Listening to Sounds and Discerning The Location

During the noon of a hot summer day, if he could also take a nap, that would be the most comfortable thing.

Li Siwen yawned as he sat up in the tree house. Look, this was the benefit of going solo, except that he was missing the plump cook a little——Bah, what the hell?

"I can't afford the side effects of adding to Strength, it's worse than increasing Agility and Defense. What was this, they cannot destroy my integrity just like that?"

While being extremely vigilant, Li Siwen carried the axe and jumped out of the tree house. Under the scorching sun he felled a dozen gigantic trees at one go, only after accumulating his Vitality Points to 10 points did the testiness in his heart disappear.

"I shall add to Spirit tonight, otherwise this coffin board of mine won't be able to be held down any longer. Increasing Spirit Development should be able to resolve such awkwardness."

Li Siwen thought, after all, before he had added his Strength to 15 points, such an unexpected restlessness was never so strong.

Next, he used the hoe to continue doing a deep dig of the farmland that he'd cultivated in the morning, digging out all the grassroots and scattered tree roots. Even the soil was carefully sifted.

Finally he merged five pieces of farmland into three, the total area increased to about 0.7 acres.

He then moved stones over for the perimeters of the farmland, stacking them to form a stone wall half the height of a human to prevent some small beasts from destroying the land.

He busied all the way till the evening.

As a matter of fact, this kind of work was relatively more time-consuming and also rather tiring, but it does not provide any Vitality Points at all. In the short term, it really wasn't more worthwhile than felling trees.

Given Li Siwen's current condition, he could gain 30 Vitality Points per day. Wouldn't it be nice to use all of that to add to his attributes?

However, he had his own plan, felling trees in the morning, working on the farmland in the afternoon. This was his principle.

While the sky had yet to darken, Li Siwen made another trip to the bank of the river and refilled eight water gourds with river water and also tested the effect of nine points of Agility while he was at it.

Not too bad. Even in such complicated terrain like a forest, he could run at a speed of a hundred meters in ten seconds. In addition, he could do challenging actions such as leaping over, making sharp turns and climbing pretty well too.

And on his way back, Li Siwen intentionally memorized the route, vegetation, structure of the ground and more. He wanted to come back a few days later to do a test, whether he could walk back to the tree house with his eyes closed. This would be very effective in increasing his chances of survival when moving in the night.

Back in his lair, Li Siwen sped up the maturation of two stalks of anti-inflammatory herb, two stalks of hemostatic herb, and planted half of their seeds in two fields, respectively. 20 more days later, when the cooldown of his farming skills have ended, he could get to business.

Meanwhile, the remaining seeds, rhizomes and grass were brought back to the tree house to be air-dried. He was going to attempt to make a kind of hemostatic and anti-inflammatory herb easy to store and carry around.

When the night slowly unfolded, Li Siwen waited till his Stamina was more or less restored before he continuously extracted Spirit Points from the small yellow orb and added them to his Spirit attribute.

These days he could no longer find that state where there was a flash of light, he could only rely on such a method to force it.

Fortunately, with every point of Spirit added, he would gain a few seconds of super big brain effect. It allowed him to swiftly recall many previous logging actions and techniques of battling wild beasts and whatnot.

It could be said to be enjoying in adversity.

An hour later, Li Siwen slumped on the ground, not wanting to budge at all. His mind felt like it had blown open. His original 20 points of Stamina had been directly expended to just two points in the red zone. One word, exhausted.

He laid on the ground for a good four to five hours, only recovering when it was almost midnight.

He opened the Attribute Bar.

Name: Li Siwen

Health: 30

Stamina: 25 (12/25)

Strength: 18

Agility: 9

Defense: 3

Spirit: Grey (Development 30%)

Talent: Level 3 Spirit Vision, after release, the secondary spirit force field formed will last nine minutes, covering a 20 meter radius, intensity is relatively high and can be forcefully activated twice within six hours.

Skill: Farming Level 3, Logging Level 3

Green Orb (Vitality Point): 6/15

Yellow Orb (Spirit Point): 2/15

Yellow Orb (Heavenly Workmanship Point): 3/15

"Not too bad, huh?"

Li Siwen was rather satisfied. He really valued the aspect of Spirit Development, he still remembered the scene back then where the level 1 Spirit Vision had been mercilessly crushed and suppressed by the green wolf using purely aura.

Damn it, henceforth I'll get myself to level 10 of Spirit Vision, I'll see how you suppress it?

With this thought, he moved away a big hole in the tree house, reached one of his arms in and began his daily work of fishing. After all, at the current stage, he could only rely on breakfast snakes and pastry rats to maintain this state.

The present forest no longer had the heat from the day. Once the slight cool breeze blew, Li Siwen's dizziness instantly became a lot better. At the same time, he also found that while the forest shrouded in the darkness appeared to be quiet, it was actually vivacious. Many tiny insects and beasts were active in their own territory. Mosquitoes as big as a finger were even beeping as they flew. He could hear them from far, but there was no longer a need to fear them now. 3 points of Defense wasn't a brag, it was really impenetrable.

"Hmm, hold on, since when did my ears become so sensitive?"

Li Siwen was startled and carefully experienced it. Indeed, he had heard the beeps of the mosquito. Moreover, after hearing the sounds of the mosquito, he'd even instinctively locked in its flight trajectory.

One second later, his fingers clamped together nimbly, the beeping abruptly ended.

And all of this had happened in the dark, in the situation where his eyes were blocked by the tree house and his Spirit Vision unactivated.

"Heck, what was this, listening to sounds and discerning the location!"

Each one that came was crushed to death. After adding nine points of Agility, Li Siwen's fingers were unexpectedly nimble. He felt that he could even challenge one of the legendary necessary occupations of male idols—Eagle Claw or Piano Master!

"Hum hum——"

The beeping sound of a mosquito broke off suddenly. Actually, it was merely a passer-by mosquito, but the gentle breeze from the flapping of its wings exposed its trail. Hence, it was smashed with a Q ultimate skill—spatial determination by a certain finger and it was sliced to death.

Time slipped away bit by bit, Finally, the familiar rustling sounded. That's right, it was this. Li Siwen curled his finger. In his mind, he was already stimulating the Iron Ring Black Snake's subsequent act of attack to catch its food.




Outside the tree house, an Iron Ring Black Snake over two feet long leaped up from the bushes like lightning and ruthlessly bit down towards that pinky. However, right in this instance, that hand seemed to have foresight. With a gentle dodge, it evaded this bite. At the same time, the wrist flipped and held this Iron Ring Black Snake seven inches below its head [3. Reference to the proverb "hit the snack seven inches below its head"]. Before this black snake could hiss, it had been squashed to death on the spot.


He'd grill it!

  1. Expression used to show disdain when the development of things go against convention, when low-level mistakes appear or to express resentment
  2. A style of Chinese martial arts
  3. The 'Q' key on the keyboard is often used to release the ultimate skill in games