Chapter 7

A bright and hot sun was blazing across the city, outside one of the rooms of the apartment complex there were two students hurrying to go outside, their uniforms were all messy and they still have some damp hair. The two students were at the front of the door saying goodbye to their Mom.

"Izu, Zula take care okay? And you Zula can you please stop having fights with Bakugo? Really you always end up with crumpled clothes afterwards." Inko said the last part almost pleading for her only daughter to sometimes act like a girl, ' Even as a child Zula is always like this, when will she act more feminine, it's not like I don't like her actions of protecting her brother but she just acts too mature for her age. I can't even feel like a mother around her, unlike Izu atleast he acted like a normal kid.' as Inko was grumbling in her own thoughts she saw Azula in front of her getting more annoyed at what she had said, with a sigh of helplessness she can only support the actions of her odd child.

"Bye Mom, Oh can you please make me some sweets later? Love you." As Azula finished her words, she grabbed Izuku's hands and pulled so hard Izuku almost lost balance. With Azula pulling him so hard he can only run on the same direction as her, with no time to say goodbye to his mother Izuku can only turn his head back and wave his hand goodbye in the air while eyeing his mother do the same, albeit with a motherly smile adorned on her face.

"Nee come on, you don't need to pull me I can run on my own." Izuku grumbled to Azula as he can't free his hand around her grip, by this time Azula who was wearing her hair in a characteristic bun she had on her previous life coupled with her crumpled uniform and boyish attitude exuded a tomboyish air around her, suddenly stopped and looked at the scene happening in front of her eyes.


In the middle of the train tracks there was a giant man with angular facial structure was now wreaking havoc on the train tracks, for clarifications if the guy only wore some cavemen clothing and had a club he would be considered a 'Giant'. Too bad he wore the full thug attire a full on denim jacket and some oversized golden chains as accessory.

As Azula stopped holding Izuku by the hand and was ready to protect him, Izuku this time without hesitation pulled Azula into the crowd of people who was watching the scene unfold much closer.


As they got much closer to the mob the metal cables and pillars connecting the bridge and train to the tracks fell due to the sudden swing of the giant. It was then that a guy whose arms were equipped with a gauntlet made of steel that supported the falling pillar from harming anyone below, while the buff guy was supporting the pillar a thin man wearing a full fireman's protective gear appeared creating a water barricade out of his hose like sleeve surrounding the people near him, stragely enough the water barrier formed some warning signs with a simple cross shaped patterns to convey danger. Although it didn't help that there were still many people watching.

As the giant went more berserk in his actions and trying to escape from the ruckus he caused, a man with wood for a skin bolted through the crown jumping from any vantage point he could find. When the twins could finally see who was the man that bolted through Izuku suddenly fanboyed that it drew the irritation of his sister.

"Nee look it's Kamui woods, he's a young hero who bolted through the ranks. He may be an upstart but he's good!"

"Yeah, yeah, tone it down will ya. You're gonna annoy some people in the streets with all your fanboying." The voice sounded irritated and helpless at the same time and as she looked towards her brother, she suddenly saw her brother eyes shine brightly.

"Nee look, it's Kamuis special move. Look Look he's gonna bind him in a second."


A giant flying feet came from nowhere as the hero Kamui was about to bind the villain, It came from a tightly dressed woman in a suit showing off her curves, the woman then introduced herself as a new hero and it is her debut while doing some poses here and there.

"Hey Izu! Look away DONT WATCH THAT WOMAN!" Azula partially screamed while turning her back to see her brother only scribbling and muttering on his notebook. 'So here is it again huh? What number is it now 13? when is he gonna quit it, I mean even he knows that he won't be a hero right? No! That's this dream, I will make him a hero either by hook or by crook Ican't let this unequal world ruin my brothers dream. I will become a hero so powerful that he won't be hurt while being my sidekick, atleast that way he will still become a hero while under my protection. I wouldn't let any harm even get a step close to him'.


Azula smacked Izuku on his head to stop him from muttering. "Come on we'll be late, The trains are out of order today let's run!" While running Izu's voice could be heard.

"Nee wait for me! I'll be late!"



The bells rang melodously in the entire school, It was time to go home. The school was unpleasantly rowdy as it was almost graduation and many of the middle school students were thinking of where to go or attend to on their next phase of life.

As Azula was walking towards the building where her twin brother was studying, she suddenly felt something falling behind her. As the thing fell, It made a small splash to where the small pond was. Azula looked back and saw a slightly burned notebook full of scribbles and some odd drawings.

"Wait, isn't this Izu's notebook? Why is it in this state? Don't tell me Sparky is harassing Zuzu again!?, I'LL KILL THAT DOUCHE BAG!" bellowed Azula, as Azula was hurriedly going to Izu's room when she suddenly saw Izu heading to her direction in an anxious manner.

"SO! ZUZU! TELL ME DID THAT SPARKY HARASSED YOU AGAIN!?" As Azula was screaming at Izu she saw Izu's roughed up face with some scratches here and there trying to leases her anger down.

"Nee let's go home, it's nothing really. Let's just go home."


"NEE! P-please...l-let's just go home...I want to be alone" Izuku stuttered on some parts before conveying some of the words he had to say, Although it didn't sound any confident it was the type that would not budge at all.

Azula sighed as a response before saying concerningly, "Are you sure? We could talk to him you know?"

"Yes, I want to go home."


*Click Clack Click Clack

The sounds of two footsteps walking down the road was all the noise that was made between the two, both of them didn't talk but the two looks like they want to explain something to the other party but just can't. As the awkward atmosphere continued, they continued walking until they came under a bridge where there were no one around. Izu slowly turned towards Azula with his fists balled up while having his eyes all teary.

"Nee...I-I can't just... I can't rely on you all the time...Everytime I need help you were always there, Even if I just got some would come...I-I...I would like to be not treated as a baby...I'm not fragile...I can handle myself!" Izu's emotional voice echoed under the bridge.

With Izu's outburst Azula was stunned at the words Izuku bellowed. All she could do was look at her twin brother. Messy hair, balled up fists, red teary eyes, and some scratches here and there. Although the messy appearance made him look meek, the determination to be strong can't be hidden. It was this look that caused Azula to be confused.

'Am I wrong? Didn't I protect him? Isn't that what I'm supposed to do? If it's wrong then what am I gonna do? I don't want to lose my brother...I don't want the same thing to happen again...I...I don't want to be alone.. ' As Azula was having a mental breakdown some thing was flowing outside the sewers.

*Swish Swish

Azula was too distracted thinking about what to do when suddenly, the slimy thing flowing outside the sewers suddenly flew towards Izuku. The sudden action schocked Azula who was surprised at the event that just happened. Izuku was now almost enveloped by a man that has slimy mucus for a body, The man was trying to drown Izuku inside his own body.

"Noooooo! Get your slimy hands off of him!" Azula shouted to the sludge man as she formed a fire whip, The whip was only about 5 meters long since they are under a bridge where space is limited and she can't exert too much firepower directly since Izuku might get hurt.

As the whips lashed the sides of the sludge man avoiding Izu, It doesn't mean the sludge man was doing nothing. It was using Izu's body as a shield preventing Azula from hitting any of its vital parts. Azula could only hit the tentacles surrounding the sludge man.

"Hehehe, young can't hit me with your precious little brother here can't you!? hehehehe, Just let me use your brother to escape young missy hehehehe."

As Azuka was still swinging her fire whip all around the corner of the sludge man out of nowhere a defeaning voice echoed under the bridge.

"Worry not! FOR I AM HERE!"

The iconic voice accompanied by a gust of wind came rushing straight to the entrance point of the tunnel. It was All Might dressed in a tight white shirt coupled with loose shorts. In All Might's views he could see the villain he left off earlier now harassing a young boy who is now passed out while a girl is constantly whipping the villain with her fire whip but it came with no viewable effect.

With fists getting ready for a punch, All Might regulated the force of his punch to limit the damage that will be done to the bridge while simultaneously directing all the force to the villain.

"Delaware SMASH!!!"

With a shout, the punch he threw created a pressurized air cannon that shot straight to the villain separating him from Izuku. And now that the villain has been taken care of, all that's left is a now exhausted Azula constantly worrying if she might have done something wrong and a fidgety All Might.

"So...How are you gonna take care of the villain? you can't contain him can you?" Azula said that to get rid of the awkward atmosphere and distract herself from her doubts.

"Well..Young lady, to answer your question...I have this!" Standing proudly with chest out, He presented a roughed up cola bottle obviously picked from the bin somewhere.

After that proud declaration, with a small grunt All Might hyped himself and squatted immediately to scoop out the slime fallen on to the ground. The small tunnel was now filled with noises of All Might coaxing all the slime into the small cola bottle and the heavy breathing of Azula trying to catch her breath.

"Hey, buff guy can you wait a little? my brother wants to see you...atleast when he's awake."


All Might said this with his thumb raised up laced with his goofy smile, It gave him a comical look. Although he was trying to be funny to ease the tension, Azula still somehow looked troubled by something.

With no choice All Might could only wait, signing some of Izuku's notebook and all. It could be his experience telling him that the boy is a bona fide fan boy and would love to have so of his signature. And they waited and waited, until after 15 minutes passed by and Izuku is finally showing signs of waking up.

"Uuughh...Where am I?" with a morning voice Izuku could only run his eyes and try to process what happened to him that led to this event. Recalling the previous argument and the sudden attack out of nowhere, He also recalled his sister's enraged shout when he was attacked 'Am I always gonna be like this? Am I always gonna rely on nee-chan, why was I even born quirkles...' with a quick thought the determination in him to get stronger surged even stronger than before. But with no path to becoming strong all Izu could do was assess his current situation.

"Eeeeeh!? All Might!? Is that you? Can I have your autograph? Can I talk to you? oooohhhh!" Finally seeing his all time idol, He quickly turned into a fan boy in an instant.

"Hahahahah, I have already signed it my boy, and no, I have things to do. Well then, since you are awake it's time for me to go" without missing a beat, All Might got ready to head back. But what he didn't account for was Izuku still hesitating to what to do.

As All Might jumped into the air, something was hanging onto his cargo pants, well someone. Izuku was tightly hanging onto the pants with his dear life on the stake.

"All Might! Can we talk!? It will only take a bit of your time!" Shouted the struggling Izuku, It was only normal. With the winds blowing right in your face at almost 40 kilometers/hour you needed to shout for the other person to hear you.

With an helpless sigh, All Might could only relent to this super fan boy. Just this action baffled All Might, What did this boy want? I'm almost at my limit.

"Ok boy, but we'll make this quick."