Where is the Trust Between People?

At around 6:30 AM, the expedition trio arrived at the brook, trembling. They didn't encounter any danger along the way and didn't see a single gray wolf.

This was under the assumption that the gray wolves didn't go into hiding. After all, this place was full of thick weeds that were knee deep. If the gray wolves laid among the grass, they couldn't be seen.

"Wang Er, go down and fill the water. Old Zhao, both of us will stand guard."

Song Hu stood by the brook. From his expression, he seemed like he would rather die than cross the brook.

Li Siwen pretended to hesitate, then jumped into the brook nervously. His legs were a little unstable.

There were flaws in his acting skills. But both Song Hu and Old Zhao were tense. The mere rustle of the grass in the wind would scare them. Hence, they didn't notice.

However, there was a reason Li Siwen insisted on doing this. It made little sense for him to appear so calmed and relaxed when two people next to him were trembling with fear.

"Wang Er, you fool. Hurry, don't drag your feet!"

Seeing Li Siwen cautiously looking around while in the brook, looking terrified, Song Hu's tension lessened a little for some reason. He even thought of the gray wolf that Li Siwen hacked to death yesterday morning. Perhaps it was a coincidence.

Li Siwen carried twelve water gourds as he stumbled to the side of the brook. In a moment of carelessness, he missed his footing and fell into the brook, resulting in a scolding from Song Hu.

When Li Siwen finally filled up the water gourds, the surrounding was still calm. There were no gray wolves. Song Hu and Old Zhao's expressions were strange. In the next second, the boorish Feudal Lord appeared by the brook. Overseer Sun Tieshi and two other soldiers were with him.

What situation was this?

"Let's go. Let's return to the territory. That green wolf is cunning. It didn't get tricked."

The boorish Feudal Lord's voice sounded like a great bell. There was no hint of yesterday's fatigue and weakness.

When Li Siwen finally reacted, the boorish Feudal Lord and the others had already crossed the brook and were headed toward the territory.

At this moment, Song Hu and Old Zhao thumped their chests and stomped their feet in regret. They were just baits. They regretted their weak selves along the way. It could have been a good chance to impress the Feudal Lord.

As for Li Siwen, he was drenched in cold sweat. Heck. The Lord was supposed to be a reckless and unyielding man. Where was the trust between people? Why did he suddenly practice the thirty-six strategies?

"Indeed, a simple man would not have been able to become a Lord."

Li Siwen sighed in his heart. At the same time, he was secretly glad that he put up an act along the way. Song Hu and Old Zhao wouldn't talk to the boorish Feudal Lord about what happened the day before. As for the green wolf who already knew about his abilities, he was thankful they were on opposite sides and that it couldn't talk.

Next, Li Siwen originally thought that he would stay in the wheat field to weed. But then he thought it might be too deliberate to do so. It might attract more attention. Hence, he chased in the footsteps of the boorish Feudal Lord with Song Hu and Old Zhao, returning to the territory that they had left three days ago. The situation was so different it was as if a generation had passed. The two cooking ladies became haggard and their beauty had diminished. It was regrettable. Sigh.

Well, the above were Song Hu and Old Zhao's thoughts.

The territory was completely destroyed.

First, it was flooded by the river, and then tormented by the wolves. Even the only stone house was overturned. Rocks were strewn everywhere, it seemed to have been ransacked.

But the boorish Feudal Lord didn't seem to mind. He mumbled in front of the overturned stone house. A beam of light rose from the ruins of the stone house and it became a half-foot tall statue in the blink of an eye.

The statue was shrouded in white light and was not visible to the naked eye.

The boorish Feudal Lord pulled out a living heart from somewhere, and the statue instantly swallowed and absorbed it.

Then, two eyeballs the size of two chicken eggs, a pair of black horns, the skull of a one-eyed creature, and over ten other items were all absorbed by the statue.

At this moment, the boorish Feudal Lord seemed to have let out a breath of relief. He even seemed bigger. Next, a ray of light shrouded on the boorish Feudal Lord. There were several odd flaming symbols in the light.

After three whole minutes, the light disappeared. The boorish Feudal Lord growled in a deep voice and breathed fire. Various flaming symbols appeared on his face, neck, and arms, then disappeared.

There was no doubt that the boorish Feudal Lord had leveled up. He had gained more power from the statue's village building order.

At this moment, the boorish Feudal Lord pointed above the statue, as if he was controlling some operation panel. After a while, five balls of flames shot out from the white light.

Li Siwen watched intently from afar.

At first, the white light from the statue was hazy and thin. It seemed like it would disperse with the wind.

After the boorish Feudal Lord had offered so many items to it, the white light was dense like white jade.

When the boorish Feudal Lord leveled up, the white light became half as dense.

When the five balls of flames were obtained, the white light became half as dense again.

At this moment, the boorish Feudal Lord exclaimed, "Our territory has encountered a great calamity. It's hard to come by that all of you didn't abandon the territory and fought bravely. There are five fire amulets which contain the power of fire, which can be activated three times. It can be cast on your weapon to injure the enemy, it can also form a fire shield around the body to block out damage caused by the enemy's attack."

"Sun Tieshi!"

"Thank you for your graciousness, my Lord. I will repay you with my life!" Overseer Sun Tieshi knelt with tears and he allowed a ball of flame to be absorbed to his forehead.

"Qin Fen!"

"Zhang Ye!"

"Song Hu!"

"Zhao Da!"

Five people, five fire amulets. It was just right.

Li Siwen, who huddled in the corner like a quail, was regrettably disregarded.

Next, the boorish Feudal Lord placed his hands in the statue's white light again. He summoned two cooking aunties with a whoosh.

With another whoosh, eight axe-wielding loggers were summoned.

The whooshing continued. He summoned eight hunters carrying hunting bows and forks.

Lastly, nine farmers carrying hoes appeared stonily. Heck, why were there nine?

At this moment, the white light disappeared completely and the statue turned into nothingness. Where did it go?