Fight No Battles Unless Victory Is Sure

At dawn, Li Siwen finished dealing with the remains and went straight to the flooded valley. As soon as he reached, he immediately attracted the attention of two patrolling old wild boars. They let out a shrill grunt and charged thunderously at him on their huge pig trotters.

They had the momentum of cavalry rushing to break a formation.

But Li Siwen was already familiar with this routine. Without hesitation, he turned around and ran towards the top of the flooded valley, into the deep forest.

The two old wild boars didn't hesitate and pursued closely. At the same time, a humming sound rang out all over the forest. The other old wild boars had also been disturbed.

However, their positions worried Li Siwen. Why did it feel like they were patrolling purposefully, two in the south, two in the northeast, and two in the northwest?

This was not the case a few days ago.

What was the reason for them to patrol around the wild boar territory day and night?

Thinking about this, Li Siwen suddenly changed direction while running. He left the flooded valley and headed towards the back-land of the wild boar territory.

Immediately, the two old wild boars behind him got anxious. One of them put on a burst of speed and rushed up quickly, while the other took a shortcut and prepared to intercept in front.

Li Siwen pretended not to know any of this and continued rushing towards the back-land of the wild boar territory. Less than a minute later, he was successfully intercepted by the old wild boar who had taken a shortcut.

At this moment, his expression was extremely horrified. There was another old wild boar speeding up, chasing after him. After hesitating for a second, he climbed up to a tree whose trunk was as big as three people holding hands.

Well, this tree didn't just happen to be near him by accident. It was part of Li Siwen's plan from the beginning.

Otherwise, an ordinary bucket-thick or a tree that could be encircled by one or two people would not have been able to withstand the violent collision of the two old wild boars.

The old wild boar which had intercepted Li Siwen saw him escaping up to the tree and immediately huffed threateningly. It stood in front of him ten meters away from the tree, looking like he would jump up and chase him down, preventing Li Siwen from escaping by jumping onto another tree.

At this time, the cries of old wild boars also sounded in other directions. They were encircling him and supporting each other. It was a great tactic.

Li Siwen seemed to be have been really scared stupid. He climbed up the tree in a frenzy and climbed to a height of seven or eight meters in a blink of an eye. At this time, the old wild boar behind him also followed him up. It would not be so stupid to charge the tree. This was not a video game.

Based on a mysterious angle that Li Siwen had accurately calculated, it was in a straight line with the first old wild boar at this moment. Which meant to say, the big tree that required three people to encircle was coincidentally blocking both their views.


The old wild boar, who had been charging, halted in a hurry and leaned back, letting the center-of-gravity fall on its rump. However, its weight, which was over 2,000 catties, and his charging speed of 100 meters in 7 or 8 seconds were not so easy to stop. It could only ensure that it would not hit the tree and would most likely stop at a position three meters away from it.

This was definitely a safe location. At least, it seemed that way to the two old wild boars. In their eyes, the monkey who had been chased up the tree had no chance of escaping!

But at this moment, Li Siwen, who had climbed six or seven meters high, suddenly leaped off the tree holding a mountain axe in both hands. His body stretched like an arrow flying from a bowstring, in order to harness the greatest possible amount of potential energy!

With the axe in his hand, he rushed towards the ground like thunder!

No matter the angle, no matter the speed, no matter the timing, everything was excellent. Even the old wild boar could not avoid it. It was attempting to stop and the huge inertia of its body had it watching as it delivered itself to its death, unable to do a thing to stop it.

The wind roared, and in a violent flash of movement, blood splattered. The mountain axe directly split the gigantic head of the old wild boar in half!

One-shot kill!

Li Siwen even had time to pull the mountain axe out and tried to run. Another old wild boar let out an earth-shattering roar a second later. The pig's bristles were erected like steel needles and with trotters flying, it charged at Li Siwen like a tank from the north of the tree.

At the moment when the old wild boar was about to cross the big tree, a blind spot formed between it and Li Siwen. Li Siwen retreated suddenly, and then, without looking, turned sideways, bent over, charged up and channeled energy. With the mountain axe in both hands, he swung upwards with all his force!

The sharp mountain axe slashed the old wild boar's throat from below with precise aiming. With the inertia from its charge, the pig's head, which was over two hundred catties, flew into the air.

At this point, Li Siwen was panting hard and while leaning against the tree. He was not out of Stamina. Although the two strikes consumed 20 points of his Stamina, it was not enough to drain him. He was just nervous, excited, and hungry.

He opened the Attribute Bar and found that the yellow ball orb had been filled with Spirit points. There must have been some points which had been wasted, but it didn't matter anymore.

Taking a deep breath, Li Siwen raised the mountain axe again. A few strikes later, the hind legs of the old wild boar in front of him had been chopped off and carried away. If he didn't run now, he might not escape later on.

However, when Li Siwen ran across the flooded valley, he found that the old wild boars in the back didn't chase him. Their small eyes were again vigilant and angry.

"It's weird. I'm even more curious about what secrets these old wild boars are trying to hide? Of course, they may also be scared."

Li Siwen couldn't ask for more. Even if the old wild boars really dared to chase him, he was not afraid.

Carrying two pig hind legs weighing at least 400 kilograms, he returned to the broken treehouse and rested. He used the mountain axe to take the skins off the two pig hind ends. He cut the pork into strips, but they were not for barbecuing. He had limited time, how could he waste it?

After processing the pigs, Li Siwen found that there were three old wild boars staring at him from the flooded valley. Although they were hundreds of meters away, he could see their blood-red eyes. It was a little unsettling, but he needed only ten minutes.

Opening the Attribute Bar, Li Siwen directly extracted one Vitality Point and decided he was going to add Defense to 4 points.

After successfully adding the point, he immediately extracted another Vitality Point. Unfortunately, Defense had dimmed again. However, Agility and Strength had lighted up.

Needless to say, Li Siwen extracted five Vitality Points and increased his Strength to 24 at one go. As for Agility, it was not time to add that.

Less than ten seconds after adding the points, his stomach growled, but Li Siwen had already begun to quickly devour the cut raw pork.

Everything was falling in place.