Pottery Master Lee

If the rainstorm was considered a kind of luck, then living near a river which constantly floods was definitely a kind of happiness.

He couldn't imagine how many fish and prawns there were in this river, but at least for now, in less than an hour's time, Li Siwen had caught 15 fish weighing 50 kilograms and 29 smaller one's weighing tens of kilograms too. He even caught a crab weighing a few kilograms.

"It's about enough."

He wasn't greedy. When the Sun set, and he had already cleared the seafood in the nearby area, he caught and brought his labor back to the treehouse. Pierced with branches and hung on a tree, it looked quite spectacular from a distance.

Next, Li Siwen didn't stop to enjoy the excitement of his catch, but made use of the remaining daylight and dug a bunch of soil from the area near the valley. This soil wasn't like the humus soil which was commonly found in forests, but washed down from the mountains by the water, and formed into a layer of soil after accumulating for long periods. It was slightly red in color and slightly sticky.

He had noticed this detail previously, but he didn't have enough water to make mud from it, and also not enough time for it.

Now, at this stage, he wanted to try to make himself a bucket or water tank to cook and store water for daily uses. If not, depending on just the seven water gourds wasn't enough. He had already suffered from this once. If he didn't learn his lesson, it would be too dumb of him.

Using the water from the flood, Li Siwen mixed and stirred with the soil evenly, and even placed it on the ground and stomped it with his feet until it became very fine, and there were no bubbles or particles, before he rolled all of them into a bundle again, about 50 kilograms.

Carrying this mud slab back to the treehouse, he opened up the four skylights he had reserved and lighted up the fire for the two stoves. The dried meat was getting slightly moist, so he had to dry them again.

As for the mud slab, Li Siwen didn't rush to form it into shape, only using his palm to hammer it continuously, trying his best to make it more delicate. At the same time, he needed to control the humidity in the mud. After an entire hour, he finally moved over a flatter stone slab and washed it clean with rainwater. Then, he placed the mud slab with suitable humidity on it and forcefully activated Spirit Vision.

That's right, others relied on technical experience and machinery to knead pots, he relied on a hack, wasn't it awesome?

Under the secondary spirit force field of the level four Spirit Vision, he could sense all the changes in the mud slab, including the perfection of the shape, whether the thickness was uniform, whether there were bubbles inside, whether the particles were uniform, and so on.

Of course, this wasn't enough, he still needed a pair of stable hands. And coincidentally, having nine points of Agility, Li Siwen was the owner of such a pair of hands.

There was only light from the fire in the dark. Li Siwen closed his eyes, listening to the surrounding noises, and using his hands to gently knead the mud. In his hands, the already fine soil constantly changed shape, constantly correcting its trajectory, shape, and thickness. There was no process that was more comfortable than this.

Li Siwen felt that his hands were like dancers, while his Spirit Vision was the dance music.

He didn't intend for this to happen, but at this moment, he seemed to enter that magical realm he had experienced before in the logging hut. His mind seemed to soar into the sky, looking at the countless stars, feeling the night wind, and dancing in the air.

Inside the yellow orb, Spirit Points were automatically extracted and added to the Spirit attribute. The entire process was silent.

When he woke up, he almost banged his head against the wall in regret.

Because he forcefully activated Spirit Vision just now, so he had directly used eight Spirit Points, and only six remained inside the yellow orb.

Luckily, he wasn't really in a loss, because he successfully molded a water tank with a diameter of one meter. From the appearance, this was really a work of art, with no flaws.

In fact, there wasn't a single flaw inside of it too. The secondary spirit force field enabled him to observe every single detail.

He didn't move the stone slab, but let the water tank slowly dry by itself. As for what effect it would have, he would need to wait a few days before roasting it and see the result.

At this moment, because he had just entered that magical realm, Li Siwen wasn't tired at all, and even his stamina was in a full state. Therefore, he didn't rest, but jumped onto the treehouse and cut the fish into slices so they would dry faster.

As for the crab, he ate it for a snack.

After he finished with all these, Li Siwen carried his mountain ax and shovel and went to cultivate the land.

With the hovel, plowing the land was much easier. If it wasn't because he was afraid of damaging it, he could work as a pile driver and cultivate 10 acres of land in a single night.

Even so, by daybreak, he had plowed about three acres of land. Plus the ones from before, he had five acres of farmland now.

Actually, the most troublesome part of the process wasn't plowing the soil, but to destroy the roots of the trees. There were dozens of tree roots in these farmlands which Li Siwen wasn't confident of clearing quickly last time. But now, things were different. With 24 Strength, the mountain ax, and ample stamina, it wasn't a problem now.

What caused him to be even more surprised was that when he destroyed the roots, he even got Vitality Points too, and it wasn't little.

Normally, a bucket thick tree would provide him half a Vitality Point, while a tree needing two people to hug provided one Vitality Point, and a tree needing three people to hug would provide him two to three Vitality Points.

But for the roots, on average, the Vitality Points obtained would double.

Of course, it was quite troublesome to destroy the roots. He needed to both cut and dig, spending more than half an hour to clear the roots of one tree. But at the same time, he was also increasing the planting area of the farmland.

"These five acres of farmland is enough for now, any more, and it will be just a waste."

Beside the farmland, Li Siwen stretched his body. The night's workload wasn't small, his full stamina of 50 points, plus the ten plus points that regenerated naturally, was left with only 15 points now, which was in the red zone.

Keeping his tools and making his daily patrol of his territory, he found that the flooding water had basically retreated. There were only puddles of water left, the mountain torrents in the flooded valley were only a trickle now, and he didn't notice any trace of wild beats. Speaking of which, although the beasts in this world were ferocious and cunning, their numbers weren't a lot, and difficult to find too.

However, Li Siwen had a faint feeling that there were definitely things in this world that would be much more terrifying than wild beasts.

"That's why I shouldn't be cocky or rash, but develop steadily, observe the changes, think before I act. If I want to live long, I must definitely remember to be careful in everything I do."