Death Comes To Everyone


Feng Dahai swung the long whip in his hand.

However, it didn't land on Li Teng but on Anna instead.

She let out a muffled grunt and glared coldly at Feng Dahai.

"Will you confess?!" bellowed Feng Dahai as he lashed out at Anna with the whip again before casting a quick glance toward Li Teng.

According to Huang Xun, it seemed like something was going on between this adulterous couple? Were they lovers?

Li Teng was a stubborn man. He didn't confess even when he was hit. In that case, then he would hit this woman instead.

However, when Feng Dahai saw Li Teng's expression, he couldn't help but become angry instead.

This fellow is actually smiling!

He must be putting on an act, right? Can he really bring himself to smile when I'm torturing his little lover?

Feng Dahai threatened Li Teng, "Will you confess?! If you don't, I'll beat her to death!"

Li Teng replied, "Go on and beat her to death if you're that capable! If you can't do it, then you're my son!"

"F*ck! This guy is a nutcase!" Feng Dahai flew into a rage and lashed out viciously at Anna a few more times.

Anna's body was badly mangled all over. Her head was also hanging by now. However, she simply didn't utter even a single sound, causing Feng Dahai to feel as if he was simply flogging a block of wood.

Huang Xun shouted at Feng Dahai, "Stop hitting her, Boss! She's gonna die! If you kill the wrong person, we'll lose!" He honestly didn't expect the insidious Li Teng to also be such a cold and unfeeling scumbag.

"You're so damn noisy!" Feng Dahai's whip lashed toward Huang Xun, causing his flesh to split open. He let out a loud scream at once.

"Boss… I, I… Don't hit me… I'm on your side, you know!" cried out Huang Xun.

He honestly didn't know what he should be saying any more. This boss of his was certainly unique. When he got vicious, even his own men weren't spared!

Feng Dahai glared furiously at Li Teng and Anna.

Things were getting rather troublesome now.

If there was only a tough nut to crack among the five editors, things would be a lot easier for him. As long as the other four confessed, it wouldn't be a big problem whether or not the last one also confessed.

However, two of these tough nuts had emerged.

On one side, there was Li Teng feigning madness and playing the fool, and on the other, there was Anna, who refused to utter a single word.

In that case, which one between the two was the resistance fighter?

Du Qing, who had been silent the whole time, walked over. He pointed at Anna and said, "Big Brother Hai, according to my analysis, this woman may be the resistance fighter."

"Oh? Why do you say that?" Feng Dahai walked over to a chair and took a seat.

"Look at the clues that the rest have confessed…

"Mickey says that Daisy knows some behind-the-scenes information about this incident. Mickey belongs to our camp, so he can't be the liar. Neither will he lie to us. Therefore, what he says must be true.

"Daisy says that we should ask Aisha about this incident, while Aisha says that she had heard that Gao Fei knows an important clue. To which, Gao Fei says that Tang Na knows very clearly who the resistance fighter is.

"According to my analysis, the likelihood of these three people lying is not high. This is purely self-preservation on their part.

"Additionally, Gao Fei had said that Tang Na knows very clearly who the resistance fighter is. If he's not lying, who do you think the resistance fighter is, Big Brother Hai?" Du Qing looked at Anna, the woman in the sunglasses, whose head was hung low.

Huang Xun, who had taken a lashing just now, gathered his courage and spoke up again. He said, "Boss, you've only whipped that insidious guy once just now. Maybe he'll confess after a few more strikes?"

"Yeah, I've only whipped him once just now. If that Gao Fei isn't lying, maybe he'll confess after I hit him a few more times," replied Feng Dahai as he stood up with the whip in his hand. He walked over to Li Teng.

Looks of fear appeared on Aisha, Daisy, and Gao Fei's faces.

Just now, Feng Dahai had acted as if he was going to whip Li Teng, but the whip had landed on Aisha instead in the end. Daisy had also suffered a lashing of the whip after that.

After that, he had acted as if he was going to whip Li Teng again, only for the whip to land on Anna instead in the end, beating her up so badly that she was on her last breath now.

Would he suddenly turn mad again and whip someone among the three of them this time?

An unpredictable person was the most terrifying of all.

Among Aisha, Daisy, and Gao Fei, Gao Fei's fear was at its maximum because he hadn't been struck at all this whole time.

Therefore, the chances that the whip would land on him this time were also the highest.

However, Feng Dahai didn't switch his target this time. Instead, he went straight to unleashing an intense tide of abuse on Li Teng.

He gave him more than ten lashings in succession. Every hit was accompanied by Li Teng's shrill and tragic screams.

Feng Dahai paused in his actions and asked, "Will you confess?!"

Li Teng was full of heroic and awe-inspiring righteousness as he replied, "A person mustn't lower his noble and prideful head. Only cowards beg for 'freedom'. What's the big deal about cruel torture? Even death cannot make me open my mouth!"


Feng Dahai continued to flog him.

A few minutes later, he stopped again and asked, "Will you confess?!"

Li Teng held his head high proudly and recited, "Since the beginning of times, who is there in this world that can avoid death? Let me leave behind my sincerest of hearts to shine upon the long river of history!"

"Damn you! You know quite a lot of crass poems, don't you!" Feng Dahai continued to flog him again.

After a while, an out of breath Feng Dahai paused again and asked, "Will you confess?!"

Li Teng looked death bravely in the face and replied, "I laugh to the heavens as I go to my death, but what remains shall be my heroic spirit and courage!"

"What the f*ck are you laughing about?!" Feng Dahai gave him more than ten lashings again.

Li Teng's screams had already died down significantly by now. It looked like he wasn't going to survive any much longer.

The mountains and the rivers wept, and both day and night grieved.

There were tears in everyone else's eyes. They couldn't bear to watch this anymore.

Just how strong-willed and how deep of a conviction must one possess in order to stay strong and not give in even after suffering so much abuse?

"Damn you! I don't believe that I can't make you confess!" Feng Dahai's hand had already gone numb from the whipping. He let go of the whip and got someone to bring over the branding iron, which was red-hot after sitting in the charcoal pan.

"Don't! I'll confess!" Fear surfaced in Li Teng's eyes.

Anna's head had been hanging low all this time as if she was on the verge of death. However, upon hearing Li Teng's words, her head shot up immediately.

Feng Dahai raised the branding iron, such that it was level to Li Teng's eyes. Then, he said, "Come on, confess! Who's the resistance fighter?!"

"I confess… nothing, dumbass!" Li Teng spat a mouthful of bloody phlegm onto Feng Dahai's face and gave him a mocking look.

Anna, who had just raised her head, lowered her head again.

"F*ck!" Feng Dahai swore and flew into a rage. He jabbed the red-hot branding iron in his hand forward at once.

Li Teng's swearing at him had felt great just now, but his screaming felt even better now.

Daisy couldn't resist taking a look at Li Teng. However, when she saw how terrible of a state Li Teng was currently in, she suffered a mental breakdown right away. She burst into loud, uncontrollable sobs at once.

Gao Fei's eyes were red as he tried to persuade Li Teng, "Bro, you'd better just confess. The person whom you're trying so hard to protect may not necessarily be grateful to you."

"Can he even confess? Do you really think he's doing this for someone else's sake? He doesn't have enough points for deduction this time, you know. He can still go to hell if he doesn't confess, but if he confesses, he'll have to claim his box lunch immediately," interjected Huang Xun, who started to bicker with Gao Fei again.

"You're asking for it, aren't you?!" Feng Dahai picked up another branding iron from the charcoal pan and marched over to Huang Xun aggressively.

Under Gao Fei's persuasion just now, there was a chance that Li Teng might have had a moment of muddleheadedness and confessed. However, with the subsequent reminder from Huang Xun, even if he had wanted to confess, he wouldn't have dared to anymore!

Huang Xun was scared out of his wits as he watched the red-hot branding iron in front of him. He cried out, "Boss! I'm sorry! I won't say anything more! Boss, don't!"

Gao Fei felt a numb and tingling sensation on his scalp when he saw the branding iron in Feng Dahai's hand. He could only be even diligent in persuading Li Teng to confess and try his best to prevent Feng Dahai from venting his anger on him.

He urged Li Teng, "Bro, just confess! You're doomed one way or another, but if you confess, at least you'll get a quicker and less painful death!"

"Boss, don't be fooled by this fellow! This is a guy whose mouth is very foul. He's just pretending to be good in front of you! Try burning him a few times! He may just be the liar!" urged Huang Xun.

He had always been at loggerheads with Gao Fei. When he thought of how Gao Fei was still unscathed even at this point, yet he, Huang Xun, had suffered a lashing from Feng Dahai's whip instead, he found this extremely unfair at once.

"Shut up!" Annoyed and perplexed, Feng Dahai pressed his branding iron against Huang Xun's chest.

Gao Fei had been helping him to persuade Li Teng just now, which was exactly what Feng Dahai wanted, yet it was interrupted by Huang Xun again. It was little wonder that he would fly into a rage.

"Boss! Aren't we on the same side?! I've been helping you with all my heart the whole time! Why do you keep targeting me?! Ahhh, aahhh!!" cried out a screaming Huang Xun as he tried to justify his actions.

"When I was playing Honor of Kings back then, I had never feared powerful enemies but only teammates that hindered me instead! Shut the f*ck up!" snapped Feng Dahai as he shoved the branding iron right into Huang Xun's mouth.

  1. These are lines from My Book of Freedom, a poem by Chen Ran, a revolutionist martyr
  2. These are lines from Sailing On The Lonely Ocean, a poem by Wen Tianxiang, a famous people's hero and patriotic poet
  3. Lines from Written on the Wall of the Prison, a poem by Tan Sitong, a Qing dynasty writer and politician
  4. A popular Chinese MMO mobile game published by Tencent Games