This Poison... Is Very Poisonous

Currently, although the winged scorpion was punched onto the ground, it didn't seem to be injured. It quickly climbed onto its feet and was going to escape back into the bush.

But how could Li Siwen let it escape? He grabbed over the mountain ax and smashed towards it, directly smashing it into meat sauce.

Instantly, an awful smell came out, and it was actually quite similar to the smell from the exploded rat the other day. Li Siwen hurriedly moved back, at the same time opening one of the water gourds and pouring the dew water onto the fingers on his right hand. There were four pin-sized wounds on it now, and it felt really numb.

After washing the wounds, the two fingers had become as swollen as a carrot. Its surface had become blue-green and there seemed to be liquid flowing inside them.

Li Siwen hurriedly took out the medicine gourd and poured some anti-inflammatory and blood stopping powder on it. At the same time, he poured some into his mouth and washed it down with water.

In just these few seconds, his entire right hand had become as swollen as a bear's paw.

"What a powerful poison!"

Opening his attribute bar and taking a look, he saw a message flashing there. Accompanying this message, his Stamina was dropping continuously.

"98%... 96%... 94%..."

"So incredible!"

Li Siwen was quite surprised. Even the toxin from the Iron Ring Black Snake would only deplete one Stamina Point for diluting 10% of it.

When he was testing the herbs, for the most powerful Iron Wolf Poison Grass, one Stamina Point could dilute 5% of the toxin. But now, the toxin from this winged scorpion reached a level of 2% for each point.

Now, he only had 50 Stamina Points. Just for diluting the toxin, he would need to deplete all of them.

But judging from this point, he wouldn't die from the toxin.

Having a high Stamina did ensure his safety!

Having made such a judgment, Li Siwen quickly rubbed away the black material on the mountain ax and returned to the treehouse. He sealed off the skylight to prevent any wild beasts from taking advantage of the situation.

At this moment, the swelling had extended to his arm. There seemed to be something moving inside, it seemed to be parasites?

This couldn't do. If this carried on, even if the toxin was fully diluted and neutralized, his arm would be crippled too.

"Let's release some blood!"

Li Siwen calmly took up the mountain ax, walked in front of the fire stove, and made a cut on his arm all the way to the back of his hand.

Black-colored blood instantly flowed out. There even seemed to be some tiny thing jumping about in the blood, waving its claw and baring its teeth. But when the blood dropped inside the fire stove, it was directly burned into ashes.

Then, he opened the medicine gourd again and poured the powder onto the wound in large amounts, like it was free. At this point, he looked at the attribute bar. In a matter of seconds, the percentage flashing on it had changed.

From the original 2%, it became 5%, then 10%, then lastly became 20%. After a while, it completely became zero and disappeared. This medicine was surprisingly effective.

Up to this point, he had been poisoned for only three minutes, and his Health Points only dropped by three points, while his Stamina Points dropped by 18 points. However, the toxin had already been under control.

Next, Li Siwen took out a dried Iron Head Poisonous Grass and quickly ground it into powder. Then, he made a wound on the tip of the five fingers on his right hand and sprinkled the powder onto the wounds.

The effect of this poisonous grass was to cause profuse bleeding.

Li Siwen was mainly afraid that there were still parasites from the toxin inside his blood, so he had to continue releasing blood.

Five minutes later, when his Health Points had dropped by 10 points, his right hand finally returned to normal and the numbness disappeared, starting to feel pain instead.

At this point, Li Siwen slowly but steadily sprinkled some anti-inflammatory and blood stopping powder onto the wounds. Now, he just had to wait for them to heal.

Then, he opened up the four skylights and came in front of the fire stove again. Previously, there was still firewood burning inside. But when the black-blood showered onto it, it extinguished half of the flames. It was fortunate that he was very cautious and directly released blood into the fire stove. If he had let the black-blood dropped onto the ground and let the parasite climb into the dried meat, it would be a disaster.

Taking the extinguished firewoods outside, using the light from the rising sun, Li Siwen realized that this thing was like a kind of black wax oil. After being burnt, it was wrapped onto the firewood.

Finding a stone slab, he pried the wax-like thing down. It was actually quite hard. Li Siwen wondered if this was considered a trophy and could it be absorbed and turned into Heavenly Workmanship Point?

After making sure that this thing had completely died and there wasn't any toxin left, Li Siwen used his fingers to pinch it up. A few seconds later, the wax-like oil turned into ashes disappeared when the wind blew.

It really worked!

Suppressing his delight, Li Siwen hurriedly checked the attribute bar. As he expected, the figure in the blue orb had become 15/30.

"What the heck, the threat of this small thing is actually on par to mutated Zhao Da? No, in fact, its threat is even bigger than the flame beast that Zhao Da mutated into. At least humans can fight against that thing and resist for a while. But this thing hides inside a small scorpion and enters the body if bitten. No, what if that scorpion was a victim of the parasite too? This time, if it wasn't because I had prepared all kinds of herbs in advance and reacted appropriately, I might have died to this little thing too."

"Also, what if we think deeper into it? Zhao Da's mutated flame beast came from the Feudal Lord's fire amulet, and the fire amulet came from the statue. Then, is there a similar process for this thing today? Maybe it's just a small minion, and in a certain part of the forest, there exists a high-level puppet like the Feudal Lord too?"

The water was too deep. He couldn't afford to offend them!

Li Siwen's sense of security dropped by 1,000 points!

Who would have thought that inside this seemingly quiet forest, there exists such an evil thing? He only met one today, but what if he met a bunch at the same time, or even met the Feudal Lord of this poisonous insect?

Momentarily, Li Siwen felt really worried and tremendous stress. He even had an urge to run away.

"No, I must increase my Health Points and Stamina Points even further. The other attributes can be placed aside for now, but this poisonous insect is hard to guard against. If it entered the treehouse and night and suddenly bite me without warning—"

"Damn, I must increase the level of sealing of the treehouse and continue to ripen the anti-inflammatory grass in large amounts. The effect of this grass against this poisonous insect is still quite obvious. Also, it's time to build a level of hard armor for the treehouse. After all, a wooden walk alone is still too weak. I shall make a stone wall first, then add a brick wall to it in the future. I don't believe that after that many insects can still sneak in."