Farmer Li on the Attack

The territory which he had thought was beyond saving returned to normal in a short time.

This caused Li Siwen to realize deeply the importance of having resources in his own hands so that he wouldn't have to worry about anything. Also, he didn't dare to belittle anyone anymore, especially the boorish Feudal Lord.

Although he was rash, his actions this time were impressive. In total, he used four mercenaries, two high-level soldiers, four hunters, and five militiamen to exchange for an increase of his own power. The deterrence power of such a high-level of power was not something that just tens of militiamen could be compared to.

Li Siwen had calculated before that when an elite grey wolf fought solo against a militiaman equipped with a spear, the militiaman would definitely win. Song Hu was an example of this.

10 militiamen could probably win against 15 grey wolves.

But now, the boorish Feudal didn't even recruit any militiaman, he just walked along the borders of the territory, and the result was that the insects in the bushes all fled away in a panic.

This might be because of the invisible aura that the Feudal Lord possesses, like the green wolf which could scare a person still from tens of meters away.

Keeping his thoughts, Li Siwen stood in the wheat field and watched the nine new farmers working diligently. After all that happened, it was still the same as before.

That was right, he was the legendary tenth farmer.

"Wang Er, why are you dazing there? Do you want to get beaten? Sir Sun had specially instructed me not to let you laze about."

The Feudal Lord's new trusted aide, Zhao Da, was biting a stalk of grass in his mouth and sitting in the tree's shade. The fire amulet on his forehead could be faintly seen. He was a Fire Guard now and was sent by Sun Tieshi to supervise the 10 farmers. At the same time, he was to protect them.

This was actually a kind of ostracizing and oppression. Everyone in the territory could tell that to the Feudal Lord, the wheat fields were of the least importance. This could be seen from his attitude towards the hunters, lumberjacks, cooks, and farmers.

Yet, this Old Zhao was still thrilled to be sent here. Well, maybe he was indeed very satisfied. After all, compared to being a lumberjack, he was already doing very well now.

Li Siwen just looked at Old Zhao and pondered over stuff in his mind.

Now, in the territory, the boorish Feudal Lord didn't take care of the daily affairs anymore. It was Sun Tieshi who was in charge of such stuff now.

Belong Sun Tieshi was Qin Fen and Zhang Ye, who were more powerful now because of the fire amulet. These two were to protect and supervise the hunters. This was also the area the Feudal Lord placed the most emphasis on. After all, the wild beasts there were hunted by them could be sacrificed to the statue, and also be eaten as food!

It could be foreseen that the Feudal Lord was planning to take the hunting path. If not, he wouldn't have recruited eight hunters.

Below the hunter team, the lumberjack team was being highly regarded too, recruiting as many as eight lumberjacks, being supervised by the Fire Guard, Song Hu. The lumbers there were being cut every day would be sacrificed at night in exchange for other resources.

Basically, the lumberjacks were very important too.

However, Old Zhao's relationship with Song Hu was very poor. This was because of the various times that Old Zhao spoke against Song Hu yesterday, and also because of Old Zhao's attempts to overpower Song Hu.

On the other hand, Song Hu's relationship with Sun Tieshi was good. Maybe this wouldn't be of relevance in the short term, but once the time gets longer, who knows what would happen?

Thinking of this, Li Siwen carried his hoe, walked to Old Zhao's side, and sat down. He softly asked, "How many wolves did you actually kill yesterday?"

"What are you asking this for?" Old Zhao's face was full of cautiousness.

"I killed two wolves yesterday." Li Siwen very seriously said, "The Feudal Lord didn't see the process, he only saw that you were hurt and covered in blood, and therefore thought that you were the one who killed the wolves. You should be well aware if you have killed any wolf or not. But do you know why I didn't expose you?"

"It's because I think that you are quite a good person, very righteous. When I went over the day before, you were the only one who reminded and took care of me. This was why I was willing to give you the credit. Yup, don't stare. If I don't say and you don't say, who will know of this? Also, don't think of killing me to cover this up. Since I can kill two wolves, do you think you can secretly kill me just because of the fire amulet?"

"What do you really want?" Old Zhao gritted his teeth and softly asked. Indeed, he didn't dare to mention this to anyone. This was also why he was so satisfied, even though he was ostracized by the others. It was because he gained this reward by practically dropping onto him from heaven.

"Very simple. First, I want to build a small farmer hut. I don't want to be drenched again the next time a rainstorm comes. Yup, you don't wish for this to happen too, right? After all, you can't return to the territory for no reason now. Of course, I will cut the wood, you are to build the but. How does this sound?" Li Siwen smiled and said.

He wasn't revealing his trump card, because Song Hu knew that he had killed a wolf too. But since Song Hu didn't report this to the Feudal Lord immediately when it happened, he would forever not report to the Feudal Lord now. Why should Song Hu have reported this to the Feudal Lord and let the lowly farmer become someone who would be of the same status as himself?

That would be a joke.

"Can we do something like this?" Old Zhao hesitated, not very certain of it.

"Why not, did the Lord say we can't do such a thing?"

"But this matter—it isn't appropriate. Without the Lord or Sir Sun's order, we can't do this." Old Zhao shook his head like a rattle drum. He didn't want to find trouble for himself.

Seeing this, Li Siwen laughed coldly.

"Then let me ask you, are the 10 farmers now your care now? Even the food and water are given to us by you?"

"So what about it? I am telling you this, Wang Er, I definitely won't shortchange the farmers any food. Don't think of asking for more food from me too!" Old Zhao instantly said this firmly.

"Haha, idiot! Some time ago, a lumberjack died from disease, two farmers died from heatstroke. You know of these, right? Even during the rainstorm a few days ago, the seven farmers weren't eaten by wolves, they died from being drenched and having a fever."

"Then let me ask you, the weather is so hot, you are already sweating like a dog when you are hiding in the shade now. What about the farmers? If they died from heatstroke, who will be responsible? If a rainstorm came along and some of them died, who will be responsible?"

Hearing this, Old Zhao's face finally changed. After hesitating for a while, he finally clenched his teeth and said, "Alright, then let's build a small farmer hut. But I will cut through the woods myself. You continue to do your weeding. Don't try to use this as a reason to slack off. I will cut the wood and build the hut myself. I don't think that bastard will have any reason to reprimand me for this!"

"Wait, if you are gone, who will protect the farmers? If a few wolves came—"

"Ain't you here?" Once he said this, Old Zhao instantly realized that this wasn't appropriate.

Li Siwen smiled evilly and said, "If wolves come, I will just run. I can run faster than them, so I will be safe. In the end, you will still be the one responsible."

"I—I—damn it!"

Old Zhao trembled from anger. Li Siwen didn't speak anymore, but just took Old Zhao's axe and went straight for the south coast of the river ditch. Cutting wood was of course more comfortable than weeding, right?