Lottery for Points

"It's indeed very expensive to use points to exchange for martial techniques, special abilities, and such, but these exchanges aren't one-off. For example, if you act in the Avengers series and act as Spiderman for once, and you use points to exchange for spider thread for him, so long as you act in the Avengers series again and act as Spiderman again, your role as Spiderman still maintains the growth level of the last time and has the spider thread." After hesitating for a moment, the woman in the sunglasses still decided to reply and make him owe her.

"This means that… Every role I act in the films is being cultivated, and every time I act as him, I can use my points to exchange for special abilities and treasure items to make him grow. As long as I act as him in the future, he in the film would get stronger and less likely to die, right?" Li Teng tried to understand.

"Yeap, you're very smart, this is what I meant." The woman in the sunglasses nodded.

"Where did your cell phone come from? Can you contact your family with it?" Since Li Teng was going to owe her a favor, there was no harm owing a bit more.

It was said that when one had accumulated too much debt, they no longer worried about it. Otherwise, it would really not be worth it to owe her this favor.

"This is a separate question." The woman in the sunglasses reminded Li Teng.

"My points are negative now, so I'll owe you one more. I believe that with my abilities, I must have an opportunity to repay you in the future. I'm a very credible person, and I pay all my debts." Li Teng chuckled a little.

The others also started laughing. They could tell that Li Teng was just acting shamelessly now.

"Alright, I'll answer one more question, your last question. You owe me a favor, you had better not die so fast, or my favor will be wasted." Her tone was quite reluctant.

A person who was owed money was like a master, and the same applied to someone who was owed a favor. She hesitated for a moment and still decided to answer one more question for free. Fortunately, answering questions only took a bit more talking. She didn't really lose anything.

Someone like Li Teng was quite worth her input.

In case there was an emergency at the film set in the future, and Li Teng could give her a hand on top of helping himself, she'd be on the winning side. With Li Teng's quick wits, she believed there must be such a chance in the future.

"You asked two questions this time. I can only answer your first one. This cell phone was an extra reward when I took part in a promotion performance," she replied.

Although answering questions didn't cost anything much, the woman in the sunglasses answered as few as she could. Otherwise, these extras would think these pieces of information came for cheap!

"Can all promotion performances give out this reward? Can this phone contact the outside?" Li Teng continued to ask the woman in the sunglasses.

"That's all! I'm not answering any more questions from you!" The woman in the sunglasses refused to answer Li Teng's questions solemnly.

"Okay." Li Teng spoke no more. He had to know the limits on certain things. After all, the woman in the sunglasses still counted on these questions to earn her points.

Now, it was the old woman's turn to ask questions. "Can you use that cell phone to contact your family back home?" She actually asked the question that Li Teng wanted to ask but hadn't received an answer.

"No," she replied.

"The answer is valid, a reward of 1 point is given." The director spoke.

The old woman still wanted to ask more, but seeing that the woman in the sunglasses didn't look interested, she didn't continue.

Lastly, it was the teenage girl's turn. "Is there an audience that watches the films we shoot?" she eagerly asked.

"Well… Yes." The woman in sunglasses hesitated for a while before answering.

"The answer is valid, a reward of 1 point is given." The director spoke.

"What about the audience? Do they watch them in movie theaters? Can my parents see my performance?" The teenage girl asked several more questions.

"About this, I am not sure. Alright! We're done for today!" The woman in the sunglasses didn't give any further explanations and rapidly announced the end of the Q&A segment.

If the shameless Li Teng spoke again, would she have to answer him or not?

Next, it was the newbies' lottery segment.

There were four newbies this time—Li Teng, the spectacled man, the white-collar woman, and the teenage girl.

The staff members on the scene pushed a lottery machine, and the newbies took part in the lottery process one by one.

There was a large screen on the lottery machine, in which there was a spinning wheel that kept spinning.

It was simple, whatever the spin ended at, they received.

Just like Gao Fei had said previously, there was a 60% chance for newbies that the things they had consumed and purchased on the island would be free of charge, a 30% to get 100 points, and only a 10% chance that they would get nothing.

Li Teng decided not to fight with others, so he would be the last one to try his luck.

None of them wanted to go first, as they wanted to see the others' luck.

In order not to drag the time, the director randomly ordered them.

The spectacled man went first, followed by the white-collar woman, the teenage girl, and finally, Li Teng.

Li Teng wasn't surprised that the old woman wasn't a newbie.

"It seems that I'm pretty lucky, I wanted to go last, and I really did." Li Teng was very satisfied with the director's arrangement.

For Li Teng he hoped to get the 100 points, with the 30% chance. He had only used a total of 18 points previously, and even if his expenditure was waived, it would still not be worth it. If he could get 100 points, he would earn 92 points immediately. It would be very beneficial to his development on the film set in the future.

"When I came here earlier, I used more than 70 points. It would be great if I can obtain the 100-point reward. I'll be able to earn 20 more points." As the first one, the spectacled man seemed quite nervous and excited.

"You used so many points? If you get that 10%, you're done! You can go straight into the Waxwork Museum and accompany your new Big Brother." Gao Fei mocked the spectacled man a little at the side.

"It's just a 10% chance. I can't be that unlucky!" The spectacled man stared at Gao Fei unhappily, before turning back to the lottery screen and pressing down the lottery button at the director's urging.

The spinning wheel on the screen slowly stopped, and eventually, the needle stopped in the largest area, the area for a full refund.

"Sigh… It's actually a full refund! If I had known, I should have gone on a shopping spree when I first came onto the island. This is so not worth it." The spectacled man was very disappointed with the lottery result.

"A pity it's not 10%." Gao Fei looked regretful.

"Very glad to disappoint you," replied the spectacled man.

After the spectacled man, it was the white-collar woman's turn.

The spectacled man asked the white-collar woman, "Beautiful lady, how many points did you use?"

"530," she replied.

"530!? Isn't the maximum credit 100?" The spectacled man was surprised.