Chapter 6

Sitting in a car, a family of 3 are heading for the hospital where the children would be tested for their quirks. It was supposed to be a fun ride but inside the car you can see an awkward environment, where one of the kid is looking excited while the mother who was driving is looking anxiously looking around her 2 children as if worried about something, and the other child was calm while staring outside the car. This awkward atmosphere broke when the parent of the two spoke.

"Hey Izu, you look visibly excited are you that excited to visit the doctor?" While Inko said this in an excited manner, you can't hide the tinge of concern on her voice while saying these to the excited boy.

"Yeah! I'll become all might and be a hero someday! Hehehe I'll be called All Might Jr." The words that came out of his mouth was just full of hope and was the type that you would support all the way. It gave the vibe of childhood innocence to any adults who heard this. "Nee will you become a hero just like me? You'll become one right? Then we'll become the twin duo!"

"Yes, I'll be saving you if you messed up along the way." Replied Azula to the young Midoriya, with the concern and the smile she gave off you wouldn't think that the one who said this was a person who would kill anyone for their own goal.

As the car was at the hospital and finding the nearest parking area, Inko was super anxious of what will the results of her children's examination will be. In an era where having no quirks will get you ostracized and having to end up with low paying jobs it's normal to be anxious about her children's future, specially when both of your children ends up not showing any signs of their quirk at the age of 4 it is pretty much guaranteed to not have any quirks but the lingering hope she have is still there.

When the family was walking inside the main entrance of the hospital, a nurse with horns growing out of her forehead came out and approached the family. "Maam do you have any appointments?"

"Yes, we have an appointment. It's about to check quirks of 2 children. Is the doctor around?"

"Yes just wait and let me check my notes." As the nurse said that, she quickly scanned through all the papers on her clipboard and kept the trio standing. While she was scanning through her clipboard, she suddenly stopped and looked at her wristwatch and said these to the family while smiling politely " Oh sorry for the inconvenience, the doctor will look for you half an hour later so you could sit around the sofa if you would like."

As the 30 mins passed slowly, the door adjacent to the sofa they're currently staying at slowly opened and revealed the doctor inside of the room, the doctor was wearing a strange eyewear kinda like those mechanics use coupled with a bushy moustache. "Ok, Midoriya Izuko would you please come in and take the x-ray with me, and after that we will check on what findings we will have on your quirk."

Izuku excitedly followed the man inside the room while holding his All Might action figure while foolishly grinning.

"Ok,the family of Izuku would you please come in and check the results of Izuku's diagnostics." After that Inko and Azula went to the room finding an excited kid waving around his action figure and a doctor who was lazily sitting on his chair.

"So mister? Do I have a chance at becoming a hero?" Midoriya said it passionately to the doctor as if awaiting his confirmation about his quirk. But as they say, the higher the expectations the higher the let down.

"You should just probably give up" As the doctor finished his sentence, the once passionate kid was immediately shot down by reality. Losing grip of his action figure and paling at every second, Izuku tightens his grip around his knees and is listening to every word of what the doctor says.

"Madam you're a fourth generation right? Usually kids around this age awaken their quirk at age 4, and for those who didn't it's likely that they wouldn't awaken them at all. As you can see here on Izuku's X-ray results, he has double joints around his toe which is kind of rare around but it doesn't qualify as a quirk." As the doctor was explaining the results to Inko, besides her a young Azula was clenching her fists so hard while staring blankly at her brother who was on the verge of tears.

"Mom, can we go home? I think Izu and I needs rest." Azula whispered to Inko as soon as she saw the doctor was done explaining to her mother.

"But Zula you haven't done your tests yet." Inko's concerned voice and her sad eyes was all Azula could see. Seeing her mother and brother on the verge of breakdown she decided the best decision would be to go home and ease of the atmosphere a little.

"Don't worry Mom, I already have my quirk but I just wanted it to be a surprise for...Zuzu." As Azula finished the end of her sentence she quickly looked at her brother still on the chair gripping his knees as hard as he could while preventing a single tear from shedding. "Zuzu, come here we're going home."

"Oh, Ok Nee I'm coming." all Azula got as a reply was a dispirited voice coming from the little brother he grew up with that was full of spirit and enthusiasm.

Inside the car while going back to their home, all you could hear was the sound of cars passing by. Inko was steadily focused on driving and Izuku was looking at the window devoid of any emotion, Azula was on her side of the seat looking concerned at her brother.

As they reached their home the apathetic voice of Izuku could be heard.

"Mom...could we play that video again?.." While saying this, Izuku looked at Inko almost begging for her answer. As Inko was looking at her son at the point of breaking down, she couldn't find anything else to say or comfort him but she just followed Izuku to the family computer and played the video of All Might's first debut.

After repeating Izuku watched the video and repeated the scene where All Might saved all the people he tearingly said. "Mom....I could him..right?" as Izuku was saying these lines, tears was flowing out of his eyes.

Inko watched her son's previous happy go lucky attitude break right in front of her eyes, she couldn't help but cry and only apologize as if blaming herself that she was the reason why Izuku didn't have any quirk. "Sorry Izu, I'm so sorry. It's my fault...everything's my fault."

Azula could do nothing and watch as her family break down.She couldn't do anything to comfort them, she didn't know how all she knew was to kill and manipulate everything around her, 4 years of lifestyle may soften her but her previous life couldn't just be overwritten by some promises she made based on her 4 years of living. But as she saw her brother's dream get crushed right in front of her eyes and her as her mother take all the blame for it, flames other than rage and pride took place on her heart. It was the desire to protect the family she never 'truly' had.