Project Safe House

Because of this incident, Li Siwen had to delay today's schedule for a few hours in order to recover his stamina and health points, and also drink some year 82—dew water to suppress his shock.

After being completely calm, he finally considered his gain and loss.

"Escaping is impossible. If the Feudal Lord had come after me three days ago when the wild boar family was annihilated, I might still have the heart to run. But now, I am only left with the heart to fight to the death, because if I give up on the territory here, I am afraid that I won't be able to find such a good territory again. Also, I had already spent a lot of effort on the territory here, I can't even imagine the thought of giving up all of this."

"Then, the most crucial thing now is to build a stone wall. But other than that, there are still a few things I need to settle."

"First, make full use of the remaining iron and the 15 Heavenly Workmanship Points. For example, making a small blade, an iron pan, some iron nails, buckets, and such. I must make sure that when I am maximizing my power, at the same time, I must maximize my ability to survive in this world too."

"Second, I will not give up on this territory. Even if the Feudal Lord comes, I will fight with him to death. Therefore, I shall continue to increase my Spirit Development, and increase my Health Points and Stamina Points. Even if I can't defeat, for now, I must at least ensure that I stay alive."

"Third, not only must I continue the stone wall project, I must enhance the treehouse in all aspects, making it my Safehouse 1.0. I have completely seen through the facade of this world, although it looked beautiful on the outside, there are countless dangers hidden within it. Compared to all these hidden dangers, the threat of the Feudal Lord isn't even worth mentioning."

"Fourth, I need to be even more cautious, and more meticulous during my patrol to prevent similar insects from entering the territory. Of course, I also need to continue ripening the blood stopping and anti-inflammatory grasses in large amounts."

10 AM: Li Siwen's stamina had completely recovered. Also, he had made use of the time to prepare himself a gourd of anti-inflammatory and blood stopping powder and used the Heavenly Workmanship Point to make stainless steel saw blade, a stainless steel knife, a wrought iron wok, a three-meter-long wrought iron chimney, two hundred 20-centimeter-long pig iron nails, and a wrought iron bucket. The piece of iron was barely enough to make these.

With the help of the Heavenly Workmanship Point, making this stuff wasn't a problem, just that he felt heart pain for the cost of it. For example, the saw blade cost five points, the steel knife three points, iron wok two points, chimney one point, nails two points, and bucket two points, using up all the Heavenly Workmanship Points.

All of this stuff was stuff that he would need soon and had an enormous impact on the development of the territory.

However, he didn't intend to use the saw blade for woodcutting, but only for fine carpentry work. He was more used to using the mountain ax for woodcutting, and it was also faster.

Next, Li Siwen tied the medicine gourd to his body, then cut out a piece of leopard skin and wrapped the steel knife in it, tying it to his arm. This way, he could quickly draw it out when he needed it.

Then, he pulled half a bucket of muddy water from the well and let it sit inside the treehouse. Only then did he leave and tend to the farmland and cut trees for Vitality Points. Next, he returned to the treehouse and cut out a straight pole. Using his own height as a reference, he made a measuring ruler.

This was very important. Since he planned to build Safehouse 1.0, he couldn't casually build it like before. The square-circle structure must be accurate to an error of fewer than ten centimeters, otherwise, it couldn't be considered being a Safehouse, right?

After some careful measurements and calculations, Li Siwen set three standards for his safe house project.

One: The sealing project of the treehouse includes insect-proof, rain-proof, and cold-proof. Of course, this couldn't be accomplished overnight, but the strategic plan must exist!

Two: The defense project of the treehouse includes the foundation, wooden wall, and stone wall. Now that he have completed the foundation and wooden wall, only the stone wall project remained.

Three: The practical project of the treehouse includes rest, storage, and operation room. A second-story treehouse should be built based on the original treehouse. It would have about 100 square meters of usable space more than the current one.

This was because Li Siwen thought the space in his treehouse was rather small.

Other things aside, he needed to store enough food for the entire winter, which the treehouse's current space couldn't accumulate.

He also needs to build a Kang bed-stove, a fire-stove, and place over one water tank and vegetable tank. In addition, he must also store some dry wood in the treehouse.

And he also needed space to do stuff like making wooden spears and ropes inside the treehouse next time, right?

He needed to consider these points to avoid duplicate construction. Wasting time was equivalent to wasting life!

"And if I start the second-story treehouse project, I have to consider the foundation and peripheral defenses. Now the first-story treehouse is five meters high, and the foundation is one-meter-deep stone. In the future, I can add one-meter-deep logs. This can satisfy the safety of the first-story treehouse, but for the second-story treehouse, where can I place the support for its weight?"

Li Siwen stood on top of the second layer wooden lay. If he placed the support for the second-story treehouse here, then the space of the second-story would be at least 150 square meters. Thinking of it, that would be quite outstanding, just that the defense would be thin. Depending on just one layer of the stone wall wasn't very reliable.

"If this was the case, the foundation for the stone wall must be expanded to five meters wide and two meters deep, and the height of the stone wall needs to reach nine meters tall. Damn, it feels like I am building a pyramid. Spat spat spat! What kind of stupid thinking is this!"

Li Siwen hesitated, the workload was too much, it would definitely force him to delay his other plans. Was there really a need for it? A second-story treehouse with a stone wall project, plus making bricks and tiles, all of these required at least half a month's time in total.

In this period, he wouldn't be able to find food and also couldn't spend too much effort on the farmland, it would affect even the rate of increase in his power.

If an accident occurred along the way, it would be all for nothing.

After hesitating for a long while, Li Siwen looked towards the snow mountain. In the end, he made his decision. He wasn't the boorish Feudal Lord, therefore, he wouldn't make the same mistake. Also, he was alone. Without a solid and reliable base, how could he survive? No matter how powerful a person was, it wasn't possible for the person to fight endlessly too.

He was not the god of war; he was just a farmer. He shouldn't force himself to do something he wasn't good at.

"So it's decided. I shall officially start the safe house project. While the weather is still suitable and I have enough food and water in my hands, and a series of basic tools for the light industry too, if I don't build a Safehouse now, then when should I do it? Yup, 250 kilograms of dried fish are specially approved as a strategic resource for starting the safe house project, saving the time for finding food and collecting dew. I shall work 18 hours a day and strive to complete it within half a month!"

"Now, while the bricks are still not dry yet, let's start digging the foundation for the stone wall. At the same time, use the resting time to cut down trees of suitable thickness. As for the level four woodcutting skill, I shall choose not to absorb the vitality in the trees when using it, because I need a whole batch of solid wood. Also, for my usual free time, I shall use it to get water from the well to make bricks and tiles. I need to carry out several projects that are alternated and synchronously. Time is precious and cannot be wasted!"