Mud Isn’t The Only One That Cannot Hold The Wall, There’s You Too

The river water that flooded the banks came fast and retreated quickly too.

Only about an hour had passed, the flooding river water that was originally at the height of half a human had subsided to just 20 to 30 cm. Those big fish that were driven ashore were very tantalizing under the dancing spots of the sunlight.

Old Zhao had already lifted two big fish and charged to the lumberyard. As for Li Siwen, he took advantage of Old Zhao's absence and slaughtered 22 big fish at one go. They threw one to those nine farmers, one left behind for his own enjoyment and the remaining 20 were dragged to the stream, allowing the waters that were still rapid here to sweep them away.

As for the reason, it naturally wasn't because he was hiding his skill. Rather, he was preventing these big fish that he killed from being unable to be sacrificed by the statue and then exposing his secret.

Similarly, he would not believe that Old Zhao could be completely trusted after being daunted by himself. Making preparations for a few more eventualities was better than being overwhelmed and bewildered when the time came.

Presently, following the subside of the river water, the 30 acres of flooded wheat fields saw the light of day once more. As the river water was relatively gentle, and the weeds on the bank were lush, it did not bring much sludge to the wheat field. More than an hour of being immersed in river water also didn't seem to affect the health of these demonized wheat and weeds at all.

Those weeds even became unusually arrogant after absorbing large amounts of water. The demonized wheats were already growing quickly, reaching 20 cm tall within a few days' time. However, it'd only been three days without weeding, and after two floods, these weeds were like one's beard after burning the midnight oil; rushing out.

In just a day's time, they'd already grown several centimetres. If they got some sunlight tomorrow, it would at most be the following day where they caught up with the height of the demonized wheat, and then unfolding—the revenge of the weed prince.

Hence, without doubt, a large-scale strangling battle was beginning in these 30 acres of wheat fields. No, the remaining 20 acres of wheat fields won't have it easy either. At best, it was just the difference of one being the main battlefield and another, the border battlefield.

Li Siwen ate raw fish while monitoring this wheat field that was increasingly becoming full of vigor. He had to admit; he had underestimated the Vitality Point storage of this 50 acre wheat field earlier. Given the growth rate of these weeds, within a month, the Vitality Points that he earns from weeding would not be lesser than that he earns from logging.

And since that was the case, why take the risk?

Heading out to fell trees was ultimately a little inappropriate. Even with Old Zhao helping him, once he was caught by Sun Tieshi, it still wouldn't be easy to handle. Or if by any chance, the boorish Feudal Lord gets into great spirits one day, comes out to take a stroll and sees him, the farmer that could fell trees, wouldn't everything be out then?

Weed, weed, he had to weed!

This path was the kingly way.

Li Siwen deliberated while swiftly cleaning out the flesh of a big fish. He was only full at this point.

And according to his experience from the previous few days, this full meal could provide about 35 Stamina Points for him.

If he were to not do anything and just lay down idly, he could go without eating for two days and two nights and still not feel too hungry.

"So Stamina is really a glorious thing, I just don't know if there's a limit to adding the points, or any drawbacks. If not, this could really be considered unlimitedly increasing my attributes. Eh, why is Song Hu here too?"

Li Siwen had just stood up when he saw a crowd of people running over from the stream's side. Weren't the two fellows at the front with arms around each other's shoulders and happily chatting Old Zhao and Song Hu?

Their relationship had recovered so quickly!

And behind them were eight lumberjacks with axes in their hands. Splendid fellows, they were here to vie for fish.

In a twinkle, a few thoughts flashed across Li Siwen's minds, a mix of good and bad ones. Unfortunately, right now, the development of the situation was already beyond his control, because from afar, with a call from Old Zhao, those nine farmers who totally couldn't bear to see food were howling and rushing down to catch fish.

Forced against his will, Li Siwen could only grab his hoe, stay amongst the farmers and be a low-profile salted fish that only knew to shout 'awesome'.

On the other side, eight lumberjacks, together with Old Zhao and Song Hu, the entire group quickly spread out. At present, the water level was only left at a dozen centimeters. Not too much effort was needed. Once they saw a big fish, they swarmed forward and some mad smashing would kill it.

At the start, both sides even specially left someone to watch after the fish they'd killed, but as the number of slaughtered fish increased, no one cared anymore.

Everyone, whether they were farmers of lumberjacks, were all so excited that their eyes were wide as they shouted themselves hoarse. Their spirits weren't inferior to an eagle at all, where was there any hint of cowardliness?

Except for Li Siwen, who was feeling a little worried. Such a situation wasn't something he wanted to see right at the beginning, because this was considered being presumptuous. The boorish Feudal Lord may not mind, but they wouldn't know how that Overseer who would even pettily note it down when the farmers were slacking would think.

As expected, when it was close to dusk, Sun Tieshi came. His brows were tightly knitted, a frosty look on his face. His body was shrouded in murderous intent and mud water. After all, the territory had been flooded again for the third time.

"Who gave you all the right to act by yourselves?"

"How do you know that there is no danger in this river water?"

"Who gave you permission to privately leave the lumberyard?"

It was three questions that struck one's soul the moment Sun Tieshi opened his mouth. The surface it struck was rather wide and it directly released the imposing manner of a Hero!

Old Zhao had wanted to be unyielding for a moment, but his courage had already been worn away long when they met that green wolf, and trauma had been left behind. Presently, upon encountering a similar coercion, he was instantly so startled that his legs shivered with fear. After all, the one who really killed the wolf wasn't him.

Fortunately Song Hu was still of militiaman background, after all, he belonged to the middle to the upper class. Although he was a little afraid facing Sun Tieshi, he was someone who'd killed a gray wolf with his own hands and even more likely, people. He knew better what so many big fish meant to the territory.

So long as there was the Feudal Lord's approval, everything else was nothing!

"Sir Sun, are you here to rob the credit?"

Song Hu said somberly, hitting the nail on the head as he laid the cards out.

This comment had Sun Tieshi choked up. The fire amulet on his forehead that originally could not be seen lit up like it'd been agitated, the flame dimming and brightening, very strange.

No one noticed this detail. Only Li Siwen who hid in the crowd like a coward was in thought.

"Are you people revolting?"

Overseer Sun Tieshi finally sounded the strongest voice. This voice was terrifying and even carried a hint of trill and the imposing coercion unique to Heroes. Although it was still levels beneath the green wolf and the boorish Feudal Lord, this was coercion after all.


Song Hu who faced this strongest voice directly only took a step back. Old Zhao behind him was already kneeling in the mud, his face ghastly pale, he'd been scared out of his wits.

This handling, so well done!

Of course, joining him in kneeling were also all the farmers and lumberjacks, including Li Siwen, who was wildly ranting. He could do nothing when he'd encountered an incompetent teammate.

And not long after Old Zhao fell to his knees, the boorish Feudal Lord arrived. Seeing these more than a hundred big fish, even the boorish Feudal Lord spaced out slightly.

"Haha, Song Hu, Zhao Da, you two have done well."

The boorish Feudal Lord's mood seemed to be great, Old Zhao instantly resurrected with full health points, only he was still so agitated that he couldn't say a word. Only Sun Tieshi's expression became more sullen.

When Li Siwen who hid amongst the crowd saw this scene, he sighed lightly in his heart. He was to feel a little regretful.

Old Zhao, this dude, if he had persevered in not kneeling down earlier, he would have been able to receive the boorish Feudal Lord's praises very quickly, and even completely earn Song Hu's approval. Both of them would really be buddies then.

But now, the difference between the two of them could be seen at one glance. Given the assertion and perseverance that Song Hu had shown these few days, he was definitely looking at Zhao Da's current behavior with disdain.

Especially now that Song Hu could actually face Overseer Sun Tieshi's imposing coercion directly. What did this show? It showed that he wasn't the average militiaman, especially now that the boorish Feudal Lord had caught this scene.

Look, a new aristocrat was going to be born immediately. It was a pity that Zhao Da had no chance to cozy up to this significant power.

Originally, if he could resist this coercion, he could have become a member of the new aristocrat.

All was good now, one kneel ruined everything!

After the river water subsided, all the big fish were carried back to the territory that was in a mess. The lumberjacks and farmers were a little depressed and a little expectant. Until the boorish Feudal Lord announced that everyone was getting a slice of grilled fish for dinner, the morale instantly surged unimaginably.

Yet such an outcome had long been expected by Li Siwen because they would sacrifice all these big fish. It was already good that the farmers and lumberjacks could get a slice of grilled fish each.

As for Old Zhao and Song Hu, they were specially permitted to sit by the fire that had been relit, accompanying the boorish Feudal Lord to eat dinner with the Overseer Sun Tieshi, and two other Fire Guards Zhang Ye and Qin Fen.

But without question, tonight's star, other than the boorish Feudal Lord, was Song Hu.

If he had not guessed wrongly, it was highly likely that Song Hu's previous performance and this one, that have the boorish Feudal Lord acting on the thought of wanting to nurture Song Hu into a Hero.

But these no longer mattered to Li Siwen. He took back all of his expectations and investments in Old Zhao.

"Tactics and everything are useless, weeding is the kingly way!"

  1. A term used to refer to people who have just gotten close to the high officials