Who's The First To Confess?

All three male editors were tied firmly to the pillars in the room. Out of the three of them, the ropes restraining Huang Xun, the spectacled man, were the loosest and only circled carelessly a few rounds around him.

The ropes around Li Teng, on the other hand, were bound the tightest.

Under Feng Dahai's orders, the military policemen encircled Li Teng round after round with the rope. Both of his hands were tied behind the pillar, while his legs were tied tightly to the pillar. The rope even went around his neck a couple of rounds.

Even just leaning forward slightly would give Li Teng breathing difficulties, much less doing other actions.

A newbie's "self-destruction" during the filming process was just an excuse for a label. It wasn't like the kind of magic weapon self-destruction in cultivation genre novels, or when a cultivator expended all of their cultivation prowess to self-destruct and bring the enemy down with them.

Neither would the newbie simply explode with a bang after they shouted, "I'm self-destructing!"

What it referred to was merely the way how a newbie could try and find a chance to kill the main character of an opposing camp, in order to achieve the purpose of discontinuing filming or having 100 points deducted from the other party.

As the newbie would be forcibly thrown into a hell-mode film crew, where the chances of survival were extremely low, after doing so, there was practically no difference between doing that and committing suicide. On top of this, it might not even achieve the intended effect. Thus, the term self-destruction was used.

Li Teng's current situation was a good example of this. During the two hours of filming time for this scene, his limbs were totally restrained, and he couldn't move at all. There were even military policemen standing guard in the surroundings. He had no chance of attacking Feng Dahai at all, much less killing him.

In a situation like this, there was no way he could self-destruct even if he wanted to.

Feng Dahai was on guard against him doing so since a long time ago, too.

The three female editors weren't restrained that tightly. Perhaps because there were only three pillars in the room and the three male editors were already tied to them, only the three female editors' hands were bound. The other end of their ropes were thrown over the ceiling beam and fastened to the wall, causing them to be suspended in mid-air.

Feng Dahai walked over to the wall and took out a whip from a bucket beside the wall. It looked like he was intending to play a game of spin-the-top with the female editors.

In comparison, the male editors were slightly better off. After all, their feet could touch the ground.

Aisha and Daisy had already started screaming after they were hung up, whereas Anna kept quiet with a sullen expression on her face.

Aisha, the white-collar woman, started to protest. She said, "This makes my wrists hurt so badly! We're just acting, right? Can you not hang me up in mid-air like this and let my feet touch the ground instead?"

If she didn't protest, she wasn't going to be able to endure being suspended in mid-air like this for two hours, either!


A loud sound rang out. The whip in Feng Dahai's hand suddenly lifted, and the lash of the whip landed on Aisha.

Aisha's clothes tore instantly, and her skin and flesh split open from the flogging.

Caught off-guard, Aisha let out a loud and tragic scream, which sounded incredibly shrill.

Her screams caused fear to be written all over the other editors' faces.

This wasn't acting! This was the most real of nightmares!

"Who's gonna confess first? The ones that confess first will suffer less abuse," said Feng Dahai smugly as he held the whip.


"Me, me!"


The teenage girl Daisy, Huang Xun, and the screaming Aisha shouted as they fought to be the first to confess.

It wasn't as if they were real revolutionists, anyway. They were just acting, but the torture was real. How could normal people possibly bear with it?

Even Gao Fei's lips had parted somewhat, though he didn't say anything in the end. It was hard to tell whether it was because he was too embarrassed or other reasons.

Only Anna stayed silent with a cold look on her face, while Li Teng's lips were spread wide into a silly grin.

Feng Dahai walked a few steps over to Li Teng and asked, "What are you grinning about? Is this your way of looking at death calmly in the face?"

"Hahahaha!" Li Teng burst into laughter, heroic and awe-inspiring in the way he was fearless of death for a just cause.

Feng Dahai lashed out at Li Teng with the whip, which landed on his cheek. He asked, "Are you mocking me, or are you pretending to be stupid?"

It felt awesome to Feng Dahai.

Li Teng's grin disappeared, and he also started to scream. In fact, he was shrieking absolutely tragically! His voice directly covered the white-collar woman's.

Feng Dahai burst into laughter and said, "And here I'd wondered just how brave and heroic you would be. Don't you find yourself a huge embarrassment by screaming so pitifully when you're already a grown man?"

Then, he turned around and asked the rest again, "Let me ask you again! Who's gonna confess first?!"


"Me, me!"

"Me, me, me!"


This time, even Gao Fei was part of it.

Feng Dahai's whip was simply too brutal! Just take a look at Li Teng's face! After the lashing, his image had turned directly from an idol drama into a horror movie.

"Boss, I'll confess first!" said Huang Xun. He also felt very unsettled. Upon seeing how vicious Feng Dahai was, he was honestly afraid that he would beat even people on his side once he got serious.

"Alright, you're more pleasing to my eye, so you can confess first," replied Feng Dahai, who gave the first opportunity to confess to Huang Xun.

Huang Xun quickly told Feng Dahai his clue. He said, "I confess, Daisy knows some behind-the-scenes information about this." He was Feng Dahai's designated hidden agent, so it went without saying that the clue he provided was real.

Feng Dahai's eyes swept fiercely toward Daisy.

Without any hesitation whatsoever, Daisy gave him her clue, too. She said, "I confess! You should ask Aisha about this!"

Practically right after Daisy spoke, Aisha also gave him her clue. She said, "I confess! I heard that Gao Fei knows an important clue!"

Feng Dahai glared at Gao Fei.

Gao Fei swallowed and said, "I confess, Tang Na knows very clearly who the resistance fighter is." His voice was even a little shaky.

The four of them practically finished their respective confessions in an instant. In fact, one could even say that they were fighting to reveal their clues.

Anna sighed and shook her head.

Li Teng wasn't screaming anymore. He looked dejected and despondent.

With the whip in his grip, Feng Dahai looked at Li Teng.

The room suddenly fell into silence.

Even Aisha, who had suffered a blow of the whip, didn't dare to scream anymore at this point. Daisy even turned away and held her breath, not daring to look in Li Teng's direction.


A deafening sound rang out.

The whip in Feng Dahai's hand lashed out again.

However, it didn't lash toward Li Teng. Instead, it landed on Aisha again!

Aisha didn't expect to suffer yet another lashing at all. The severe pain made her emit another heartrending scream.

"You're lying! Your clue is fake! Tell me what your real clue is!" bellowed Feng Dahai as he flogged Aisha again with his whip.

"I'm not lying! Please stop hitting me, I beg you! I'm not lying!" Aisha broke down into tears.

Feng Dahai whipped his head in Daisy's direction. "You must be the one that's lying, then?!"

"P-ple… ase…" Upon Feng Dahai glaring at her, Daisy was so scared that she couldn't even say anything.

With a thunderous snap, Feng Dahai's whip lashed forcefully toward Daisy.

Daisy let out a scream that almost shattered everyone's eardrums. Then, her loud sobs, pleading for mercy, and begging for help echoed in the room.

"Boss, stop hitting them. I know them, the two of them wouldn't dare to lie. Just go at that devious Tang Na, you definitely won't go wrong with that," said Huang Xun as he interceded on the two women's behalf.

"Hahahaha…" Li Teng burst into loud laughter.

Feng Dahai indeed walked over to Li Teng with the whip.

Li Teng taunted him, "Come on, sonny, show me how well you can hit someone! If you can beat me into confessing, you can call me daddy. If you can't make me confess, then you're my son!"

Feng Dahai sneered and said, "You've got guts!"

Huang Xun hastily reminded Feng Dahai, "Boss, don't be fooled by him! You must listen to his words carefully! What he means is that whether or not he confesses, you'll still be his son!"

Feng Dahai glared furiously at Huang Xun in annoyance.

Do you take me for a deaf person? Or a fool? Do you think I won't even understand what he's saying? Do I need you to remind me about something like that?

Huang Xun hastily tried to salvage the situation and added, "That's not what I mean… Boss, you must be careful when you're dealing with him. This guy is exceptionally crafty and insidious!"