Chapter 3

Click Clak Clik Clak

Two pieces of footsteps could be heard down a large hallway leading to a large door adorned with gold Phoenix engravings. It leaked the aura of aristocracy and privateness only seen on those well off mansions which only the top 1% could afford.

"So Zuzu here we are, You ready to face the fact that mother didn't love any of us?" Azula said this with confidence and with a smirk rising from the corner of her mouth. The smirk on her face looked tantalizing, it gave off the aura of a phoenix. Proud and confident at the same time dangerous, like a wild rose full of thorns. If you come too close you will be hurt.

"Come on, Let's go Azula. We need to see those letters, the letters are the only clue we have on why mother left. Maybe she left because father made her, maybe she died and the only thing she left us is the letters, maybe she wrote everything about her life in the palace. We need to see it." Zuko replied to Azula with determination, Those eyes seeming to see only the results of what they would see, combined with the regal attire gave him a look befitting a ruler. A honourable and straight forward ruler with only the goal on his mind, not afraid of becoming selfish if it means the betterment of those in his rule. Including his only sibling.

As Azula opened the Phoenix adorned door, all she could remember was her childhood. The room inside the door was still messy, it gives a view that a person just left the room hurriedly and didn't arrange everything else. The room was isolated even after the fight where it burned parts of the palace. As Azula was slowly remembering her childhood tears slowly slid down her face breaking the proud loom she once had before entering the room.


[ flashback]

"Young lady! That is not how a lady of this family should act!" Azula's mother yelled at Azula as she saw her sitting around a bush and burning a spider within some flowers. After that she sighed and muttered slowly " What is wrong with that kid."

"Look it's prince Ozais daughter, she is really like her father. Ruthless and sadistic, she really is his blood. A monster hidden in human flesh." whispered a guard of the royal family to another guard assigned to protect the second prince's family. " Yeah, seeing her if she doesn't change her attitude she will most likely become a general who is feared by her men. She will be like him, A personification of Fear."

What they didn't know is that Azula heard all this, and if you looked closely on her face you could see a tear building up in her eyes and her closely clenched fist.

Azula's POV

So I'm a monster huh? All I wanted was to set that butterfly free from the spider. Is it because I killed the spider? Am I too ruthless? Yeah, maybe I am. Maybe if it was my brother he would've set the butterfly free without harming the spider. Maybe that's why mother doesn't like me. I am a ruthless monster. I don't have anyone who loves with me because I am a monster, all I have is father.

"Hahaha, so mother doesn't love me huh? well who would love a monster? I'm not Zuko who is compassionate. I am a ruthless monster." Eh!? Hehehe, Why am I in tears? Is it because she doesn't love me? feeling the wet streak of tears falling down on my face, I quickly balled up my fists and covered the front of my face covering much of my eye and ran to my room as fast as I can. I didn't even know how I got into my room but after I entered the room, I bawled my hearts out.

"So what if she didn't love me? I don't even love her anyway. So what if everyone thinks I'm a monster? Then I'll become the best monster they'll ever see, I'll be so good that father will be proud of me. Everyone will respect me for who I am... Everyone."


After recalling those past events Azula with a tear jerked face, directly went to the room in search for the letters their mother left. Maybe she hoped that there were letters for her, maybe she still has some hope that their mother loved her and just avoided her because of the circumstance. We won't know but what we know is that, she is trying to find the chest which is containing those letters.

"Azula wait! wait for me, Don't just go in by yourself." As Zuko bellowed to Azula while going in the room trying to catch up and helping Azula find the chest. But the words Zuko said fell to deaf ears as Azula is only concentrated on finding the chest.

As Azula was searching every nook and cranny of the room trying to find a small chest filled with letters, as she was crawling on the side of the still messy bed like a dog she found a small gap being covered by the bed frame. It looked so small that it looked like a small black line, without staring directly at it someone would think that it was only the shadow of the bed frame. As Azula found this small gap, she quickly stood up and kicked the still messy bed in order to see the gap without even considering where Zuko is looking and if he may get hurt by her actions.

Azula's POV

Finally I can find answer, does she even care for me? What am I to her? Am I a monster or a daughter?...Hahahah look at me, desperate for an answer from a woman that fears me. What am I?

Seeing that beside the bed frame there laid a small chest adorned with beautiful patterns adorned with crimson red crystals, Quickly getting hold of the small chest I clenched my fists to form a small flame dagger, slicing the

upper portion of the chest where the lock was supposed to be in order to not damage any of the letters inside the chest. Seeing that Zuko was looking at me and the small chest in my hand almost looking for the moment I would give it to him, I scanned all the letters on the small chest. It only contained 5 letters neatly folded and without any envelope.

"Dear Zuko," "To my beloved Zuko," " Dear Iroh," "Zuko my Dear," " To Ozai,"

Hahahaha, she didn't even care about me until the end huh? Not even caring about me and what am I doing, all she cared about is Zuko and the people surrounding him. She even tried to send a letter to Ozai which harassed her, HAH! what a whore.

Is this my end? Being locked far away without someone caring about me? My family treats me as a monster, my friends betrayed me at my lowest, the people who looked at me once with respect now is looking at me with fear, even my father who I thought cared for me only treated me as a weapon. Why am I even alive? This kind of life isn't even worthy living, well HAHAHA I GUESS BEFORE I DIE SINCE THERE'S NOTHING LEFT FOR ME ANYWAY I'LL LEAVE NOTHING FOR YOU AS WELL.


Quickly throwing all the letters with the chest to Zuko and blasting all the papers with fire, Seeing Zuko's face change from surprise to anger quickly as he saw the papers burning to cinders right in front of him without any powers to restore the now burned papers. As I saw Zuko acting as if he wants to charge me with daggers made with flames on his hands, I quickly do a leg sweep creating a horizontal piece of flame pillar separating us inside the room.

"HAHAHA HOW'S IT FEEL? HAVING ALL THE MEMORIES OF YOUR BELOVED WHORE BURNED TO A CRISP IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE!" Although saying this does vent my feeling somehow as I saw his face full of anger wanting to kill me, I know that I can't escape if I wanted to since I'm inside the palace with many of his people guarding every nook and cranny of the place. Well since I've got nothing to lose anyway why not end it all with my hands.

"Hey Zuzu, consider this my last wish. Can you not rule with an iron fist? Don't be a monster like me and that bastard of a father." Saying this I quickly made a flame dagger and plunged it into my stomach and dragging it upward. After finishing this the last thing I saw was Zuko's angry face quickly turning into surprise and shock.

Hehehe I guess it's not bad to end it this way right Zuzu? Hehehe Although I wish I could still feel the warmth of someone who loves me.