About Digging

Digging was a simple task.

However, if the amount of soil to dig reached 400 cubic meters, it would be very terrifying.

When Li Siwen calculated out this figure, he was almost scared silly.

Even the muck trunks from his previous life also pulled tens of cubic meters of soil, wasn't the plan he was making now a bit overboard?

"Damn, I have food in the house, water in the well, a shovel in my hand, and inexhaustible strength. Being a farmer, what is there to be afraid of?"

After hesitating for a few seconds, he still gritted his teeth and started digging. Without craziness, there's no success. For his safe house, charge!

Of course, Li Siwen didn't really dig crazily with his all in it. He only tried to maintain a constant speed and use the least physical exertion for the most suitable excavation efficiency.

It was said a normal grown-up, on average, could dig 10 cubic meters of soil per 10 hours. He wasn't requesting for too much, digging 200 cubic meters of soil in two days wasn't too overboard, right?

Yup, let the statistics talk.

Li Siwen started digging from around11 AM. By 1 PM, he had depleted six Stamina Points and dug about 20 cubic meters of soil, about 10 times faster than a normal person.

A normal person's strength only had five Strength Points and 10 Stamina Points, while he had 24 Strength Points and 50 Stamina Points.

"What am I calculating this for? Not like I am writing an essay or novel on this. However, this signifies that I can complete this in two days."

Li Siwen returned to the treehouse and cooked a pot of wild vegetable mushroom dried fish soup. After eating, he was 30% to 40% full. Then, after resting for only half an hour, his stamina had fully recovered.

This was just how advantageous 50 points in stamina were.

After lunch, he used his woodcutting skill to cut down a large tree without absorbing its vitality. Now, this solid tree had become a strategic resource too. If this was in a game, it would be at least of white-color quality.

Unfortunately, because of the cooldown, he could only cut one every 24 hours.

After returning, Li Siwen continued his digging. This time, while still keeping within the endurance level of the shovel, he slightly speeded up.

After another two hours, he had depleted eight Stamina Points, but he had dug about 30 cubic meters of soil, not bad.

He rested for half an hour, then went to the valley and carried back the bricks he previously molded. This didn't cost him much stamina, and with enough food, he could even let his stamina recover quickly.

After he carried 2,000 plus bricks back. he picked the worse looking ones with more cracks and beyond saving, then use them to make a simple square furnace. It was about two meters tall with a hole on the top where a chimney could be placed. At the side, a hole was left too as a door.

As for the better-looking bricks with fewer cracks and still could be saved, he placed them inside the furnace vertically with some space between each other. The first layer was placed in a > shape, and the second layer was placed in a < shape, staggered so that the flame could burn them fully.

Then leave a circle of space around and fill them up with dry firewood that he chopped and chose carefully. They were not wood that had their vitality absorbed, but wood with their vitality intact and with a hardness double that of normal wood. This type of firewood was more durable when burned and provides a better flame. He had tested these using the fire stove.

However, Li Siwen didn't rush to light the fire. Because during the day, the smoke created would be very obvious. This was unlike the two stoves in the treehouse, which had only a small amount of firewood and a weak smoke. Plus, there were four skylights to spread out the smoke. From a far distance, it was hard to notice the smoke created.

Therefore, he needed to wait until night to light the fire. Then, even if the smoke rose over 100 meters, it wouldn't be easily noticeable in the dark.

Details, mind the details.

After finishing with these, more than an hour had passed. Although Li Siwen didn't purposely take time to rest, his stamina had still restored to 50 points.

Therefore, he took the shovel and carried on digging for another two hours before stopping and doing his patrol of the territory, then draw water from the well to mold bricks.

Doing these things alternately could not only increase his speed but also recover his stamina without wasting too much time. This plan was not bad, the only drawback being that he would become hungry quickly.

When night descended, Li Siwen had dug almost 80 cubic meters of soil. This progress was quite comfortable.

Placing other matters aside, Li Siwen cooked himself a pot of wild vegetable mushroom dry fish soup and ate it happily. It was worth mentioning that this wok could hold 20 kilograms of water, its capacity wasn't small. A wok of water cooked with wild vegetables and mushrooms, plus dried fish as a main, his food was better than last time and also more filling.

After dinner, the sky had completely turned back, and only the stars in the sky were visible.

Li Siwen took out the three-meter-long chimney and installed it on the furnace. Then, he lighted up the fire, using the remaining bricks to seal the hole for the door. Now, he only had to wait for the result.

Actually, he only roughly understands making bricks, but he really didn't know the essential techniques. But no matter how lousy the bricks end up being, it definitely wouldn't be afraid of being soaked in rainwater.

A short while later, the firewood in the furnace had burned, making cracking sounds as it burnt. A stream of smoke rose from the chimney up into the sky. It looks like he didn't spend the Heavenly Workmanship Point in vain. If not, he was really worried that the firewood wouldn't be able to burn properly.

After half an hour, the fire in the furnace slowly became bigger, tongues of fire seeped out from the cracks in the bricks used in making the furnace.

A few feet high, fire even sprang up from the chimney.

Li Siwen held his mountain ax, looking quietly at one side, his heart feeling slightly nervous. He only knew that heat and sealing determined how hard the resulting brick would be.

As for this simple furnace, it was impossible to seek a good sealing degree. Instead, he squeezed quite a lot of firewood inside, and there were gaps in the center too. Therefore, maybe, just maybe, it was passable?

This time's roasting was purely to gain experience and to make better bricks. Next, he would use these resulting bricks to rebuild a better furnace. The tiles and water tank would depend on the new furnace to be made. In order to increase the chances of success in roasting mud, he had really thought of everything he could.

Next, Li Siwen didn't continue to look at the furnace or continue to dig the foundation. Instead, he carried over a few logs and used the saw blade which he had already installed a handle on it to cut these logs into one-meter-long wooden sections, and then start from the cross-section, using a thickness of ten centimeters as the standard, and cut them into pieces of wooden planks.

He could use these wooden planks as the flooring for the treehouse and also to lay on the roof of the treehouse, its use was very important.

The fire in the furnace lasted all the way until midnight, and Li Siwen had also been sawing until then, making 200 plus wooden planks.

Only then did he yawn. The work for one day had almost ended.

He checked the furnace. The situation inside was unknown, and the temperature was too high. He could only wait until tomorrow to open it.

Therefore, Li Siwen took down the more precious chimney and returned to the treehouse. He sealed the skylights and as usual added one Spirit Point to Spirit Development, bringing it to 48%. Afterward, he dropped asleep.