Integrity? What is that?

The secondary spirit force field formed by the Level 2 Spirit Vision—

Like the wallet at the end of the month, a salary card snatched away by a certain Tyrannosaurus, and the progress bar of Ice and Fire, it was gone, disappeared, and shattered.

Li Siwen looked around gingerly. He had not noticed, but the leopard had disappeared. When he activated his Spirit Vision, it didn't attack at all. It was as if it knew when he had activated his killer move, how long it lasted, and how long the cool-down time was.

"Damn, how did I run into such a cunning creature? Is it a leopard or a fox?"

Li Siwen was under a lot of pressure. He looked around anxiously with his axe in his hand. Occasionally, he would jerk his head back' round. He created an atmosphere of a horror film all on his own.

After a long time, the leopard still did not show itself. It seems that it had really retreated?

"I don't believe it. Strange creature, I'm not going to let you off today!"

Li Siwen raised his axe, shouting fiercely while cringing inwardly. There was just a tiny tremble in his shout.

Another few minutes passed. The forest was silent. Except for the wind, there was only the rustling of the leaves.

Li Siwen's expression slowly twisted. He felt that the axe was not enough to keep him safe, so he reached for the long knife. However, he did not see a vine under his feet and instantly fell face down into the ground.

"Ah ah ah!"

Li Siwen screamed in terror. He kicked indiscriminately and even dropped his axe. It was as if the God of Death had appeared.

Sure enough, a violent wind blew from above. The leopard, which had hidden in the canopy of a big tree twenty meters away unknown to Li Siwen, leaped down. Its momentum was almost comparable to that of a tiger.

Li Siwen was completely scared out of his wits. He could not look anymore terrified or despairing. He reached out, fumbling for something. Just as he got the long knife, the leopard changed its direction of attack while mid-leap with an amazing flick of its tail. In an instant, it was more than ten meters away. Then it turned its head and stared cautiously at Li Siwen.

That penetrating gaze was like that of Li Siwen's dean in junior high school.

Li Siwen was really frightened. He really thought that he was bound to die. He could hardly catch his breath. His eyes widened, his mouth made some unintelligible noise, and there was a sound of water in his pants.

It was two full seconds later before he screamed as if he were a sheltered young lady who had just seen a snake. Then, he threw the long knife away and reached for the axe, trembling. He had been scared out of his wits.

At this moment, the leopard seemed to have finally determined that the target in front of it was no longer capable of any attack that could cause significant damage and was also on the verge of mental breakdown. Hence, it roared and charged as fast as lightning. This time, it was faster than the last two attacks.

Li Siwen screamed in despair and sat down on the ground. However, the next moment, he suddenly forcibly activated his talent, Spirit Vision. Then, he sprung up like a spring and hacked with his axe—


The sound of air being cut was heard and then it faded out. Then, everything was quiet.

The leopard which was several times more cunning than a fox fell to the ground. Its lower body had been hacked in half!

Then, under the panicked and desperate gaze of the leopard, Li Siwen stepped forward expressionless and chopped off its head with an axe.

"Impressed? I'm not only good at pretending, I'm also extraordinarily unscrupulous! Remember, the one who killed you is named Li Siwen, 'Li' as in Li Bai, and 'Siwen' as in 'Si wen bai le'."

Li Siwen sneered, dusted his pants, and opened the Attribute Bar casually.

Name: Li Siwen

Occupation: Farmer/Woodcutter

Health: 13

Stamina: 19 (10/19)

Strength: 14

Agility: 6

Defense: 0

Spirit: Grey (Development 20%)

Talent: Spirit Vision Level 2 (It can be activated three times in six hours, one time for free, two times forced by consuming Spirit points.)

Skill: Farming Level 3

Skill: Woodcutting Level 1

Green Orb (Vitality Point): 0/15

Yellow Orb (Spirit Point): 15/15

Yellow Orb (Heavenly Workmanship Point): 3/15

"This leopard is really something!"

After checking the Spirit points he had obtained in the yellow orb, Li Siwen couldn't help but praise the leopard.

He had 13 Spirit points at the beginning. Earlier, he had forcibly activated Spirit Vision once, so 5 Spirit points had been consumed. However, the yellow orb was now full.

Didn't that mean that the leopard's Spirit quality was even higher than that of an ordinary farmer?

However, if you thought about it, this leopard could be used as a sacrifice to the statue, and the resources gotten in exchange could summon at least ten farmers. That made it completely reasonable.

"Every part of this leopard is precious. It's a pity that I'm not that statue, so it's destined that most of its value will be wasted!"

Thinking of this, Li Siwen immediately dug a hole on the spot to bury all the leopard's internal organs, blood, and so on. Then, he took a long knife, cut the raw meat, and ate it.

Things were different now. Previously, his Stamina was too low and his resistance to disease was weak. Hence, he didn't even dare to eat the small fish and shrimp in the creek raw.

Now that he had 19 Stamina, the benefits were obvious. As long as he didn't consider the taste and psychological factors, he could eat this raw meat quite comfortably.

Slowly, eating methodically for an entire hour, Li Siwen ate about half of the 100 catties of meat on the leopard. He cut the rest into strips, tied them with straw ropes, and hung them from the tree.

The leopard pelt was buried in the ground. He would process it when he had the time.

As for the hideous leopard's head, he cut a simple wooden spear and staked it not far away. It could serve as a scarecrow.

After all, farming was king.

Farmers who didn't farm were being irresponsible thugs.

Then, Li Siwen got ready to build a sturdy tree house for himself. This was the first step in setting up a home and it was very important.

He had thought about this a few days ago. He didn't have the carpenter spirit like Zhao Da did to help him, but he knew how to work around that.

He didn't know how to build a beautiful treehouse, but a sturdy treehouse was easy.

First, he selected four trees that had trunks as big as two people holding hands at the right location. They formed a quadrilateral shape with sides of about 8 meters, 9 meters, 10 meters, and 7 meters.

This would be the support of the treehouse.

He removed all the weeds on the ground, then went to the nearby flooded valley and brought dozens of large rocks back, all weighing three to four hundred catties each. He could lift them, but it consumed a lot of Stamina. Fortunately for him, he just had a full meal and didn't have to worry about his Stamina.

He placed these big rocks among the four big trees as the ground foundation.

Then, he brought a lot of small stones and threw them into the gaps between the enormous stones, filling them up. In this way, a one-meter-high stone foundation was laid.

After resting for half an hour, Li Siwen went to chop some trees. He chopped down the big trees which were as thick as buckets. After the trees were cut down, he cut off the branches and chop them into pieces of about 8 to 9 meters.

Half a day had passed while he busied himself. Even though Li Siwen moved at a moderate speed and rested from time to time, he had consumed nearly 30 points of Stamina. Of the 8 water gourds, he had already finished 6.

Fortunately, he had gotten enough log segments required for the treehouse.

Seeing that the sun was about to set, Li Siwen opened the Attribute Bar and focused on checking the green orb. He had accumulated 12 Vitality points in it.

Li Siwen smirked contentedly. This was the benefit of going solo.

The results were immediate!

  1. Chinese phrase meaning a cultured degenerate