Spatial Judgement

It was another long night, but Li Siwen was living comfortably.

Through fishing for breakfast snake and pastry rat, he made himself a sumptuous dinner and breakfast.

He had also accumulated 12 Spirit Points.

It was also worth mentioning that even killing the fat mouse provided him with one Spirit Point. This was very intriguing, proving that the animals on land were smarter than those in water.

Of course, even so, he still felt puzzled about whether obtaining two Spirit Points from killing just an Iron Ring Black Snake was actually a bug?

After all, a grey wolf only gave four Spirit Points.

Other than that, the wounds on Li Siwen's arm had scarred and wouldn't affect his movement too much. However, his Health maintained at 18 points. After all, fishing for breakfast snakes comes with consequences.

After breakfast, he went out and did his patrol of his palm-sized territory. He was mainly checking for threats so he could remove them as early as possible.

However, his territory was silent. It seemed to be the hunting territory of that leopard from before, so there weren't any large-sized beasts here. Also, that wild boar on the other side of the valley didn't seem interested in crossing the flooded valley for now.

After making his round, Li Siwen used his blade to cut a stick and installed the steel hoe on it. Then, in the area where he had cut down the trees, he started weeding, plowing, and making it ready for sowing.

As for those large tree roots, he didn't have the energy to handle them yet. Also, he only needed a small amount of farmland for now.

For the entire morning, he made five small fields in this empty area, adding up to about half an acre of land or so. This speed was already quite shocking. After all, with that 16 Strength Points of his, compared to a bullock—alright, he was probably still weaker.

Basically, the farmland had been prepared, and Li Siwen even obtained one Vitality Point from weeding.

When he was resting at noon, seeing that the woodcutting skill had finished cooldown and his wounds weren't a problem anymore, he picked a tree that required at least three people to hug and would normally provide two Vitality Points.

Using his level three woodcutting skill on it, Li Siwen hacked at it and finished the battle in 15 minutes, successfully obtaining 6 Vitality Points.

But for some unknown reason, when he cut down the tree, he felt a sense of unease in his heart. But when he tried to discern it carefully, it disappeared.

"It can't be that the trees have intellect too, right?"

Li Siwen jokingly thought to himself. Then, he suddenly thought of the twisted trees on the east of the river ditch. Thinking back on it now, it was actually quite scary.

But he wondered what hid in the snow mountain on the east?

"I must make my preparations before winter arrives. This winter will definitely be hard to endure."

He secretly became cautious and continued to hack at the trees, accumulating 15 Vitality Points in one breath before he returned to the treehouse.

After resting for a while, he opened the attribute bar.

As usual, add five Vitality Points to Health, bringing it to 30 points.

Then, three points to Stamina, making it 25 points.

Next, add two points to strength so it became 18 points. Actually, Li Siwen wanted to add it until it became 20 points, but it had reached its limit.

Lastly, he looked at Defense which was still dimmed and Agility which had lighted up, then added one point to Agility, making it seven points.

Next, he extracted another two Vitality Points and continued to add them to Agility, increasing it to nine points.

"That's about enough, Agility will be reaching its limit too."

Li Siwen stopped extracting more Vitality Points. By now, he had already summed up the previous experience. The limit for Health and Stamina was still unknown, but there was a pattern for the limit on Strength, Agility, and Defense.

When his Defense was zero, he could only unlock six Agility and 15 Strength. This was about the potential limit for a normal person.

And when his Defense became three points, he had broken past a normal person's limit, unlocking nine Agility and 18 Strength.

Defense was the short stick for Agility and Strength. Each Defense point corresponds to three Agility and six Strength.

But so far, he still didn't know what requirement he needed to unlock the Defense attribute. Could it be more Health and Stamina?

Taking in a deep breath, Li Siwen laid on the ground. Because he knew the negative consequences of adding Agility, he didn't want to fall on his front.

As expected, after about a minute, the muscles in his entire body suddenly convulsed violently without warning, and he also lost control of the sense of space around him. Even though he had gotten ready by lying on the ground in advance, he was still completely out of control of his body and couldn't even sense his limbs.

This time, he didn't activate Spirit Vision, he only wanted to quietly feel the space disorder happening to him now.

But he had thought too simple of it. This time, the strength of the convulsion of his muscles was beyond imagination, even a large part of his joints was undergoing some unknown change.

Therefore, the result was excruciating pain.

Yet, he couldn't talk, couldn't move his body, couldn't relax his nerves, but only let the sense of pain envelope him.

But when the pain became extreme, and he wanted to die from it, Li Siwen opened the attribute bar and extracted one Spirit Point from the yellow orb, directly adding it onto the Spirit attribute.

He only wanted to try and ease the pain, even if it was to drink poison.

The one point on Spirit didn't reduce his pain, but the sense of coolness and refreshingness at that instance still gave him faith to fight against the waves of pain.

As for the side effect of increasing the Spirit attributes, it was a good thing. He wished for nothing more now than to faint and become unconscious.

Unfortunately, this wasn't the case.

The side effect of the developing Spirit was instantly neutralized. Because under the immerse pain, nothing else mattered.

On the contrary, he had a clearer, more three-dimensional understanding of every muscle spasm, the smallest changes, and the most extreme pain caused by every joint change.

Until a few minutes later, that pain that almost caused him to bite his tongue and suicide suddenly vanished. In its place was a new sense, a new sense of touch. Or maybe one phrase could describe it, which was what the eye sees, he could feel.

"A deeper and more three-dimensional sense of space, faster and more precise neural response speed, and stronger muscle burst strength. I may still be weaker than the boorish Feudal Lord, but against his subordinates such as Sun Tieshi, Zhang Ye, and Qin Fen, there is absolutely no pressure to defeat them. If that previous leopard comes again, without using Spirit Vision, I can also kill it with one stroke of the ax."

Slowly standing up, Li Siwen looked at his surroundings. He had a mystical feeling of being able to hit where he wanted to. Or maybe he could define it more accurately as spatial judgment.

Next, he took out a piece of cloth and blindfolded himself. Then, he leaped into the air and accurately grabbed the log above him, swinging himself seven to eight meters away into a sizeable gap and leaving the treehouse. In the process, the sides of his clothes didn't touch the logs at the edges too.

When he landed steadily on the ground, Li Siwen took off the cloth, his expression delighted.

He was testing his body's sense of space that nine points of Agility gave him and also the burst strength of his muscles.

Although the movements he did just now flowed like water, it actually required a strong body burst strength, being able to accumulate an extensive amount of strength during the leap in order to send his body flying seven to eight meters.

At the same time, he must complete his judgment of the surrounding space at the instant he jumped.

This kind of spatial judgment meant that when he used his eyes to record the location of the object in space, then his body could reproduce perfectly the location, without the need to use his eyes to continuously correct himself.

Also, this kind of spatial judgment gave the body the maximum response authority, with no need for the brain to make a decision, the body could respond instinctively.

Lastly, another benefit was precision, extreme precision.

Whatever he saw with his eyes, his body could judge the space where it was instantly.

For example, if a fly flew past him, as long as he could see or hear the fly, he only needed 0.1 seconds to stretch his hand and pinch it to death.

Similarly, this kind of precision could be passed on to whatever tool he was using too.

This was the benefit of enhancing the sense of space.