

"Add Agility!"

This time, Li Siwen didn't hesitate. He added all four Vitality Points to Agility.

It didn't feel different adding to this attribute at first. He wasn't surprised either. He had thought this was how it was supposed to be until he walked out of the wheat field and suddenly felt dizzy. He completely lost judgment of his surroundings and fell on the ground.

The surroundings moved irregularly. Even the solid hard ground seemed like a sponge, incapable of withstanding stress.

Fortunately, Li Siwen was still calm at this moment. He closed his eyes and decisively activated his Spirit Vision, so he knew what was going on.

There was nothing wrong with his brain, it was his muscles spasming. He was in a weird T-shape with his head slanted on the ground. He couldn't feel any pain, and he could still move. But he couldn't control his body properly. It was as if he was more drunk than a drunkard.

"Is the nerve center affected?"

Li Siwen didn't understand, but he was not anxious. He waited for everything to settle down.

After about ten seconds, his limbs regained normality followed by his body, neck, waist, then head.

The strange spasms were gone and he gained full control of his body. With little thoughts, he leaped off the ground like a carp leaping out of the water. There was no difficulty in doing so, it was like he was born with it.

Li Siwen got a shock the moment he landed on the ground. What happened?

He didn't care to check the reason and glanced into the distance. He saw the farmers walking tiredly. Zhao Da appeared listless as well. Seeing that no one had noticed him, it relieved him.

"This is the magical effect after I added 4 points to Agility?"

Li Siwen was secretly happy. He always thought that Agility meant he could run fast. But it seems—he suddenly turned around and caught an agile grasshopper with one hand.

He squashed the big, fat grasshopper to death, then revealed a thoughtful look.

"So what the Agility attribute increases is actually the sense of space, the speed of nerve response, the speed of muscle response, and the overall coordination ability. It's not simply running fast. If one just concentrates on wanting to run fast, they just need to increase Stamina and Strength. On a flat track, I can also run 100 meters in six or seven seconds if I run desperately. However, it cannot be compared to the current state."

"Take the series of actions that I used to catch a grasshopper just now. I first discovered the grasshopper through Spirit Vision. In normal circumstances, I will turn around and continuously correct the grasshopper's movement trajectory through Spirit Vision, then finally killing it in the next one to two seconds. That was how I killed those gray wolves previously."

"But just now, my turning movements were minimal. The neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, waist, knees, ankles, and even the entire soles of the feet completed a very delicate coordination in an instant. This coordination is the mastery of the sense of space, and also a manifestation of the speed of nerve response, the strength of muscle response, and the overall coordination ability."

"Hence, I detected the grasshopper using Spirit Vision. Without waiting for Spirit Vision to lock it in, the sense of space in my body already knows where the grasshopper should be and my muscles were mobilized. That was how I was able to catch it so accurately. The whole process took less than a second."

"Of course, looking at the changes in my movements at this moment, there are actually two hidden conditions. Firstly, I must have enough strength to support this level of muscle response strength. Otherwise, if I do it forcibly, I will only strain my muscles and fall flat on the ground."

"Secondly, I must have enough Stamina to provide energy to support these actions. Otherwise, I won't be able to achieve it. For example, my muscles were all in a state of spasm just now. The reason I can't feel pain, or how I could recover so quickly, is related to my high Stamina."

"Based on this, the people so-called skilled in Stamina and Agility are all false propositions. Without sufficient Stamina and Agility, no matter how high one's Strength is, it's useless; without sufficient Stamina and Strength, no matter how high one's Agility is, it's just a fantasy. If it is as I expected, the upper limit of Stamina and Strength will affect the upper limit of the Agility attribute. That is, Agility will never be higher than Stamina and Strength."

Li Siwen walked as he thought about it. He realized that his current state of walking differed completely from before.

It was not that he became more energetic or steadfastly. But with each step he took, different parts of his body reacted subtly. He could even change his walking state through these subtly reactions. Such as transiting from a slow walk to a brisk walk, from moving forward to moving left and right, from moving forward to suddenly turning around, from moving forward to suddenly running and jumping. Everything was within his control.

This made Li Siwen suddenly have the illusion that he was a master of qinggong. [1. A technique in Chinese martial arts that is visually reminiscent of parkour.]


He suddenly heard a scream and when he looked up, he saw Zhao Da holding his head, lying on the ground and rolling. He seemed to be in extreme pain.

Seeing that, Li Siwen immediately stopped cautiously. He sensed danger. It didn't matter if Zhao Da had advanced to become a Flame Berserker or any other situation, nothing good would come out of approaching him at this moment.

Two farmers attempted to step forward to help. But the moment they came into contact with Zhao Da, a flame ignited and both farmers were burnt to a crisp in an instant.

This accident happened too quickly. Before the other farmers could react, Zhao Da was already screaming in pain. His clothes were burned out, his body was stretched, and his skin became red. Two hideous claws grew on his back, two red flesh lumps grew on his head where the fire amulet was originally at. His limbs instantly became claws and an infinite flame could be seen in his eyes.

"Ah ah ah!"

Finally, a farmer screamed, but a red shadow flashed in the next second and the farmer's body was cut open!

"Heck, this speed is outrageous!"

Li Siwen, who was more than a hundred meters away, walked southwards without a word.

That was right, he walked. He didn't run. Although he was panic-stricken, he remained calm.

He only had 3 points of Stamina left, he couldn't waste it.

The reason he headed southwards, was because it was time for the loggers to get off work. If nothing happened to Song Hu, the loggers should have returned and they could then live or die together.

But this was not his only plan.

If that creature was too fast, he would have to think of something else.

There were constant screaming behind him. A farmer wanted to escape and as expected, the red-skinned monster killed him.

At this moment, Li Siwen looked back subconsciously and instantly saw the red-skinned monster's two fiery eyes. He could clearly see its desire for lives. It was like facing an erupting volcano, wanting to vent, tear, and destroy!

"Oh, no!"

Sensing that the situation was not good, Li Siwen subconsciously wanted to avoid the monster's glare. But it was too late. An intangible force slammed into him and his head buzzed.

Then, his Spirit Vision's secondary spirit force field broke.

Apart from this, there were no other abnormalities.

Was this a mental attack?

Shocked in his heart, Li Siwen immediately quickened his pace. The green wolf which could break his secondary force field came to his mind.

He could not afford to offend it.