Day One Of Being a Creep

A few minutes later, in the afterglow of the setting sun, Li Siwen saw the logging team returning as usual. Song Hu had not mutated. However, the tragic massacre near the farmer's hut still caused a commotion among them, and their shouting could be heard from far away.

Song Hu and others stayed at the scene of the tragedy for a while, then ran back to the territory in a battle formation. After a while, it was probably Overseer Sun Tieshi who led the team to investigate, but he only took a few glances before hurrying back to the territory. He didn't find the missing people at all.

"That's interesting. Overseer Sun Tieshi is handling this too sloppily. He doesn't look like a coward. Why did he just take a hurried glance and leave without even bothering to clean up the bodies?"

Li Siwen frowned slightly.

"There are two probable reasons. First, he doesn't care about the matter at all. Only a few farmers died. It doesn't matter to him even if it was Zhao Da who died."

"As for the second reason, is that Sun Tieshi knows what's going on. I don't believe that he, a hero with strong combat and healing powers, cannot see what is going on? Maybe he already knew the disadvantages of the fire amulet. Otherwise, why did he repeatedly pester Zhao Da in the past two days?"

"Of course, that may not be true, but all this no longer has anything to do with me."

Thereafter, Li Siwen slowed his breathing, closed his eyes, and took the time to rest. The boorish Feudal Lord had probably not returned from hunting yet. This will be his last chance.

An hour later, the sky gradually dimmed. He could vaguely see a few stars in the sky, and a bonfire in the territory's direction was particularly conspicuous at that moment.

Li Siwen glanced at the Attribute Bar and confirmed his status again.

His Stamina had been restored to 7 points, Vitality Point was 0, Spirit Point was 11, and Heavenly Workmanship Point was 9.

Well then, it was time to take action.

He quickly jumped off the old tree and crossed the river. Based on his memory, he ran straight to the logging hut.

This was his resting place for the first night after going solo today.

At this moment, there was only the last ray of light left in the sky. Li Siwen could still see dozens of meters away. He didn't dare to hurry but tried to keep his steps light and his hearing sharp.

The strange cry of unknown night-birds sounded in the distance, insects in the grass chirped, and black shadows flew silently overhead. Occasionally, he hit a spider web, and sometimes he could hear the mosquitoes buzzing.

This was a world full of vigor and vitality. From this moment on, Li Siwen would have to live alongside them, creating a life for himself.

Half an hour later, the logging hut was in sight. The wooden fence built the previous day was gone, but everything from that rainy night was still vividly visible.

The four loggers from then, Old Zhao, Old Chen, Cao Dai, and Liu Er, were now all dead.

He approached the logging hut silently. After making sure it was safe, he leaped into it. He leaned against a corner and put the hoe aside. Holding the axe in his hand, he closed his eyes and rested quietly.

After an unknown period, the howl of a beast in the distance awakened Li Siwen. He opened his eyes to pitch-black darkness. Clutching the axe tightly made him feel a little calmer.

When he opened the Attribute Bar, he found that his Stamina had been fully restored. He saw that his Spirit Vision was also lit up and knew that it was already at least one in the middle of the night. After all, he could activate his talent for free every six hours.

"It's almost time, start work!"

Li Siwen immediately activated his Spirit Vision. Instantly, with him as the center, everything within a fifteen-meter radius was visible as if he had activated all-round vision.

His Spirit Vision was now at Level 2 and would last for 5 minutes.

Jumping out of the logging hut, Li Siwen didn't even look around. He went straight to the woods over 200 meters away. Along the way, an Iron Ring Black Snake wanted to attack him from the grass, but he swung his axe without even bothering to stop and the snake was quietly beheaded.

When he came to a big tree, he didn't hesitate at all. He got into position and swung the steel axe under the stars as fast as lightning!


The tree shook violently. The axe penetrated more than ten centimeters, but it only took 80% of his strength.

Pulling out the axe, Li Siwen made another lightning chop. He made a large cut in the trunk of the enormous tree by angling the second chop with the first. Then he made another cut. The cut became bigger and bigger, and the strength he used to swing the axe gradually increased. His speed increased.

A minute later, with a "crack", the tree crashed to the ground.

But Li Siwen's breathing rate didn't increase. His expression did not change and his Stamina remained at 19 points.

He didn't waste a moment. Before the secondary spirit force field formed by the Spirit Vision disappeared, he cut down five big trees in one go.

He got three Vitality Points.

As for his Stamina, he had used only 3 points in total.

Returning to the logging hut, Li Siwen sat quietly at the entrance, waiting for dawn. He was going to ripen the demonized wheat with the 3 Vitality Points, not to eat them, but to get their seeds.

Speaking of it, this was one of the few things he thought the boorish Feudal Lord did right.

However, it was a pity.

When the first trace of light appeared in the sky, Li Siwen was already standing in front of the wheat field, skillfully ripening the demonized wheat. He then uprooted, packed, and took it away without a trace of nostalgia.

He first returned to the logging hut, removed all the wheat grains, and carefully put them into cloth pockets. These were all the cloth strips he had accumulated before, picked off from the dead.

Tying these cloth pockets to his body, Li Siwen cleaned up, then orientated himself and headed southwest, walking along the edge of the woods.

He could only use this place as a temporary overnight stay, and it would not be feasible for him to come again.

As for the reason he wanted to go southwest, he had given it careful thought.

First, it was impossible to go northwest, not only because he knew nothing about it but also because it was the direction that hunting groups often went.

Secondly, the northeast direction was the territory of the blue wolf. There was no doubt about this. Many times the wolf howling he heard in the night came from that direction.

The vast mountain was in the east, but since the boorish Feudal Lord would not go there, Li Siwen would not go there either.

There was a big river in the west. He didn't have the ability to cross the river like Bodhidharma, so he would not try.

The forest was in the south. He knew nothing about the forest, so he would not consider it for now.

The southeast direction was the junction of the forest and the mountain. The boorish Feudal Lord and the hunting teams liked to go there, so it was out of the question.

The southwest direction was all that was left.

It was close to a big river. Whenever there was heavy rain, the water level would inevitably rise and the river would frequently flow backward.

So based on the principle of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, in this area where the river flow was inverted, there would not be any ferocious beasts living here. After all, they could go to better places.

Of course, Li Siwen's judgment was not absolute, but now that he wanted to go solo and be a creep, he had to experience, face, and overcome all kinds of dangers and difficulties.

A creep had to have the confidence of a creep.