just reached the middle of the road.

"Who do you wish for to become a wax statue, the girl, or that handsome guy over there?" The spectacled man raised a question to the others. He seemed to be in a pretty good mood.

"Can you have a little more compassion?" The white-collar woman chastised him.

"Compassion? Someone has to die, no matter what. Does having compassion prevent that from happening? We're just a little luckier, that's all," replied the spectacled man in his own defense.

"There's a 1/6 chance of death in this scene. Even if there's only a 1/8 chance in future scenes, we won't be able to last that many after surviving this one, either. Based on the survival rate, we'll die sooner or later, no matter what we do," said the old lady. She had a surprisingly incisive view of the issue.

"Are you an intellectual?" asked the white-collar woman.

"No, I'm more of a businesswoman," replied the old lady with a smile.

During their conversation, the teenage girl had slowly crossed the road and joined the others.

There was only one person left that hadn't crossed over to the other side.

Everyone looked at Li Teng at the other side of the road with sympathy in their eyes.

At the table earlier, Guo Zhipeng had clearly shown his hatred and enmity toward Li Teng. From the looks of things now, the two of them hadn't been acting. The hostility between them was real. Li Teng was exactly the one whom Guo Zhipeng wanted to run over.

At this point, all they could do was to express their deepest sympathy toward Li Teng.

At the same time, in his earphone, Li Teng finally received the director's instructions to set out.

Li Teng gave another sigh. He closed his eyes for a moment and finished the last of the coffee in the cup. Then, he got off the bar chair and looked toward the roadside.