The Ordinary Li Siwen

"You two, get out here now!"

The militiaman Song Hu growled. Next to him was the Feudal Lord being supported by the Overseer Sun Tieshi. He looked extremely weak.

Behind them were two highly alert soldiers.

Li Siwen hurriedly helped Old Zhao, who had little strength left and jumped out of the logging hut. At this moment, the boorish Feudal Lord had priority.


The boorish Feudal Lord suddenly spoke. His eyes were still sharp in the dark. After sweeping his gaze across the unremarkable Li Siwen shivering like a quail, it fell on Old Zhao.

"How many wolves did you kill?"

"I, I don't know, the wind is too strong. I just swung my axe with it." Old Zhao replied while he trembled. He was absolutely telling the truth. The gust of wind earlier arrived without rhyme or reason, churning up sand and rocks, and there was no visibility. It was most likely some kind of magic cast by the green wolf. He could be considered skillful to hack wildly and not be too scared to even move.

However, at this moment, although he was covered with blood, his face was not excessively pale. In contrast, the only bloodstain on Li Siwen's body was from rubbing against Old Zhao.

"He's a warrior!" It impressed the boorish Feudal Lord. He turned his head and said to Overseer Sun Tieshi, "Treat his wounds."

"But Lord, what about your injury?"

Overseer Sun Tieshi was quite torn.

"I won't die. You can treat me again tomorrow. If he doesn't receive treatment, I'm afraid he will die tomorrow morning." The boorish Feudal Lord said this in a very calm and collected tone. It sent Old Zhao into a frenzy, wishing he could declare his loyalty immediately.

Overseer Sun Tieshi could only follow his orders. After helping the boorish Feudal Lord into the logging hut, he walked to Old Zhao, stared at him for a moment, then suddenly looked at Li Siwen.

"I know you, you're the lazy farmer. Can you tell me how you escaped when your companions were eaten by the wolf? Don't try to pull one over my head, I can guess the truth. If this were any other time, I would take your head off. But now, you have succeeded again. The territory has undergone major changes and every pair of hands is precious, even that of a lazy man. Tomorrow, you will continue to weed!"

"Now, put him down for me."

Overseer Sun Tieshi might have suffered from too much excitement and excessive shock. That was why he appeared sad and angry at the same time. He even said so much in one breath.

Li Siwen thought with some malice in his heart, while he hurriedly put Old Zhao on the ground.

At this moment, he was also very curious. Was it possible that Overseer Sun Tieshi was a druid or something like that? If so, why didn't he save the logger who suddenly fell sick and the two farmers who had heatstroke?

Oh, probably they were not worth saving.

However, there were only a few of them left in the territory. Was that why the boorish Feudal Lord would rather delay his own treatment and treat Old Zhao first? Even he, the recognized sluggard, had been forgiven. Was this not a matter worth celebrating?

While thinking about it, Li Siwen suddenly felt a gentle power being generated, similar to his secondary Spirit field, but with essential differences.

Then, he saw a white light being formed between Overseer Sun Tieshi's hands, which were then slowly infused into the wound on Old Zhao's body. The wound soon disappeared.

Then, Overseer Sun Tieshi suddenly sagged. Song Hu and another soldier hurriedly came forward to support him.

"I'm okay, is there any food?"

"Yes, we have some wolf meat and fish meat, but there's no water." Song Hu blurted out.

"Wolf meat? Not bad. I have water here. Bring it quickly. No, send it to Lord first."

Soon, Song Hu brought in some dried wolf meat and dried fish. The Overseer Sun Tieshi and the other two soldiers instantly turned into gluttons and ate them with gusto.

As for the boorish Feudal Lord, Song Hu sent him all the remaining dried wolf meat and fish meat, about a hundred catties in total.

For this reason, the boorish Feudal Lord praised Song Hu, and that made him feel like he had succeeded in life.

Li Siwen gulped. There was no dissatisfaction in his heart. In fact, there was nothing to be dissatisfied with. After all, the boorish Feudal Lord saved his life this time.

However, these guys could really eat.

Li Siwen inferred something by referring to his own food intake.

The Stamina of the two senior soldiers was at least 20 points.

He had originally thought Overseer Sun Tieshi was a melee fighter. Unexpectedly, he turned out to be someone who could both heal and engage in melee. His Stamina must be at least 15.

As for the boorish Feudal Lord, his Stamina was probably at least 50. He also had the ability to conjure flames all over his body and was exceptionally powerful at melee attack.

He could not afford to offend them.

Nothing happened overnight, and the expected heavy rain didn't fall.

As soon as the sky lightened, the oppressive humidity and heat rose again.

Li Siwen took two tree leaves and was busy in the grass for a while before getting three mouthfuls of dew. It finally made his burning throat more comfortable, but it was immediately followed by thunderous protests in his belly.

At this time, there were no fat cooking aunties preparing breakfast. Fortunately, he was not the only one starving. Song Hu and Old Zhao were also starving.

Overseer Sun Tieshi had entered the logging hut to heal the boorish Feudal Lord. Those outside didn't know exactly how it was going.

After a while, Overseer Sun Tieshi walked out and had the two senior soldiers guard the logging hut. Then he summoned Song Hu, Old Zhao, and Li Siwen.

"The territory is flooded. We have too few people and cannot regain the territory immediately. Therefore, the Lord has ordered us to rest here temporarily. Song Hu, work harder. Take people to get some water and food. Forget about the gray wolf meat. The big fish from last night was not bad though."

Song Hu was taken aback. He glanced at Old Zhao and Li Siwen, and asked timidly, "Sir, only the three of us?"

"Are you three of you not enough?"

"No, no, sir. Didn't you ask Wang Er to go weeding yesterday? Then that leaves only the two of us. How about you send one senior with us?" Song Hu had gotten clever out of anxious necessity. After the battle last night, Song Hu had been badly frightened by the green wolf, Old Zhao too. Without the Lord protecting them, it terrified them.

"When did I say that?" Overseer Tieshi was a ruthless person. He said with his expression unchanged, "Just the three of you, do I have to do such lowly tasks myself? Go quickly and hurry back!"

After being reprimanded, Song Hu, Old Zhao, and Li Siwen had no choice but to set out. Each of them carried several water gourds. With an axe and a spear, they turned to look back every couple of steps. It really scared them.

"Wang Er, are you familiar with the terrain over where the wheat field is? Do you think there are any big fishes there that can be caught with just an axe?"

Song Hu suddenly asked after they had walked for a distance.

"I don't think so. After all, those gray wolves also eat fishes." Li Siwen replied after thinking about it. However, he was thinking about the wolves bringing all the corpses with them when they retreated last night. There were two probable explanations for that.

First, the pack of gray wolves direly needed food, but judging by the intelligent glint in the eyes of the green wolf, would the gray wolves eat the bodies of their companions? This was not logical, especially when a lot of big fishes could be caught yesterday. Therefore, it must be for another reason, which was a bold assumption.

That was, did the green wolf require some bodies as an offering?

Much like how the boorish Feudal Lord offered copious amounts of his conquests to the Gods.

This idea was too terrifying, and Li Siwen himself was not sure. As there were a lot of big fishes here yesterday, if they were all sacrificed by the green wolf, it would be equivalent to them gaining an immense advantage in resources.

Thinking again about the gaze of the green wolf when it left last night, Li Siwen was anxious for this territory.