The Green Wolf

The sun had finally set, and the entire world did not become cooler; Instead, the heat became more oppressive. It was like a huge stagnant puddle, the gray clouds in the sky were like the upturned belly of suffocated fish. It exuded a wave of despair.

The earth was scorching, the tree trunks were hot, the weeds were hot, even the people's eyeballs were hot.

Li Siwen had finished the water in his water gourd long ago. He could have made it last longer. But to prevent Liu Er, who was already deranged from thirst, from snatching it away and affecting his plan, he simply preempted it.

Everyone tried to suppress the anger in their hearts and the hunger. They were waiting. Waiting for the return of the boorish Feudal Lord and also waiting for heavy rain and their ultimate destiny.

The threat of those gray wolves seemed to be far away.

They heard the faint rolling of thunder. Almost mad with thirst, the people who had been almost driven mad by the heat raised their heads and looked at the darkened sky, hoping that the cool rain would fall.

Now, everything else was unimportant bullshit. All they needed was water and cool temperatures.

Li Siwen was the only one who had remained seated in the logging hut. Even if his body was soaked with sweat, he didn't move. Next to him was his sharpened iron axe. He was not waiting for the rain nor the gray wolf. It was the boorish Feudal Lord he was waiting for. A murderous intent flashed in his eyes occasionally. He had to act; he had to have some initiative.

That was if the boorish Feudal Lord had still not returned.


The sound of thunder approached and the weather seemed to be cooler. The wind blew and Li Siwen closed his eyes. Regardless of the humid surroundings, he was trying to recreate the strange state of mind similar to the previous night. He knew now that adding points to Spirit and Spirit Development were not random occurrences. A peaceful atmosphere was necessary. Otherwise, there would be a lot of undesirable side effects such as vomiting, dizziness, and headaches.

He was now trying to increase his Spirit Development to 19%. There were still six more Spirit points needed in the yellow orb.

If the boorish Feudal Lord did not return, these four Spirit points would be what he needed to start something.


There was a sudden loud peal of thunder and a gust of wind came from nowhere, tearing and roaring fiercely. Most of the branches they fixed onto the fence in the day were blown away. Among the flying sand and rocks, they could see nothing.

Suddenly, Li Siwen heard a muffled grunt. The sound was so small that it was barely noticeable in the violent wind and the rumble of thunder. If he had not been trying to keep his calm, he might not have been able to hear it.

With just a thought, Li Siwen activated his Spirit Vision without a word.

In an instant, a secondary spirit force field spread out. He could see the blades of grass, leaves, stones, and sense the fresh scent of blood in the wind.

He could even vaguely see the trajectory of the wind.

Something was wrong with the wind!

A gray shadow suddenly rushed in from an angle and leaped onto the logging hut. What awaited it was the Rushing Thunder Chop.

The gray shadow didn't even have time to howl before its head was split directly in half. The tremendous impact flung its body far out.

There was a whine and another gray shadow pounced at lightning speed. Li Siwen held the axe in both hands and sent it flying with the same simple chop. Then, he hurried away from the entrance of the logging hut. The next moment, logger Old Zhao rushed up, bloodied. Even his axe was missing. Something had left bite marks on one of his arms, but it was not critical.

After he climbed up, the figure of the militiaman Song Hu also rushed over. But he was much more powerful. Wielding a spear, he forced two gray wolves back, before jumping onto the logging hut as well.

Then that was all.

Old Chen, who had the potential to become an inept advisor, the old wily fox Cao Da, and the impatient young man Liu Er, all became the source of screams, which were then replaced by the sounds of tearing and chewing.

The wind gradually ceased, the thunder stopped, and heavy rain didn't fall. Instead, the sky became much brighter, and Li Siwen finally saw the scene that made him shudder.

In the evening light, a giant green wolf at least three meters tall, surrounded by a dozen gray wolves, approached them with slow steps like a king. In its eyes was an intelligent light that hinted at the ability to analyze things like a human.

At this moment Li Siwen, Old Zhao, and Song Hu felt like their hearts were being firmly grasped by an invisible claw. Their legs trembled and they sweat profusely. They had completely lost their fighting spirit.

Even Li Siwen's talent, Spirit Vision, was completely shattered. It couldn't bear this level of crushing might.

For a moment, he even imagined that he had touched the soul of the green wolf. It seemed to look at a delicate snack. The pleasure, the pride, and the teasing all seemed so real.

Li Siwen had no will to resist at all.

It was at this moment that he realized how weak he was in this world, and how dangerous and terrifying this world was! What he thought was his ace would not even make a splash.

It was also at this moment that the earth trembled suddenly. An extremely violent aura rolled in like a hurricane in the dark sky, instantly tearing the green wolf's invisible suppression apart.

Li Siwen and the other two men slumped on the ground. They could only stare at the boorish Feudal Lord, who was engulfed by raging flames. He held a three to four meters huge mace, which had tongues of flame, in his hand. He was like a heavy tank, which rumbled as he rushed out from the darkness, out from the forest. In an instant he was head-to-head with the huge green wolf!

The green wolf howled and the Feudal Lord roared. Both sides stopped attacking after the first strike. When the Overseer Sun Tieshi and two senior soldiers rushed out, the green wolf finally howled and quickly retreated. Its gaze was heavy with implied meaning before it left.

When all the gray wolves had retreated, the flame-covered Feudal Lord sat down with a huff. The flames on him mysteriously disappeared. It left him panting, and he did not look good.

Taking it all in, Li Siwen quietly threw the axe aside and returned to being a meek farmer. He quietly warned himself not to activate the Spirit Vision so casually in the future.

There was no doubt that this invisible secondary Spirit force field was not invincible. Anyone who was strong enough could sense and crush it forcibly.

Old Zhao was in the worst condition at the moment. The aura of the green wolf injured and suppressed him. Furthermore, he was worried that the boorish Feudal Lord would blame him. He was so scared he peed his pants.

The militiaman Song Hu was in the best condition. He was rushing out, his excitement beyond words.

To be honest, Li Siwen now understood why Song Hu was so loyal to and had such confidence in the boorish Feudal Lord. The boorish Feudal Lord was really very powerful.

Fortunately, in the past one day and night, although Li Siwen occasionally coincidentally killed a gray wolf in full view, he was still very low key. Especially since he had four loggers who helped to draw the wolf's attention and block its line of sight. Otherwise, it would be time for him to come clean.

However, looking at the pathetic state of the boorish Feudal Lord, not only did he not bring back his prey, he even lost two of the elite soldiers that he had previously recruited. Three mercenaries, four hunters, and five militiamen had died. It was obvious he had failed miserably. Therefore, faced with what was left in the territory, the boorish Feudal Lord probably didn't have the mood to probe.