
𝐂𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐀𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞

𝙎𝙪𝙘𝙘𝙪𝙗𝙪𝙨, 𝙘𝙪𝙧𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙡𝙮 𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙣𝙤𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙜𝙞𝙘


After the meeting adjourned, Taran reluctantly asked if I still wanted him to join us. He already proved himself to me, from the moment he spoke Demonic, I knew he had it. I gave him the contract while Deimos explained to him what were the stipulations and consequences if he ever violated the contract. Taran gave his blood signature, his blood shone while an exact copy of his signature glow in the back of his wrist before both of them faded.

Deimos stayed with me the whole night, we didn't do anything but ask questions about each other, avoiding any talks of royalty and such.

I learned that Adella was his younger sister, his hobbies were reading and swimming, telling me that it calms him, he used to have a dog but given that his sleeping schedule forbade him to have any morning activities with his dog, he had to give him away.

Deimos telling me about his dog made me yearn for my Hellhound, Erebus.

I told him about painting, traveling, enjoying Verena's bread, and Erebus.

He couldn't believe me I had a Hellhound waiting for me back at home.

"Do you miss it?" He asked, "Your home."

I pulled away from him and stared at the ceiling, seeing the vintage chandelier above us.

"Sometimes but I prefer to be here. People here are interesting, diverse, and unique. Back there, it's all the same. Demons there, demons that, demons this."

"You should have brought your Hellhound then," he teased, turning around to face me.

"How could I explain to my neighbors about my dog then?" I chuckled and faced him, his eyes were glinting in mischief.

"Tell them, it's a stray."

Yeah, Deimos has never seen a Hellhound then.

"A black furry dog, that smells like burning brimstone, who tends to leave behind a burned area wherever they go, their eyes are a deep, bright, and almost glowing red. Would sell that to them." I laughed.

I didn't add his other features that have been attributed to hellhounds include glowing red - or sometimes yellow - eyes, razor-sharp teeth, super strength or speed, ghostly and phantom characteristics. No need for him to know about that.

All the Hellhounds are like giant dogs, bigger than Alaskan Malamute but they actually reminded me of Corgis and sometimes, Golden Retrievers.

"That would be a nice guard dog," he muttered.

"Yeah, he is but all that giant scary look, Hellhounds are nice and caring."

Now all of this talking made me think of Erebus, thinking of Erebus made me remember home.

I needed to change the topic.

"What time do you usually sleep?"

He didn't hesitate to answer and I was glad for it. "Usually, 5 am as soon as the sun rises, so I could wake early." I checked the time, 3:40 am, wow, it didn't felt like we were talking for hours, realizing the time made me yawn. Deimos pulled me in his embrace and said, "Sleep my little succubi. I'll stay with you until 5 am."

I smiled against his chest, wrapping my arms around him and kiss his pectoral. "Thank you,"

For accepting me as a succubus, being nice, and thoughtful, I could go on but I was too sleepy to say anything.

"For what?"

I was already losing consciousness and didn't get a chance to reply.


Sex with Deimos had me glowing, my girls commented that before we left for Monterey, Bellona and Verena were already out there starting their hunt.

I had an estate in Monterey, I decided to gather intel on Laurent and who could gather intel but with someone on my home realm.

My estate in Monterey was safer than the one in Sausalito and San Francisco, traveling felt like the girls and I are on a road trip rather than summoning someone.

Wynona, Eulia, Karina, and Taran were with me, Wyn was driving while Eulia and Karina were singing some Disney song, Taran looking like he was forced to come with us but I can see the glint in his eyes that he liked it. I couldn't leave Eulia alone in the house, I had to take her with me, not that she minded, knowing Monterey has beaches. She'll love it.

"Are we there yet?" Eulia sang, her hair billowing with the wind since the sounds of the ocean could be heard, she lowered the windows. Sitting in beside Wyn, I looked back to see the three of them enjoying the trip.

"Few minutes, Lia," Wyn said.

Taran didn't know what was the reason for going to Monterey.

The Monterey estate was inspired by the Spanish houses, I used to stay here back in the 90s until I had to move to San Francisco to watch over Deimos. Even since I saw him, I had some of my friends keep tabs on him, just to appease the growing need to protect him. I didn't let myself see him in person until I was ready, it was until Stefan was found and my need to avenge Aiyana came back roaring for justice that I couldn't stop myself from revealing myself.

I wore a peach silk long sleeve shirt blouse tucked in the high waisted jeans with a black belt to hold my jeans, few buttons of the shirt were unbuttoned until it gaped open in my midriff. It was hot and underboob sweat was not a great thing.

My phone beeped, I pulled it out from my black handbag and checked to see that Bellona texted me with her progress. She and Verena managed to capture one of the cambions in the list and have begun interrogating them.

I responded with thanks and a gif of a smiling corgi. I love gifs. It makes the chat more interesting and fun.

"We're here!" Eulia cheered as she watched as we parked inside the estate. She jumped from the car from the moment we halted to a stop, humming as she climbed the stairs.

I didn't waste another minute, following Eulia until we reached the double doors and fetched the key to open the doors. There used to be someone who lived here but she told me that it was boring living here alone, so she went out and rented an apartment in LA. So I hired someone to check up on the house.

Even though, I told the girls many times that they don't need to follow me around but they prefer to be around me. Not that I mind. If someone told me I would be surrounded by friends back when I was fresh out of Hell, I would laugh. Now, I've gotten used to being with them. Once the doors were unlocked, I headed straight for my bedroom.

Pushing the rug, I lifted the loose wooden part of the floor and pulled out a large box with the summoning necessities, once the floorboard was put back I headed for the middle mini courtyard where most of them gathered around.

The courtyard was aesthetically pleasing with the large fountain in the middle that was surrounded with potted plants, the whole place was overrun by plants, roses, and other types of flowers, ivy, and leaves. Of course, Eulia couldn't resist the fountain, even though, the place has a pool. The water was crystal clear and with Eulia sitting in the side of the fountain with her legs in the water, she was humming while brushing her hair. Eulia had the skill that when she touches the water, the water would sparkle like those you found on the aesthetic Pinterest board.

She reminded me of Ariel from The Little Mermaid but with white-blonde hair.

The courtyard had enough space with the nearby chairs that Wynona and Karina occupied, they saw me arrived with the box and looked intrigued. No one knew how to summon demons since it was tight-lipped amongst the community, they might have an idea but they never have seen one. What the cambion did back there was rushed and sloppy.

Taran stopped gawking at the house and turned to face me, as I set the box on the ground. I sighed, then looked up from the box.

"What I'll show you is highly confidential and I trust you that this information won't go out to anyone," I said, they nodded but didn't ask questions, even Eulia stopped humming.

Pulling off the lid, I pulled out a jar full of Holy Oil from the Blessed Land—nearly burned myself getting it but it was worth it, this was a rare substance and hard to get by. Taran, uneducated by the world of Hell, had a good instinct to back away and his face scrunched up.

I grabbed a pair of thick gloves that covered my bare skin because I don't want a repeat of me accidentally burning myself, took me years to lose the scar, and a lot of essences.

Taking out a jar of salt, the trap symbol still fresh on my mind, I began creating the symbol. Once the salt symbol was finished, I started dipping the brush on the Holy Oil—saving those bad boys up by just using a brush—created a larger circle covering the symbol, double-checking for flaws, I didn't dare walk inside the circle. Satisfied with the circle, I removed my gloves, cracking my neck because I'm not used to someone watching me doing this.

I felt everyone's eyes on me, as fire emerged from my fingertips until it coated my wrist.

Desperate measures, Cerise. I thought to myself. Staring at the pentagram before I took a deep breath and started.

The courtyard was quiet, as they watch as I lit the Holy Oil and fire encircled the symbol. My nail turned to a black claw, sliced the palm, and tossed my blood to the symbol.

I began the summoning ritual, chanting in demonic. "With this blood, I summon the eldest child of Lucifer, the one who calls himself Alarik. Let them hear my call and bind them to my blood in the circle. Gathering them in front of me."

The symbol shone and we all waited, the fire nearly blazing me. The fire in my hands disappeared because it was unusual for a succubus to have that ability and I don't want anyone knowing that.

"Taran, guard Eulia." I ordered as I saw him stood before Eulia in the fountain.

The fire went up until I saw the familiar silhouette of Alarik, a Sphinx. A Royal from Lucifer's line. As soon as the fire lowered, I was greeted by a warm wicked smile with amusement.

He was handsome, pretty much the replica of Fallen Angel painting by Alexandre Cabanel, his auburn hair was tousled, deep blue eyes filled with mischief, and that grin that would always get me back then.

"Cerise, love." Alarik greeted in demonic.

"Alarik," I nodded.

Alarik stared at the pentagram and the Holy Oil fused with my fire. He looked offended yet impressed. "You do know, you don't need to trap me, after all, we've been through?"

Yeah, I can remember the sex and the mischief.

"Just a precaution, sweetie."

He seemed to understand the meaning of my words, his grin was gone and soon replaced by a serious look, a rare occurrence for Alarik since he always the one who got the both of us in trouble in the first place.

"You look humanely beautiful. Unlike your sinfully true beauty." He commented when he did a quick body scan on me. "This is more... a muted version of you." He frowned.

"Exposing my true self to them won't be good for both of us." I shrugged, if he didn't mention that, I wouldn't have thought of it. I learned that the hard way, never again would I show my true form to this realm.

"Is it true?" He asked.

It took me a while for me to realized what he was asking about. My jaw clenched in anger, trying to stop the tears from coming out. "Yes,"

That fucking night. I still wore the scar from it, putting Glamour on it just to avoid any questioning looks from others.

"I'm sorry." I didn't say anything so he continued. "He was boasting about it. Spreading the word back home. Everyone believed him but I knew you. I couldn't do much about it but your siblings felt like something was wrong."

I clenched my hands into fists, trying not to think about Laurent and his shitty games. Alarik wanted to walk through the barrier but doing so would deal with great harm.

"How's Erebus?" I managed to say. My voice was broken and sad.

"He misses you. I miss you."

"I know,"

"Come back home, we could protect you from Laurent." I knew he meant well and true but I couldn't, not until I'm ready.

"I can't, Red."

The endearment made Alarik soften and the look he gave was full of yearning and need. If this was a younger me, I would have left everything here and went home with Alarik. Alarik was my first in almost everything, in sex, kisses, my friend—he taught me everything. He introduced a lot of stuff that I enjoyed. Alarik was unlike any demon lover I had. If given a choice on who I would be betrothed to I would pick him but that was before Deimos.

"Daleka was punished, she failed to bring you back. He cut off her wings." Oh fuck. At the mentioned of wings, I saw his phantom Sphinx wings which I'm always jealous of. Seeing, even a flash of wings, always made me react by touching my spine, where my wings would be if I have one.

I wasn't worried about her wings, they could grow back but the pain and vulnerability she might have felt was the other thing. Wings were sensitive and even though, I have no wings I felt her pain.

"I'm guessing the entire I ran away from her excuse didn't sell?"

"Oh, it did. Your family won't believe her but Daleka was good at selling it that every demon out there is now making fun of you." Alarik said. Well, there goes my reputation.

Eulia hummed as she saw Alarik's phantom wings, the noise drew our attention to her. Alarik was all predatory, curious, and now alert. "Undine and a Cambion." He whispered as if he was looking at rare gems.

"They're mine," I proclaimed, the mark of my symbol shone on their wrist. Demons—especially, royals were territorial to anything or anyone. I rarely claim my mark but Alarik had to know.

We couldn't resist taking what isn't ours. It's the thrill of it.

His eyes bled black, "I see," he licked his lips, now scanning the courtyard. "Nice place you have here," his eyes landing on Wynona and Karina. "Naga and... oh my, what a unique Wraith." He didn't notice that he was on the edge of the pentagram. The hissing sound indicated that he felt the slight burn of being close to the barrier.

"Also, mine."

He frowned as he faced me. "You have someone from Satan's house." He meant Wynona. Two from yours, and one from mine." Oh, that's interesting. I wondered who was Taran's father.

"Recognized his half?"

"Faint but familiar, powerful too."

A potential bastard?

"Now, enough with the gossips, Red before we ran out of time."

He cocked an eyebrow, "I see," I snapped my fingers and the contract appeared in front of him.

He didn't grab it, letting it float in front of him while reading it. Alarik frowned when he realized the deal. "What you asked is dangerous, even for me."

"Name your price,"


I saw Taran froze in his spot, Eulia tranced from Alarik's beauty, I saw Karina and Wynona moved closer when they observed how Taran reacted, they were reading his body language since they couldn't understand anything. Eulia was hungry for Alarik. That's why I had Taran keeping Eulia at bay, if not, Eulia would have gone for him.

I almost said yes but I thought of Deimos, it wouldn't be fair to him even though, I'll return home without him, it just felt wrong.

"A death mark?" I negotiated, worried that he'll push his price. Death mark was our formal term for having someone killed.

Alarik knew something was stopping me from saying yes but didn't know what or who, he knew that I would have said yes in a heartbeat back then. "No."

"Come on, Red. Don't do this."

"Why? I've asked you to be my wife. Am I that bad?" He looked so torn and shock. If this wasn't a serious matter, I would have laughed at him for thinking he's bad at the bed. He was amazing but

I had met Deimos and he's out of this world.

"I want freedom," I only said that. It wasn't a lie but it wasn't also the whole truth.

"Then we can have orgies if I wasn't enough for you. I don't mind sharing you."Orgies would have been tempting—that was a succubus/incubus wet dream, drunk in essence. Taran snorted a laugh at the talks of orgies.

We both ignored the boy.

"I love it here." I reasoned, noticing that the fire from the Holy Oil was slowly diminishing, once that fire was gone, pentagram or not, Alarik could easily walk past that even if it hurts him.

"I would let you visit this realm as long as you're with me." He said.

I didn't know if he likes me or this was the withdrawal from my feeding. The thing with Alarik was when we have sex, we always use my Lure to heighten the sensations but every time we use my Lure, he would be somehow, become needy, and obsessed with me.

I never used Lure to Dorin, it would complicate the relationship.

Ex-lover or not, he saw my desperate and used it. "What you asked for could get me killed if I get caught." He was pulling the guilt card.

Damn, my morals.

I don't want to use my Lure on him but if this was what I needed to do then so be it. I gave him the last chance. "A boon, Red. Take it." I hissed, my eyes bleeding black like his.

"I can have you do or give me anything then."

"Except me."

He snarled. "Except you." I could feel his need to take me, his power-hitting the barrier. Mine fought his, fully knowing that my eyes were a pitch black.

"Say yes, Red," I begged at him.

"Fuck, Cerise. You know how much I love to hear you beg."

"Take it, baby." I breathed out, slightly using my Lure.

He growled and gave his blood signature. The mark of his signature shone on his wrist and faded, Alarik licked his lips as he stared at me.

"Be careful, Beauty. Laurent has friends here." Then he was gone.