Chapter 8

With a depressing atmosphere sorrounding Izu, eyes looking like a dead fish coupled with his wobbly legs devoid of strength, he walked towards his home as if his spirit was sucked out of his body.

30 mins earlier

"You can't be a hero without a quirk kid, this profession isn't all fun and games" with a depressing tone the now skeletal framed All Might lifted up his crumpled shirt revealing a gruesome sight, a wound enveloping half of his upper body. Seeing the not yet fully healed wound still pulsing with red blood seemingly so fragile that it would bleed upon being touched,Izuku the young child's belief was broken. The undefeated and most powerful hero that could defeat any one with one punch *(Baldy) ended up in such a sorry state.

Current time

'argghhh, so that's it huh? even my hero said that I couldn't becone a hero. Am I gonna be behind my sister all the time? heh, so she's gonna be the pride of the family and I'm gonna be the disappoinment. I should've known. Maybe I could be like snipe and have a gun and bullshit my way through, I could be known as glock. But what would happen to me after? Am I going to jail? Am I really gonna be a hero with just a gun? Am I really worth nothing?' With disappointing thoughts whirling around Izu's head all he could do was continue walking towards his home until.

"Hey kid! watch where you're going. I heard there's a villain attacking a student right ahead"

As Izu heard this he finally became aware of his surroundings and snapped out of his thoughts. There he saw a crowd forming around the corner of a sketchy alley, with his curiosity brewing Izu decided to watch what was happening.

Azula's POV

'Wait, what's happening? Why is everyone gathering around an alleyway? Is that Izu? ok, better catch up to him'

Azula quickly arrived to the supposed crowd and there she saw her beloved brother's mangled up expression. While getting concerned for what's happening to his brother, Izu suddenly ran towards where she guessed the source of the crowd would be with a strained and forced smile on his face clearly reflecting fear and hesitation. Azula was somehow stunned and didn't know what to do, all she could do is watch and finally see what the crowd is centering around.

'Hey!! Isn't that the slime bastard that attacked us earlier!? How did it come back? Wait, why did Izu suddenly jumped? YOU'RE NOT THE TARGET!? WHY WOULD YOU BE AN IDIOT AND JUMP? AND BESIDES ISN'T THAT THE SPIKY HAIRED DICK WHO WOULD ALWAYS HARASS YOU!? DON'T BE A HERO WHEN YOU'RE NOT!!'

While Azula was internally screaming and trying to process what came through his brothers head a white flash suddenly appeared in the corner of her vision, and even before she could even react to the flash of light the current scene in front of her suddenly changed to a buff man uppercuting the slime to smithereens. The wind generated by this punch was enough to cause a gale around the vicinity almost toppling every civilian closer to the impact and relieving Azula out of her stupor.

After getting rid of the slime like creature not fit to be in any video of the adult sorts by any means was out of sight, the police as their usual way of operations was there to clean things up. Although in this type of world where heroes is up and about some would think that there would be no need for the police force, well you're somewhat right and somewhat wrong, you see the police is needed in the form of a knife for the government, controlling files, arresting and getting rid of 'dangerous' individuals, manipulating public order and morale to the citizens, and a way the government could dispatch 'work' not fit to be done by a hero.

This type of system makes it easier for the government to hide things. The heroes could get all the high and glories while the police force would be an unassuming force there to do the dirty work while being hidden.

Anyway, after all the commotion happened and the almighty police and medics came, all that was needed was an temporary therapy session for our little spiky dickhead in case of trauma and some earful of nagging to some green haired 14 wannabe hero.

Azula now seeing her brother getting his well deserved earful by some heroes finally felt as if something was lifted up her shoulder. Although she's still pissed about her brothers action, Azula was now contemplating on why his brother acted the way he did.

'Why did Izu jump directly to save that spiky haired bastard? isn't he the one to cause him pain and lose trust in himself?' As Azula was thinking about how absurd her brothers action was, she decided to see and ask Izu about it upfront but what she saw surprised her.

She saw Izu's smile as if he found what he loved, pure happiness from the bottom of his heart, not minding the lesson he's receiving, smiling ear to ear with newly dried tears still streaking his relieved face.


As Azula was storming right through in the middle of the crowd still hidden from Izuku's point of view, she suddenly heard his brother answer one of the questions he was being asked.

"Hey kid, what possed you're mind to think about running straight to the villain?" asked the buff hero with concrete for bracelets to Izuku curiously while visibly pondering why would a 14 year old kid would even have the though of running straight into a sticky situation.

"I don't know mister, All I know is that if I didn't I probably would have regretted it for all my life. Although I didn't have any power to save anyone, I want to be strong. I want to save others, and most importantly I want the respect of someone dear to me." Izuku answered firmly with glimmer across his eye showing determination to become strong no matter what it takes, either breaking all the bones in his body or die trying.

Now seeing Izuku deliver his shounen protagonist speech complete with sunlight hitting right above him almost giving him a halo coupled with his fist clenched for some unknown reason. All Azula could do was return home while avoiding contact with Izu as she ponders about how to deal with the situation she can't comprehend. Unbeknownst to everybody present a certain skeleton faced individual who now is coming back to the dark alley after escaping the following media to check on Izu, is now almost ashamed of himself while the hearing words that came out of Izu's mouth. 'And to think I berated the boy, He is more qualified to be a hero that anyone I've considered as a sucessor, he jumped right in without thinking of the consequences, and here I am thinking of a puny limit without considering the boy in danger, Hah! I'm pathetic'