Demonized Spring Wheat

"It seems like I have to be a farmer."

Li Siwen thought merrily. The post leveling-up effect of farming abilities really gave him a tremendous surprise and also made him more confident about his plans for the future.

At that moment, he couldn't even care to go fishing. He headed right towards the area where there was no backflow of river water, chose the flattest, most complete wheat field where there were the most seedlings and where he had done an enormous amount of weeding. Focusing his attention in his heart, he lit up the level three farming ability.

Several seconds later, Li Siwen did not notice any miraculous situation within the wheat field. Instead, his Attribute Bar now had a 3D wheat field model.

Beneath the model was a string of data:

Farmland acreage: 4.37 acres (calculated as 4 acres)

Farmland quality: Average (click to see more)

Farmland cultivation status: Demonized spring wheat ? ?

Farmland estimated total output: 1587 kg

Farmland estimated harvest time: Remaining 70 days

Farmland sowing participation rate: 0, deducting 5% of participation rate

Farmland fertilizing participation rate: 0, deducting 10% of participation rate

Farmland hoeing participation rate: Already weeded 80 thousand stalks (other farmers' hoeing section will be included too), participation rate +10%, within the next one month, continuing to do hoeing can grant you 20% of participation rate.

Farmland cultivation participation rate: 0, within the next one month, completing the cultivation of wheat can grant you 5% of participation rate.

Farmland irrigation and drainage participation rate: Current irrigation index 100, participation rate +10%, a month later, when wheat enters grain filling stage, irrigation index 100 will grant 10% of participation rate (Note: Rainfall will automatically be included into participation rate), and, if irrigation index exceeds 120, drainage participation will be unlocked.

Farmland disinsectization participation rate: 0, Minor pest damage has already occurred, deducting 1% of participation rate, a pest outbreak is extremely likely to happen one month later, grants 9% of participation rate.

Farmland harvest participation rate: 0, yet to be unlocked, grants 5% of participation rate.

Total: Presently deducted 16% of participation rate, earned 20% of participation rate, 64% of participation rate left to be earned.


"Damn, it even works this way?"

Li Siwen was greatly interested and filled with anticipation. This was because, if he handled everything properly subsequently, it meant that he could at least gain 84% of participation rate from this farmland. In other words, he could obtain 44 Vitality Points, as well as increase production by 45%. The basic output of this farmland was 1587kg, after production increases, it could reach about 2301kg, equivalent to close to 800kg of yield per acre. Feels great.

He did not understand exactly what species demonized spring wheat was. Had the boorish Feudal Lord exchanged for it from the statue? No wonder he had no way of obtaining Vitality Points through cutting off wheat seedlings. It turned out that it was a foreign species.

But this demonized wheat's vitality was truly strong. It was as if the weeds here had gained intellect; they grew like mad. How could ordinary weed compete with them?

Li Siwen's thoughts only paused here for a moment, and he ended the dilemma.

Then, he opened a sub-option on the Attribute Bar.

Instantly a small Attribute Bar popped out.

Farmland soil property: humus soil

Farmland soil PH value: 7

Free aura in farmland soil: 0.0001 unit/acre

Farmland growth's upper limit: Can continue to grow to become superior farmland (requires 100 Vitality Points), top level farmland (requires 1000 Vitality Points), ultimate farmland (requires 10000 Vitality Points).


Li Siwen had his mouth agape and speechless. He closed this Attribute Bar at top speed, he'd pretend that nothing had happened at all.

After all this farmland had yet to belong to him, why would he improve its quality?


"Surely it doesn't mean that I can only be a farmer in this life?"

He thought with incomparable sorrow, because very clearly, this was his gold finger [1. To have a gold finger means to have an advantage and extreme capability], did he have the right to reject this?


Mm, eating his own words!

After spending a minute to feel happy, Li Siwen calmed down. This was because if he wanted to complete all the participation in the coming two months and ten days' time, there was a lot to be done.

Or it could also be put as, for 44 Vitality Point, was it worth doing so?

This was because after harvesting the wheat, all the grains obtained would definitely have to be handed to the boorish Feudal Lord, if that fellow takes another step on the edge and offers the grains as sacrifice, allowing the farmers, lumberjacks and hunters, people who can no longer head out to work when winter arrives to all starve to death, or kill everyone, what would he do?

After all, anything could happen.

"Actually, I'd just have to observe him subsequently. The territory has already been flooded twice. If the boorish Feudal Lord still does not activate the territory's overall construction in the next month, it would mean that the possibility of him taking the extreme when winter comes was extremely high. Even if he wouldn't, at the very least, a territory that cannot even offer basic food and clothing and protection is destined to be hopeless."

"So if that is the case, in any circumstances, I will find a chance to go solo when it's autumn. Of course, even if the boorish Feudal Lord has done everything, I will still need to leave during the spring to summer period next year, because many of the abilities in my Attribute Bar are being wasted when they're used here. How could farming for another person be more comfortable than farming for myself?"

Li Siwen pondered on in his heart and roughly came up with a solo plan. In the future, following the passing of time and changes in situation, he would constantly supplement and improve it.

Putting these things aside, he calculated whether or not this level 3 farming skill was worthwhile.

"Firstly, I have to calculate, if without this farming skill, how much Vitality Points can I obtain each day?"

"I've now settled Old Zhao, so every morning or afternoon, after Overseer Sun Tieshi has completed his inspection, I can go out and do some wood chopping. Depending on the wear of the axe, and the hardness of the wood at the east side of the stream, I can at best get myself one to two Vitality Points per day. Then, after only 10 days, Old Zhao's axe would stop working because of too much wear and tear."

"If I were to go through Old Zhao to get an axe from Song Hu's side, the risks would be multiplied, not recommended."

"Besides, I can gain some Vitality Points through hoeing every day. This is currently the most stable income, I estimate it to last around two months. But for it to be so, I have to take into consideration the later stage of hoeing where the sparseness of weeds or an unexpected change in weather that could cause the Vitality Points to lessen."

"So calculating everything altogether, without this level 3 farming skill, theoretically, I would at most gain 50 Vitality Points and at least 30 Vitality Points. Even if I constantly work hard, the amount of Vitality Points I ultimately earn might only be about 40 points."

"In view of this, the 44 Vitality Points that the level 3 farming skill provides becomes very important. This is because, if nothing goes wrong, before this year's winter arrives, these two numbers added together would be the maximum total number of Vitality Points that I can gain."