Chapter 4

Azula's POV

Sooo here I am floating around in nothing, really this isn't what I would imagine the end of life would be. Atleast put on some color scheme like black or something sheesh , it's worse in here than that prison or some shitty facility...whatever, in that place I atleast could hear some peasants grumble about their insignificant lives. Well I guess this fits me a bit more...alone in this god forsaken place forgotten by many.

After thinking of this, suddenly a loud and old voice reverberated into my non-existent ear almost trying to insert it directly to my ( imaginary) brain. " Watch!, Watch all the things you've done. All the good and the bad, all the insignificant and important events, all the interesting and mundane things, this is the last thing you'll see before entering nirvana."

Ok? So...this (presumably) old voice is now saying I need to watch everything? hah! That was the purpose of my life idiot, I saw it clearly, no need to make me rewatch my miserable and pitiful life.


With a sudden flash of colours everything surrounding me changed from nothingness to colours seemingly as if I'm in a kaleidoscope. Being in that state for a couple of minutes I see myself being birthed and I'm now seeing my life again in a third person point of view... How exciting. Like I didn't see my life enough.


" Ohhh look at the child, she's so cheerful I really hope she would be the light of the fire kingdom."

"Hah, You won't even know wench since you weren't anywhere near the palace, What does this lowly palace maid think she is?"

"Yeah, I hope she does."

"Heh, you will change your mind soon you whore, you weren't even there for us when we needed you."

As time slowly trickles away, all the small traces of concern in her childhood hidden in her mother's eyes finally seared through the back of Azula's mind even if she tries to deny it, It can't fake all the emotions between her mother's eyes she is currently seeing.


Years passed as the recreation of Azula's life kept moving, the once wild and unrestrained girl is now slowly watching her life with a blank look on her face, almost as if she is watching a candle light without even moving the slightest bit. She was watching herself commit more horrid actions again and again even considered it absurd in her eyes, all her ideals and her mindset was slowly crumbling as she saw each and every result of the actions she considered normal even in her childhood. Year after year she saw the same thing but now happening on a more bigger scale it not only harmed the people around her but even harmed the people not connected to her, It came to the point that she even started fearing herself. And when she finally saw the last part of her life when she decided to end it all, when reading all the letters directed to everyone she finally glanced at the words written at the bottom of the 3 letters she burned. 'Zuko please take care of your sister, I hope that you two can depend on each other in times of hardness when I'm not there', ' Iroh can you take care of your younger nephew for me before I go? Although she may be a bit rowdy deep down all she wants is validation, I hope you could give it to her', 'Prince Ozai please take care of our daughter and raise her well'. As the recreation of her pitiful was approaching it's end an emotional voice of Azula could be heard violently directing to the old voice she heard at the start.



End it all, end all my misery, I just want to be alone. I don't want anything to do with anyone, but if I get what I want would anyone even still remember me? Did anyone even truly care for me? Why did I have to see this? WHY? WHY? WHY!?


Why? WHY DID I HAVE TO ASK? Am I that desperate? Heh! She only loved the younger me, If she saw me now she will only see a monster hidden in a human's skin, just like anyone else.

"I cannot say that, well in your eyes did she love you?"

"Then tell me, is she alive?"

Is it for closure? Am I having an emotional breakdown? Heh, was I that starved for validation? Why would a monster even want validation? I should just die.

"Yes, yes she is child"

Geez, What do this old fart think he is, calling me child well to be fair the moment I died I was still 14 but it still ain't right specially since I don't even know him well. Although I don't like anyone calling me a childe,atleast it helps knowing that she is alive, I hope she can live her life anew. Away from our twisted family full of monsters.

"Hey old fart, What comes after this? Do I live in solitary or I just float around and forget about everything?" Well tell me old fart, I'm curious and need answers. It's nornal I'm a needy teen...being curious is considered normal, normal for a monster huh?.

"No, child you were be born again in another family far from what you'd expect. I truly hope your new family will treat you well and not like the weapon your father thought of you."

" Me too old fart, me too. Hey I have a question will I remember everything that I've done?" Yeah living anew would be great, not having to deal with some stupid power struggles and some running the country shit would be good.

"Normally no, but this time this world needs a guardian for her core. So Azula will you accept this task of guarding the core in exchange for your memories? This could be the only chance of you redeeming yourself."

"Hmmm let me think first" So I'll become a security guard for this 'core' thingy and still remember my memories? sounds like a steal for me...but my memories can't be that cheap right? To be exchanged only for guarding a thing? What am I a peasant? I'm clearly a cut above everybody else.

"Hey old fart, what is this core thing? Do I have to protect it for my entire life? Because if so then no can do."

"The core in simple terms is like the Avatar, He/She is the one to bring peace and all his decisions would impact on how the world works. This particular core's fate is extraordinary as his mentor didn't fully guide him properly before losing his power. I would like for you to be another mentor in his life, Can you do it Azula?" Well why not? Guarding the another form of the Avatar might be a good experience. I guess it's nice to have a change of pace, not killing the Avatar and all. Maybe it would be fun guarding the dipshit. I would be like Zuzu, guarding the Avatar. Maybe we could be friends and live a normal life for a change, not betraying each other like those 2 fake friends I had.

"Heh, Yeah I'll do it. But before that can I ask who are you?"

"You don't need to know but after you die, well see/hear about each other again. And I'll hope this time you won't commit the same dumb mistakes you did you brat."

"Heh, you bet I do old fart." This time I will try to change, Well I don't know I can't exactly guess the future but. I'll treasure this another shot at life and not mess things up. Heh! Another world princess Azula is coming!