You Don’t Understand The Pains of a Creep

The edge of the forest in the morning light was beautiful. Because of the scarcity of trees, the weeds and wildflowers bloomed. At first glance, they were colorful and dotted. Coupled with the chirping of birds and the hazy morning mist, it was a good place.

Li Siwen had no time to admire the view. He did not rush. While trying not to leave any traces, he had to watch out for danger in the grass.

When the sun rose, he was already seven to eight miles away from the logging hut. The road ahead widened. He could even see the gentle water in a river ahead.

Here, Li Siwen examined the soil and vegetation. Although it had been quite a few days since the ground was flooded by the river water, he found traces of the flooding.

"Fortunately, the deepest place is only about one meter, which shows that the terrain did not change much. But I have to consider if it rains heavily for a few days. I have to watch out since I will stay by the river often."

Li Siwen did not go to the big river but turned south when he was about one mile away. Maybe it was because the river often flowed backward. The weeds were different and were exceptionally lush.

Along the way, he killed another Iron Ring Black Snake and a fist-sized black spider. Enormous beasts were nowhere to be seen, but there were some unknown small-sized creatures and several waterfowl. He was even lucky enough to come across a nest of waterfowl eggs. Well, they could be wild duck eggs, it didn't matter, as long as he could eat it.

Li Siwen headed south just like this. The terrain gradually became lower and the depth of the flooding in many places reached 1.5 meters. This was not a good place to settle down.

Li Siwen hesitated before heading about one mile into the forest. The trees became taller and denser. Not much sunlight could shine through the gaps of the dense leaves, and there was a gloomy atmosphere even during the daytime.

Li Siwen was a little worried. He enjoyed being on the edge of the forest. After all, there were few trees, plenty of sunshine, and a few large beasts. But he cannot overcome the river backflow. It would not be a beautiful scene if an Adamantoise came to visit him.

Unless he had no intention to do any farm work. But that wouldn't do. Li Siwen feared what would happen when winter came.

After about one mile into the forest, he determined the approximate position and continued to head south.

Most of the trees here were never seen before. There were few weeds on the ground and the ground was layered thick with fallen leaves. Stepping on it was like walking on a carpet. Occasionally, a few brightly colored mushrooms could be seen. Purple-green vines with long and narrow leaves grew everywhere disorderly, disrupting Li Siwen's advance.

Unless it was an exceptionally bright and sunny day with lots of sunlight, he felt he would get lost here.

He conveniently cut off a few large bundles of strong vines and took them with him. He might have a use for it later.

About three miles into the south, he encountered a big wild boar standing at the entrance of a small valley. It was over 70 meters away. Li Siwen didn't move. The wild boar couldn't be bothered with them either. They passed each other amicably.

Moving forward, a flooded valley blocked the way.

The valley was not deep but was two to three miles wide. There were traces of flash floods everywhere. Trees were being uprooted and several large rocks were washed down by the flash flood.

Li Siwen took an interest in one of the large rocks. He knew that the iron content would be high here. Was there iron ore here?

But this was not what he needed to consider now.

He passed through the flooded valley. The terrain ahead was higher, but Li Siwen encountered a little trouble. Yes, trouble.

A big leopard followed him but did not attack. Perhaps it was uncertain?

Li Siwen didn't care about the leopard and only observed the topography. Then he decided to settle down here.

This place was considered being a small hill, about two meters higher than the flooded valley. The ground was rather flat. The terrain sank a few hundred meters to the south. It was possible that it would be flooded by the river water.

The leopard trailed behind him and jumped patiently from tree to tree. It was more agile than a monkey, but it never came fifty meters within Li Siwen.

When Li Siwen finally chose a few suitable big trees to build a treehouse, the leopard sneaked up to a big tree over 20 meters away from him. When Li Siwen turned around, it took advantage of the situation and pounced at him.

Almost at the same time, Li Siwen, who had been secretly alert, activated his Spirit Vision and swung his axe as he turned around.

He swung this axe with all his strength and thought he had succeeded. Who would have thought that just before the axe fell on the leopard's head, the leopard flashed past and leaped to the side? When Li Siwen returned to position after swinging his axe, the leopard had already leaped forty to fifty meters away and looked at him calmly.

Li Siwen laughed.

"Heck, you fooled me into using my move. Does your family know you're so outstanding?! Good, just you wait!"

Right then, he took out the jagged steel knife and immediately extracted Heavenly Workmanship Points to strengthen and repair it. Before, he was reluctant to waste the Heavenly Workmanship Points. But he had to settle the current situation. Although the axe was powerful, when he chopped the tree, there would be a few seconds of delay where the axe is stuck in the tree trunk. During this time, fast beasts like leopards could easily attack him. Hence, a second weapon was necessary.

However, it was painful.

The jagged steel knife was like a bottomless pit. It required 6 Heavenly Workmanship Points to fix it. The only thing that comforted him was that the quality of the strengthened steel knife was better than the stainless steel axe.

Li Siwen stabbed the long knife into the ground and sneered at the leopard. Then he turned around and found himself a tree. Come and try a sneak attack on me if you dare?


The steel axe was driven by the force of 14 Strength and struck the trunk like a cannonball. Sawdust flew, and the tree trembled. The axe blade penetrated a full 15 centimeters, and it clamped the axe.

Li Siwen wasted over ten seconds getting the axe out. He turned around to see the leopard staring at him intently. Its glare was full of disdain.

Great, I've met my match.

Li Siwen shook his head. He stopped pretending and began to properly chop trees. His Spirit Vision was at Level 2, he was not afraid of the leopard's sneak attack.

One axe after another, he chopped smoothly.

This was the right way to chop trees. He must not dull his Strength. He first cut a large enough gap on one side, then cut on the other side, using the method of cutting the same gap to widen it.

In less than a minute, the big tree as thick as a bucket crashed to the ground.

Li Siwen ignored the leopard. Taking advantage of the active Spirit Points and secondary spirit force field, he chopped six big trees at one go, consumed 3 points of Stamina for 3 points of Vitality Points.


Add Health to 13.


Although he appeared calm, he was actually panicking.

After all, he had never seen such a cunning and evil leopard.

If he hadn't tried to maintain his composure, he would have screamed till his voice went hoarse.

"Help, get the recommendation ticket, and kill it! How can you bear to do this to such a cute creep like me!?"