Li Siwen’s Battle Rhythm

Since this was a war and not a hunt, it was not too much to be thorough in his preparation. Even if he was aggrieved, it should not distract him.

So in the afternoon, when more than 30 wild boars charged through the flooded valley like a cavalry, stepping repeatedly on Li Siwen's farmland, digging and clawing, even demolishing his treehouse, Li Siwen just hid in the big tree that had a girth the size of five people holding hands. He did not waste any of his rest time.

He had extracted all the 15 Vitality Points from the green orb, increased his Health from 40 to 50, and his Stamina from 40 to 45. He had a hunch that the time to unlock the 4 Defense Points was coming. Of course, before that, he needed to prepare sufficient food.

In the evening, the wild boar family that had been wreaking havoc for the entire afternoon left triumphantly. The six old wild boars always maintained high vigilance, so Li Siwen had no chance of launching a sneak attack on them.

Li Siwen didn't care about this, he just activated his woodcutting skill methodically and continued to cut trees until the green orb had accumulated 15 Vitality Points.


"Add Stamina!"

He extracted 5 Vitality Points and added it to his Stamina. His Stamina finally reached 50 points. At this moment, he finally sensed that his defense was going to be unlocked.

He extracted another Vitality point and sure enough; the Defense attribute lit up, but his Health, Stamina, Strength, and Agility were all dimmed.

Li Siwen didn't panic at all. He had prepared a wild anti-inflammatory herb to ripen it to avoid waste.

"Sure enough, both the upper limit of life and the upper limit of physical strength have their shortcomings. What are these shortcomings? In fact, it's obvious."

He contemplated calmly. The two attributes, Health and Stamina determined the upper limit of Defense, and the upper limit of Defense determined the upper limit of Strength and Agility.

So, the final deciding factor should be Spirit Development.

His Spirit was still grey and his Spirit Development was 40%. If he wanted to continue to unlock his Health and Stamina, he had to increase his Spirit Development percentage.

There were two possibilities.

The first was that he must have 100% Spirit Development before he can continue to add to his Health and Stamina.

The second was that when his Spirit Development reached 50%, he could add 10 points to his Health and Stamina, and so on.

Li Siwen was inclined to the second possibility. Whether he was right, he just had to test it out.

However, the treehouse had been destroyed. Under the predatory eyes of the wild boar family, he could no longer collect Spirit, which meant that he would be vulnerable for four or five hours.

"Should I gather enough food to add 4 Defense Points?"

In the darkness, Li Siwen's expression was troubled. This was his original plan. If he could increase his Defense to 4 points, he would have a better chance of winning this battle with the wild boar family.

However, he had to consider the horrible hunger after adding Defense points. The last time he added 3 points of Defense, he not only ate more than a hundred catties of raw meat but also ate all the demonized wheat seeds. Although he somehow avoided a catastrophe, the horror of such a thing was undeniable.

Now, because his Stamina was 50 points, it would definitely require at least two hundred catties of raw meat.

Under the threat of the wild boar family, it would be difficult for him to get so much food at once. Even if he did, he wouldn't be able to guarantee the quality.

"Forget it. It's not possible to be 100% prepared. Furthermore, the behavior of those wild boars today is abnormal, as if deliberately irritating me, harassing me. There must be some hidden plot. Let's fight then!"

Taking a deep breath, Li Siwen solemnly took out the stainless steel axe and removed its wooden handle before he placed the axe and the stainless steel long knife together.

Then, he extracted 10 Heavenly Workmanship Points at one go and concentrated his attention. In his mind, he focused on merging and strengthening the items.

Soon, the 10 Heavenly Workmanship Points became a blue curtain of light, enveloping the long knife and axe. Then, the blue curtain of light turned into countless tiny raindrops and fell. Among the blue raindrops, the axe had fused with the long knife. What was even more amazing was that there were two images on it. One was a machete, and the other was a mountain axe. The former had the number 8 under it, and the latter also had the number 8 under it.

Li Siwen instantly understood that it meant the number of Heavenly Workmanship points that were still required. What a bummer.

But he immediately chose the mountain axe and quickly extracted 8 Heavenly Workmanship Points and put them into it. A few seconds later, a dark mountain axe appeared in front of him.

He picked it up to gauge its weight. It was at least twenty catties. There was a hole for the wooden handle on the back of the axe which was about the same thickness as a goose egg.

The thickest part of the mountain axe was about ten centimeters. It gradually became thinner as it transitioned to the axe blade. Other than the sharp edge of the blade itself, the thinnest part was two centimeters thick, which meant it not only could people and pigs, it could also cut down trees.

In addition, the blade of this thick-backed mountain axe was dark blue. It was about 30 cm long, over ten centimeters longer than the previous logging axe, which meant that the center of gravity of the mountain axe was not as easy to grasp. If the swing strength was insufficient, the power could not be concentrated effectively and the hacking force would not be as effective as that of an ordinary logging axe.

But this was no problem for Li Siwen. He had enough Strength and could lock the center of gravity of the mountain axe with enough power. With the help of the mountain axe's own weight to add to the damage, he could do explosive damage in the end.

This was practically tailored for the wild boar family opposite.

Next, Li Siwen found the big hammer that the snake hated from the fallen tree house and pared it down before using it as the axe handle of the mountain axe.

It was worth mentioning that the sharpness of this mountain axe was far beyond Li Siwen's imagination. When he held the mountain axe and pushed it down, he felt like a carpenter holding a plane.

In the end, after experimenting more than a dozen times, Li Siwen determined the length of the axe handle was about 140 centimeters. This was determined according to the enemy, the wild boars, this time. This body which he had transmigrated to was only a little over 1.7 meters and could not handle an axe handle that was too long.

In fact, if his Strength was insufficient, and the quality of the wood was hard enough, the most suitable length for him should be between 100 centimeters and 120 centimeters.

But facing those old wild boars, a slightly longer axe handle was necessary.

Securing the axe handle firmly, after several reconfirmations and using it to chop a few trees, he had familiarized himself with its center of gravity, vibration amplitude, where to hold both hands, and the angle at which he should chop.

The old wild boar was not a tree and would not stay in place. Hence, it was necessary to create the most helpful attack opportunity to fight for a one-hit kill or at least a serious injury with one hack of the axe.

For this reason, Li Siwen had planned three one-hit-kill schemes and four frontal hacking schemes based on the terrain and the behavior of the old wild boar. Only then would he go up the tree to rest and wait for tomorrow's battle.