Tree House 1.0

This night, Li Siwen did not sleep well.

He woke up every half an hour or so, observed the surroundings, and checked the treehouse.

Fortunately, his Spirit Development was now 40%. Even if he couldn't really fall asleep, he wouldn't feel tired because of it. Moreover, this was only for a short period. Once the treehouse was completed, he no longer needed to be so vigilant.

At dawn, Li Siwen glanced at the Attribute Bar. His Stamina had been restored to 45 points, which was not bad. After all, he consumed his Stamina to the 15-point red zone last night.

He jumped out of the treehouse and checked on his farmland first. Although it was trampled on by wild boars the day before yesterday, one-third of the seeds of anti-inflammatory herb and hemostatic herb had sprouted.

The dog's tail grass, some other wild vegetable seeds, and bush berry seeds he planted yesterday had not sprouted.

Then Li Siwen took a few leaves and collected dew on the grass. He was really helpless. He had just resolved the food crisis, now came the drinking crisis.

He went to the river to irrigate the water the day before yesterday and drank his fill. Then he declared war against the wild boar family. Later, he had to guard over a thousand catties of wild boar meat and a hundred catties of wolf meat, so he never had the chance to leave.

The water in the seven water gourds had been drunk last night. He could last till evening at most, if it didn't rain today.

When the sun came out, the dew he collected was enough to fill a whole water gourd. Probably because it was in the forest and was close to the river, there was more water vapor.

After taking a few sips, Li Siwen covered it and continued to reinforce the treehouse.

He had completed the construction of the double-layered wooden wall the day before. Today's task was to fill soil into the one-meter gap between the wooden wall and compact it.

There was no technical difficulty in this matter, but it required physical effort. It was also a hassle to get the soil.

The soil that had been dug out before was filled between the two wooden walls in advance by him. But it only filled less than two meters high. He had to fill it at least two more meters higher.

After some observation, Li Siwen took soil from a location five meters away from the treehouse, but he would try not to dig. In the future, he would move stones to pave this area, which could be used as an outdoor storage yard. Logs, dry firewood, iron ore, stones, etc., that couldn't be placed in the treehouse could be stored here.

The filling work was very monotonous and took a very long time. Every half meter of filling required him to fully tamp once. Just before noon, Li Siwen finally filled the gap between wooden walls to his desired height. It took him over five hours.

Around this time, the weather was already boiling. Gray-white water vapor rose into clouds and mist, filling the sky. There should be rain in the afternoon, right?

Li Siwen observed the sky, drank the water in the water gourd, and continued to work. What he had to do now was to reinforce the roof of the treehouse. He uses two layers of logs, spreading them out in a cross shape. The cross-sections need to be tied up. But there were not enough vines.

So, he cut the boar skin and wolf skin into thin strips and used them in some key positions so that the roof of the treehouse became one and connected with the outer wooden wall. It was okay, even if there were some sizeable gaps.

Next, he spread some thick branches evenly on the two layers of logs and tried to form an angle of about 30 degrees to facilitate the flow of the rain.

Then, he used the small branches with leaves to layer on top thickly and covered it with a layer of soil. He continued to spread a thick layer of weeds and finally covering it with another layer of soil.

He considered the defense of such a treehouse roof done. But if it rained heavily, it might not be of much use.

Therefore, Li Siwen peeled some larger pieces of bark and got some larger and flatter stones from the flooded valley. Both materials were placed evenly on the roof with the upper layer compressing the layer below. Although these were not comparable to standard bricks and tiles, it should minimize the penetration of rainwater into the roof.

As busy as a beaver, he managed to finish before the storm came. The moment he blocked the entrance and jumped into the treehouse, he finally felt a sense of security that one would only feel at home.

Outside, the storm came and thunder rumbled.

In the treehouse, Li Siwen leaned in a corner, his breathing steady, and slept soundly.

An unprecedented sense of security!

When the heavy rain stopped, he woke up and found that the surrounding area was wet. Undoubtedly, the treehouse was still leaking, but it was not serious. It was within the acceptable range because quite a few places were completely dry.

After removing the skylight on the roof, and after a shower of rain, the refreshing air greeted him. Li Siwen didn't jump out directly but activated his Level 4 Spirit Vision. He crawled out after he confirmed that there was no danger within 30 meters of the treehouse.

Standing on the roof of the tree, Li Siwen was proud and self-satisfied. The feeling of the immense pressure from before was completely gone.

Now, he finally felt everything was in place.

Looking around, there was no sign of flooding in the small hill where his treehouse was after such a storm.

To the north of the flooded valley, the water rushing down from the top of the mountain made a rumbling sound, but the terrain in this area had become much flatter. Hence, most of the stones that were washed down from the mountain were collected here.

A few hundred meters to the west, he could see the back-flowing river water.

A few hundred meters to the south, he could even see the river water pouring into the forest. It spared only this little hill that Li Siwen had chosen.

After a while, at about 4 or 5 PM, the dark clouds in the sky had mostly cleared. The sun shone warmly. There was not the slightest bit of sadness. At this moment, the world was so pure and beautiful that people would immediately fall in love with it.

Li Siwen embraced the sunshine for ten minutes with great enjoyment, which made him feel like he was in his hometown.

"Let's work, good luck!"

Mumbling that, Li Siwen sealed the entrance to the treehouse and leaped down with his axe. The five meters height was not dangerous to him at all. His 4 points of Defense made him as strong as a black bear.

His target was to the west, which was the closest to the treehouse. In this case, he could return any time.

When he came to the flooded area, Li Siwen first checked if there were fishes in the flooded area. Then, he opened up the Attribute Bar, extracted 12 points of Spirit Points, and added it to his woodcutting skill, upgrading it to Level 4. He forgot about the Spirit Points he had wasted before. He must not waste the Spirit Points he would get from killing the big fishes.

After that, he strode into the deep water. He still had his Level 4 Spirit Vision activated. Within a radius of 30 meters and a diameter of 60 meters, nothing could be hidden from him. Hence, he didn't have to worry about what was in the water. His mountain axe had been starved from some action!