Losing Control of Emotions

Li Siwen was already very experienced in using Vitality Points to speed up the maturation of wild pears, hence he was also rather confident regarding doing so with demonized wheat.

The only thing to consider was how many stalks of demonized wheat he ought to ripen at one go for it to be considered worth it?

Besides, what would the matured demonized wheat look like, would it grow a demon head? All these needed to be considered.

Casting a look more than a hundred meters away at Old Zhao, who was spacing out, Li Siwen let out a snicker. It'd been merely two days and Overseer Sun Tieshi had already scolded Zhao Da as many as six times, so this fellow had no time to keep an eye on him.

Squatting down, he pretended to clean the soil on the hoe. At the same time, he swiftly acted, grabbing 10 stalks of wheat, extracted Vitality Points, then focused his attention. All was done in one breath.

In the twinkling of an eye, those 10 stalks of wheat grew to a height of almost two meters at a visible speed. They'd even grown huge earheads that were like sorghums.

Li Siwen was startled. Fortunately, the farmer closest to him was also more than a hundred meters away, Zhao Da was even further. He deftly dragged these ten stalks of demonized wheat to the ground, nipped off the earheads that weighed at least half a kilogram each, and hid them into the few sacks that had been prepared beforehand.

As for the wheat straw, they were speedily torn to shreds by him and buried into the ground.

Everything was done, and it took only two to three minutes.

The farmers returned one after another. As the food for lunch was in Zhao Da's hands, they had to queue up and collect it from him.

Meanwhile, Li Siwen first went to pee, then returned to the humid farmer's hut at an angle and hid the wheat earheads inside the void of a tree trunk that he'd dug out yesterday. Only then did he leisurely head to collect his ration, then turn back to the farmer's hut.

When Zhao Da walked over with a withered spirit, he was seated and slowly chewing and swallowing his ration.

The two met eyes, Zhao Da's gaze was a little exhausted. Instead, the fire amulet in between his brows seemed to be even brighter than before. Perhaps it was an illusion?

"Old Zhao, do you want to take a break?"

Li Siwen asked tentatively.

Zhao Da did not speak, but he suddenly shouted angrily without warning, "That Sun fellow is a damn stinking bug, I will personally crush him to death and smash him to pieces, eventually!"

When he finished yelling, Zhao Da's fist pounded on the stone wall of the farmer's hut. Blood appeared at once, but he seemed to feel nothing at all.

However, Li Siwen was horrified to see that in the instance Zhao Da had raged, the fire amulet between his brows had brightened intensely for a moment.

And Zhao Da, who was done venting, turned and left, his spirits even more wallowed than before.

"It seems like this fellow cannot control his own emotions? What exactly did Sun Tieshi that fellow say in the morning, did he extend his greetings to Old Zhao's entire family [1. Actually means to have cursed his family]? That it had him so agitated?"

Li Siwen sat on the rock. At first, he still found it hilarious, but a few seconds later, he was frowning.

"No, this isn't right!"

"There was a wound on Zhao Da's hand previously, and it was stained with soil. This meant that he'd been raging earlier and it seems like he would strike everywhere and the fire amulet would be activated once he rages. After that, he would sober up very quickly but his spirits would become even more withered."

"Then, even without direct evidence, I can absolutely confirm one thing, while the fire amulet gain from the exchange with the statue can increase power for a person, but it would affect one's emotions at the same time. For the recent two days, Overseer Sun Tieshi has been rebuking Zhao Da once he gets a chance, this could be a remote cause."

"Besides, an ordinary person would feel physically empty and mentally exhausted after venting out anger, let alone this being anger that is controlled by the fire amulet. Naturally, the negative effects on one's body would be even greater."

At this thought, Li Siwen could not help but arrive at an even scarier question.

That was, Zhao Da's fusing of the fire amulet then led to his emotions going out of control. Was this incident an exception?

If it was, that was all.

What if it wasn't!

Wouldn't that mean that Overseer Sun Tieshi, Song Hu, Zhang Ye, Qin Fen, all these people who'd similarly fused the fire amulet all had the possibility of having their emotions go out of control!

And up to now, only Zhao Da had lost control of his emotions to some extent, but Overseer Sun Tieshi had been wearing a frosty look since the day before yesterday.

As the trusted subordinate of the boorish Feudal Lord, he definitely would have fused more than one fire amulet.

As for the boorish Feudal Lord, it was no longer as simple as fusing one or two fire amulets for him. He had directly blended the power of the strange flame into his body.

If the boorish Feudal Lord were to lose control of his emotions——

This possibility instantly had Li Siwen's hair standing on end.

But a guess was just a guess.

So Li Siwen very carefully concealed the doubts and vigilance in his heart. As he paid attention to the situation outside the stone hut, he pulled out those wheat earheads. With a rub of his hands, they become plump and ripe golden wheat grains, each the size of a soybean.

When he threw them into his mouth and chewed, the delicate fragrance of wheat filled his mouth.

10 minutes later, about five catties of wheat grains were cleaned out by Li Siwen. He didn't feel a hint of discomfort, and it had swept away his hunger. To put it specifically, he was at least 70% full.

Watching his Stamina slowly recover, Li Siwen's little heart that had suffered some scare earlier finally found some consolation. Fortunately, the subsequent days wouldn't be too trying.

But the necessary preparations still had to be done, should the occasion arise, he had to spread his legs and run.

"Mm, while Old Zhao is listless, let's be willful for a while this afternoon."

After resting for about an hour, and his Stamina had been restored to 16 points, Li Siwen lifted his hoe and walked out of the farmer's hut, preparing to weed in advance.

At this stage, the biggest threat to him was not Overseer Sun Tieshi. This fellow would no longer specially watch and see if all the farmers were slacking because this was Zhao Da's job, so Sun Tieshi only needed to monitor Zhao Da.

Presently, the sun was like a big fireball. The ambient temperature was probably thirty-something degree celsius, but to Li Siwen, it only felt like twenty-degree celsius.

Taking a glance at Zhao Da, who was seated under the big tree and dozing off, he headed right to the bottommost wheat field and worked at full steam without another word.

Say, he'd yet to try such a violent flat pushing, because this was the costliest in terms of Stamina.

However, the emotions that Zhao Da showed had a sense of crisis vaguely rising in his heart, so what he needed today was efficiency.

For the whole afternoon, Li Siwen only took three brief breaks, then he used six hours' time to madly push down close to two acres of the wheat field.

Counting the 0.5 Vitality Point left from the morning, up till about 7 PM in the evening, he'd already saved up four Vitality Points.

This was absolutely making a record, he'd even consumed his Stamina into the red zone, left with just three points.