Chapter 5

Finally, I can feel it's time to get out of this dammed womb. I've already had enough darkness in my previous life, it's not easy sharing the dammed stomach with someone. I DIDN'T HAVE ENOUGH LEG SPACE, well to be precise it should be called 'growth space' but nah, who cares? And yeah turns out I'm sharing this space with another dipshit. I mean it's not easy having to live around with someone kicking you or the stomach at the slightest outside noise. Dude we're together here, atleast give me some space, heh just you wait bub when we get out. I'm gonna burn you till you cry.

Eh? something feels weird. Why is the womb constricting? Is it time to go out? Yes, yes I could finally get out of this cursed place. Wait, how can I do this? NO ONE TOLD ME HOW!!!! AM I SUPPOSED TO BE STUCK HERE AND MEET THAT OLD FOGEY AGAIN? LIKE HELL I WILL! something's pulling me by my head. IT'S NOT HOW YOU TREAT A LADY!

"Waaah! Waaah!"

That freakung hurts you bitch, goddamit I can't even complain,all the things I try to speak turns into wails. Arrrghhh this is annoying.

"It's a girl, a wonder baby girl. Whoa she's so energetic unlike how she reacted earlier, she must be so happy."

How can I react other than wailing? You pulled my head outside that woman's womb for God sake and no, I'm not happy who would be happy when you pull someone's head suddenly? What are you retarded?

"Waaaaaah! Waaaaaah!"

Gah! So you're the one whose always kicking me in there, hehehehe finally we're outside. Just you wait until we grow older dipshit, I don't care even if you beg for forgiveness. No one messes with this lady right here.

"Ooohhh! This time it's a boy, maam you gave birth to the twins successfully, would you like to see them?"

"I would love to, thank you"

Oh, I need to open my eyes, this is an important event I can't miss this. So this is my mother now huh? She looks pretty good, maybe I'll inherit her genes. Wait do I still look the same? Well the only thing I could do is wait huh?. How do I say this, she looks like your bubbly and cheerful mother coupled with her green hair and weary smile based on her looks, but now I can see her tired eyes. Well of course she is Azula you dumbass giving birth aint easy, especially when you have to give birth to a beautiful genius and another annoying kid who likes to kick around. Wait, why am I feeling tired all of a sudden? Come on baby me resist sleeping, you gotta see the world or atleast see the dipshit doctor who pulled you out. Wait, wait nooooo.


4 years later

Yes, finally the hardest part of my life has come past, muahahahahah no more embarrassing situation when wiping my butt and no more embarrassing change of diaper or breast feeding. Hahahaha today shall mark my independence hehehe I'll call it independence day. But really, this world is weird what's up with heroes and villains? sheesh just imagining myself running around with those spandex suits while having my aunt visit me, man It'll be all red I tell you. Luckily I'm still a kid. And come on when finally I had a loving family and a cute little brother it just so happens that he likes those dumbass, specially that guy with that weird smile. Heh! he's supposed to idolize his beautiful sister, not some creepy smiling shit. Sigh, and I still need to protect this core or whatever, well I don't care who or what it is my first priority is my brother.

"Nee-chan didn't mom tell you to dress up? we're going to the hospital to find out about our quirk!"

Sheesh, this kid is so excited. Well I can't blame him. In this world everyone is not born equal, 80% have this supposed quirks which give them super natural abilities, I didn't even know how the fuck did it manifest. Still I have my bending but compared to a certain spandex superman I can't hold out too much and I still didn't even reveal it to mom and my cute little Zuzu here about my bending abilities it might cause him to get jealous and I don't want the same thing happening again. Oh yeah, I nicknamed him Zuzu cause he's my brother in this world and his name is Izuku. Which is pretty good cause I have a reason to nickname him that since the norm here in this place is to call someone by their family name, which is weird if you tell me.And yeah I call him little brother, What you gonna do about it huh?

"Yes, yes I'm on my way Zuzu. Don't get too worked up. I will still have a better quirk than you."

"No! Watch me, I'll have the best quirk in the world and save people with a smile! I'll be like All Might! PLUS ULTRA!"

Now this is irritating, he should idolize me not that goofball spandex junkie. Just wait til I get my hands on that buff guy, I'll burn his stupid spandex suit he will have to buy a new one hahahah.

"Sheesh, ok ok just let me tie my hair and then let's go. Just go wait for me in the car with mom, tell her I'm still tying up my hair."

"ok hurry up."

"Yes, yes"

Heh, I'll bet he'll be surprised about my bending abilities. Although I tried to hide it to not disappoint my brother about me getting a quirk earlier than him, I don't want to lose what I have. Although my dad is still missing I don't even fucking know where he is, it still helps that mom is loving us all the same. Heh, she's not even on the same league as Ursa. I can't lose this, I want to treasure this family no, I need to treasure this family. It may be the only good thing that happened to me. The core can go duck himself.