Chapter 9

Dawn, It was a beautiful sight. The sun painted the sky in a beautiful colour, orange hue painted all the things the light touched. As Azula was walking towards her home a couple of block away in a somber mood she saw something unbelievable. A skeletal faced man facing her twin brother while offering something she clearly knew Izu won't refuse.

"Young man, Will you accept my power and become the next symbol of peace in my stead?"

"But how? Is it even possible? It's impossible" Izuku Midoriya said the last part in a hopeless tone, Midoriya now muttering how impossible the statement All Might just said is now wallowing in despair now overthinking that he won't become a hero that he wants himself to be.

"It's not impossible young man, for you see my power isn't all there is to it. I am not born with this power, I inherited it from my master" All Might said in a melancholic tone almost as if he was reminiscing about a sweet memory.

After this declaration All Might went on a tangent about how the quirk works and it's origins and even how he got his injury. Without them knowing a girl clearly worried about the wellbeing of her brother is listening to it all now getting more and more concerned about how things will go through. And as finally All Might was finishing his Plus Ultra ass long monologue he finally repeated his previous question but now with a resolute tone to it.

"Now my boy, Will you inherit One for All and become my student?"

Before Midoriya could even answer a loud voice could be heard right around the corner of the street. "NOOO! I would never accept this!"

As All Might was registering who this girl was, his protege to be turned to the voice clearly shocked and now with tears forming at the corner of his eyes.

"Why nee-chan? All I want is to be strong like you, All I want for you is to not baby me anymore, I'm not a child! I can handle myself! All I want for you is to respect me as your brother not because we're siblings but because I can be strong like you!" Midoriya shouted back at Azula with great vigour also letting out some of his grievances at how Azula treated him throughout the years.

"IZU! YOU ARE A BOY! YOU'RE STILL 14!" retorted Azula...This is all Azula can do to somehow persuade Midoriya, she really can't pin the blame on Izu because that's how she treated him in Izu's eyes.


With this silence filled the area, two kids are facing each other with neither of them backing out while a skeletal framed dude was awkwardly watching this confrontation unfold not clear on how to adress the situation. Clearly hoping to ease of the situation and even hoping to end it, All Might asked the question again clearly hoping to get a clear answer.

"Sooo boy, what are you gonna choose?"

"Yes sir!...and you can't do nothing about it!"

Midoriya said the last part aggressively while turning his head to Azula.

With things heading as it is Azula can't do anything about the choice of his brother, she may have the ability to force Izuku but that doesn't mean she won't get a reaction, this may involve hatred and aversion towards her both of which she really don't want. Left with no choice All Azula could do was supervise Izu's training while somehow training her own body to regain the power she once had.

"Hey All Might, if I agree to this shenanigans I would like to have certain conditions ok? first would be to watch over Izuku as he trains as a form of supervision towards him and to consider me if you and Izu are making a large decision, It isn't just you and my brother here All Might, it concerns me and my mother as well." Azula said this as she gave the most serious 'I will kill you face' she had coupled with her 14 year old face still having baby fat is kinda cute and menacing at the same time

Trying hard not to laugh All Might could only look down and snicker silently at the face of what's happening, and after recollecting himself he suddenly became buff while raising his hand in a thumbs up motion.

"OK! we will immediately start training tomorrow, find me at this place"

Fumbling through his phone All Might showed Azula where they would meet up, it was the beach 'technically'. After that All Might turned to his future protege and said

"There you have it young man, she agreed to this and now you are my successor. I hope to see you at the beach together with your sister, farewell." Saying this part All Might jumped into the horizon leaving behind a speechless boy currently not processing what happened.

He could now become a hero, the symbol of peace no less. Full of adrenaline pumping through his veins Midoriya almost wanted to shout and laugh merrily but alas, he saw the stern look his sister gave him.


Is the message it gave, and from the looks of it it has a high chance of happening.

"You and I will be having a fair bit of talk later, now go I will be following you. After all you have this disease where you suddenly run up to trouble right?" Now without her usual sarcasm Azula said this in the most plain voice possible, but instead of the normal reaction you would expect in a normal conversation this voice evoking fear towards a certain green haired kid.

"Yes nee" This is the only answer Izu could muster, knowing full well he would have an earful of nagging later all he could do was practice some lines inside his head which may or may not bring the desired reaction he would like to have.

And thus the two journeyed back to their home, one was in a heavy mood as if expecting a war while the other was glaring as if having a quirk that could shoot lasers from her eyes.