The Rules

"I'm sorry, I also don't know the answer to this question. Nobody from the film groups I've been with had answered this question, so I can't answer you. Please change to another question." The woman in the sunglasses shook her head.

"Huh? Alright… then." Gao Fei was disappointed.

The others were disappointed too. Although the goal of getting lowered to the ground was very far for everyone, it was a direction to work toward, after all.

What they wanted now was a certain answer, but the woman couldn't give it to them.

Gao Fei thought for a moment and changed the question. "My other question is, if you have a family member, a very close family member, would you spend 1,000 points to save them? Or rather, would you use those 1,000 points to lower the height of the stone pillar, or to save them?"

The woman kept silent for some time before answering Gao Fei's question. "I would save them." Her tone became a bit chilly, as though Gao Fei's question touched a certain sensitive point in her heart.

"Why? Is there a point? What if they die again after you saved them?" The woman's answer left Gao Fei surprised. He actually wanted to know if the woman's point of view was similar to his, but her answer indicated it was not that case.

"This is the second question." The woman in the sunglasses turned to the director.

"The answer is valid. 1 point rewarded. Next." The director spoke.

"Wait, I'll answer your second question for free." The woman in the sunglasses hesitated for a moment, but she decided to answer Gao Fei's question.

Everyone locked their gazes on her, wanting to hear what valuable opinions she had on this topic.

"Say that we use these 1,000 points to lower the stone pillar and return to the real world. What if we can't get back here ever again? Wouldn't our family members be forever sealed inside the wax statues? Since it's a very close family member, and I had 1,000 points, I would certainly save them. If I can't return with my loved ones, what point would there be even if I returned? To face the pain of losing my loved ones all day?" Her tone became even chillier at that point.

"But after saving them, if they make a stupid choice again, am I to save them once more?" Gao Fei continued to ask.

"That's very simple. I can just earn 2,000 points, no? 1,000 points for saving my loved one, and 1,000 points for descending to the ground. Then, I'd be able to leave with my loved one. Presently, you all may think it's very hard to earn points, but if you get to a higher level, maybe it won't be hard to obtain 1,000 points," replied the woman in the sunglasses.

"Hmm, that makes sense." When she answered, a weight seemed to get lifted off Gao Fei's heart.

"Your turn." The woman in the sunglasses looked toward Li Teng.

"Beautiful lady, you also have a family member trapped, right?" Gao Fei interrupted again.

"Next question." She ignored Gao Fei and gestured toward Li Teng with her hand.

Li Teng had long prepared his question.

"Just now, I asked him if we'd get more special abilities, higher cultivation, or such by increasing one or two levels of our roles. He gave me a negative answer and said we'd just get an advantage in choosing roles. You said then that he was wrong, I want to know why."

"His answer isn't completely wrong. Indeed, promoting from extra to small guest extra and small guest extra to character actor wouldn't give us extraordinary abilities, but only priority in choosing roles in scripts.

"Nevertheless, there are also some special cases.

"For example, if it was a martial arts movie, you were to act in, and you have already risen to a certain level and can get a minor role in a big film, etc. Let's say you're picked to play Ouyang Feng, and the scene shot is the battle between two top-level martial artists, Ouyang Feng and Seventh Master Hong…

"If between those two, one definitely has to win, and the other to die for the shooting to be finished, you have to use points to exchange for one or a few martial techniques that your character, Ouyang Feng, has, such as the Frog Technique. That's in order to make sure you win in this final battle between you and Seventh Master Hong or at least don't be at a disadvantage.

"During the shooting for this scene, you, as Ouyang Feng, would really learn the Frog Technique, and you'd be able to apply it at the shooting scene.

"In the same logic, if you acted in an action movie, such as Spiderman, and you exchanged for his spider silk before acting, you could really release spider silk from your palm during the shooting to play your role.

"If you acted in a horror movie as a ghost and exchanged for the ability to go through walls, you could really pass through walls when shooting on the scene.

"Such exchanges are only effective when shooting on the scene. After leaving the film set, you will still turn back to an ordinary person. You can't bring the special abilities acquired on the film set outside.

"Such exchanges are even somewhat compulsory. If you don't use points to exchange for their respective martial techniques or special techniques, you won't be able to finish the shooting of that scene, and your opponent will very likely kill you in the scene. That way, it wouldn't be worth it.

"Higher-level actors not only have an advantage in terms of choosing roles, since they often have more points, but they would also have long exchanged the special abilities their roles had, and it's more than easy for them to beat a low-level extra on the film set.

"That's why I said just now that his answer was wrong.

"Actually, I didn't have to answer your question in such detail. I did it because I see something in you. You owe me one." The woman in the sunglasses gave yet another detailed answer.

"The answer is valid, 3 points awarded," announced the director.

"This… can't be me owing you, right? A question originally is worth 1 point only, but I got you 2 more points. You should be the one owing me." Li Teng contested what she said just now.

"You…" The woman in the sunglasses was a bit unhappy, failing to get her way.

"Exchanging special abilities must cost a lot of points, right? Points are precious. After exchanging for these special abilities during acting, can you only use it once during that scene itself? If you completely explain the question now, I'll really owe you one." Li Teng stopped the woman in the sunglasses.

There were too many hidden rules on the film sets, and Li Teng had to do all he could to learn them as soon as possible, at the lowest cost. It was in order to better deal with the shooting tasks later on, in case he got entrapped by others because of his ignorance of such hidden rules.